Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores. FITS 6000 SERIES SPFH. Call, email, or visit sloans.com for the current location of this item.
Always shedded and well taken care of. 2-row wide ,electronic controls,original knifes,finger feed windrow pickup always shedded J D 3960 wide 2 row field harvester windrow & blower.
Header Height sensors, Manual Row sense. ***QUALIFIES FOR 0% UP TO 60 MONTHS*** 2013 John Deere 778 Rotary Corn head, 7000 Series Hookups. New knives, call today.
Roller compressor & alfalfa plate, auto lube, hyd guage wheels, pin auger, trash screen, aut lift linkage on auger, HD clutch, 100 hours used, only available with purchase of a chopper
Lancaster Silo, Inc. Air Compressor and cooler for a JD 5830. If you have a catalog we would like to receive one. 2008 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 17602 visit website.