Mounts for John Deere 5000 to 7000 series harvesters. Sold with warranty. Over $9,000.00 spent in reconditioning! Local trade, farmer owned, no custom work, and totally gone through.
Good knives and no blower patches. Good knives and no blower patches asking $950.00. New Holland Forage Chopper Model 36. Asking $950.00. Please e-mail for photos and for questions.
Barely Used 649 Windrow Pickup For more information please call or even better TEXT us at 1-866-709-4733 and just let us know which stock number or model you are interested in getting more information on.
***QUALIFIES FOR 0% UP TO 60 MONTHS*** 2012 JD 770 Rotary header. All the options including RowSense sensor and Header Height Control Sensors!! New Clutches and Looks Great!!