Two Week Sale Price! Quality Northern Indiana Combine, 520/85R42 Duals, JD Yield and Moisture, Bin Ext, Contour Master, Single Point, 600 Rear Tires **Financing Available Onsite and Online thru Farm Credit Services, AgDirect, and AgriCredit -- Call for...
Feel free to call or stop by the store if you have any questions we can help to answer. Notes - We did not use this rake ourselves, but we did lend it to a local farmer to use, and he reported that it worked fine for him.
Cimbria Delta Super 105 Grain Cleaner - Screen Cleaner with Fan Aspirated Pre-Cleaning, Fine Cleaning Settings, After Suction, Suitable for Cleaning All Grain and Seeds with Matching Screens; Commercial grade seeder cleaner, for use cleaning and grading...
Field Tested: *Scroll to Bottom of Page to See 200 Detailed Photos: Chopper with PowerCast Tailboard, 480 Duals (Singles Available), Contour Master, Premium Cab with HID Lighting and XM Radio, High Torque Variable Speed Feederhouse, JD Bin Extension (Mauer...