Shanghai xinran company 5)composition in fresh wood can be recycle for food, medicine and forage; 6) Harmful composition in fresh wood will be rejected,we will get good quality timber powder ,meanwhile we will get good quality production that made...
7' New Holland Model 451 sickle bar mower. 7'New Holland model 451 sickle bar mower. Several extra 7' and 9' cutter bars are included with price. Extra cutter bars are included with sale.
The Lacerator was designed by livestock men to capture the nutrients in growing grass and other silage plants for use by the animal. Couple the Lacerator with a Buckton wagon and silage grab and you can make silage for about 1/2 the cost of hay.
Barely Used 649 Windrow Pickup For more information please call or even better TEXT us at 1-866-709-4733 and just let us know which stock number or model you are interested in getting more information on.
Serial Number: 1KM0649GJGG127799
Model: 649
Other: Auto PTO Coupler, Top Flight Reinforcement
Warranty Notes: Warranty Expired. Used Warranty is Available.
Over $9,000.00 spent in reconditioning! Local trade, farmer owned, no custom work, and totally gone through. Sold with warranty. Mounts for John Deere 5000 to 7000 series harvesters.
2-z12882 housing,2-z13044 housing,1-az52395 chute,2-lca56487 strippers, also 2 new shafts and misc parts Some are new and wrapped.others used very little. Parts and misc for 6950 forage harvestor ans kemper head.
They are good quality fertilized Crab & Bahaiaia grass hay. But I am able to load. Fertilized Crab & Bahaiaia grass hay for sale can load, but not able to deliver. $30.00 per bail, not able to deliver.
2-row wide ,electronic controls,original knifes,finger feed windrow pickup always shedded Always shedded and well taken care of. J D 3960 wide 2 row field harvester windrow & blower.