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How Are Strawberries Processed?
Everbearing plants produce strawberries gradually throughout the growing season, while June-bearing plants produce one large crop for harvest, and are the preferred type for industrial production.Once strawberries are field picked, they are stored in...
Santa Monica
Preserving the Bounty, a Summary of Food Preservation (Part 3)
Store in a cool, dark, dry area.Dried foods store well at room temperature for a month. They have compartment in which to insert a fertilizer capsule. Refrigerate foods if they will be used within three months; freeze foods for storage periods between...
El Segundo
Preserving the Bounty, a Summary of Food Preservation (Part 1)
They are easy to replace and are readily available at hardware stores or by mail order.Many folks are afraid to use pressure canners. Some examples of foods that can be preserved by water bath canning are pickles, relishes, jams, butters, fruit preserves...
El Segundo
Free Dairy-processing Resource Released
The ALBC says its goal is to help farmers find niche outlets for their rare breeds and rare-breed products. As a result of this positive feedback, the ALBC wanted to provide anyone interested in getting involved with dairy processing with access to the...
5 Considerations When Processing Chickens
That day—you know, the one you marked on your calendar with a red “X” eight weeks after your chicks hatched—comes faster than you expect, and before you can say “chicken pot pie,” it's time to prep your meat chickens for harvesting.
Put Your Dehydrator to Use: Make Fruit Leathers at Home for Healthy, Delicious Snacks
You may want to refrigerate or freeze the fruit leather for longer storage, but somehow I don't think mine is going to be around that long. To eat, just unroll and peel the leather from the backing.
El Segundo
Beyond the Tomato, Planting for the Food Pantry
YUM!here on Dave's Garden to help keep your costs lower. Unfortunately, some kitchens are no longer allowed to accept produce (for safety reasons). Perhaps you can purchase bean seeds while a friend buys the peppers.
El Segundo
Mobile Processing for Backyard Chickens
Local communities that would normally protest the building of a permanent slaughter facility are more amenable to the mobile units, thus streamlining their purchase and implementation.
4 Ways to Harvest Veggies Safely and Efficiently
“If you're looking to move from home gardener to a legitimate farm business selling at a local farmers' market , the harvest process is especially something to take seriously and approach professionally,” says Atina Diffley, a national expert on organic...
How to Eat Persimmon Seeds
You can eat them right away, or place them in a glass jar for storage. Place them on paper towels to dry completely.Roasting persimmon seeds is similar to roasting pumpkin seeds. For hundreds of years, the common persimmon, or Diospyros virginiana L.,...
Santa Monica
How to Use a Colander to Remove Persimmon Seeds
You can remove seeds from ripe persimmons using a common household colander. Twist the fruit wedge until the flesh releases from the skin.Push the persimmon pulp through the colander.
Santa Monica
FDA To Tighten Rules On Compost Used on Food Crops
The pre-harvest application window for raw manure under the proposed rule is nine months prior to harvest.Although these regulations are aimed at commercial growers, I believe home gardeners who use compost containing animal matter might be wise to follow...
El Segundo
How to Keep Peaches From Ripening Too Fast
If you're got more peaches than you can enjoy quickly, eat a few and slow down the ripening process on the rest. Set the bag in the fridge in the crisper drawer. They may fully ripen before this, depending on how ripe they were when they were first refrigerated.
Santa Monica
Seven Life Processes of a Plant
Waste can be stored in the vacuoles of plant cells or in organs that will at some point fall off the plant--autumn leaves, for example. Respiration is essentially the opposite of photosynthesis, the process by which plants create food and matter.Plants...
Santa Monica
How to Make Sunless-Dried Tomatoes
Of fresh tomatoes in 6 lbs. Just a little seasoning goes a long way.The recipes I have consulted for making sun-dried tomatoes all call for garlic (fresh or powdered), salt (sea salt preferred), ground black pepper and/or hot red pepper, and various herbs...
El Segundo
Get the Most from Your Herbs III: Save Some for Later!
You've been pinching your herbs religiously, and your plants are bushy and beautiful. There are several methods for preserving herbs for later use.The simplest is to use them in pasta sauces and other recipes to be frozen or out the window at...
El Segundo
6 Things To Know Before Processing Chickens
If you're not butchering the birds yourself—and even if you are!—make sure you have all of your ducks … er, chicks … in a row with these preparation tips. Call the processors in your area.
How Does a Plant Convert Light Energy to Chemical Energy?
Roots take in water from the ground and transport it to leaves.Sunlight provides the energy needed to tear apart water and carbon dioxide molecules so they can be rearranged into sugar molecules.
Santa Monica
What Types of Bacteria Produce Endospores?
Endospores are formed when bacteria are subjected to extreme or adverse environmental conditions. They can survive for long periods even when starved of food and when exposed to chemicals and temperatures that would normally kill the bacteria.Endospores...
Santa Monica
How to Make Your Own Agar for Orchids
Home growers imitate this relationship by sowing orchid seeds on a gelled, algae-based nutrient solution known as agar. The amount of each used will depend on the amount of growing medium desired, but a sample mixture would have the following ingredient...
Santa Monica
My Orchid Flowers Are Wilting
Gradually acclimate a wilting orchid by placing it in sunlight for a few hours each day.Like many tropical exotics, orchids require even soil moisture at all times. These plants prefer about a 10-degree difference between the daytime and nighttime temperatures.
Santa Monica
How to Tell If Limes Are Ripe
Unripened limes tend to be dry and lack flavor, so your marinades, cocktails and savory dishes will lack that oomph. It should give a little when you squeeze it but still firm, not soft.
Santa Monica
Can You Juice Celery Leaves?
Celery juice can taste bitter, so add the juice of the stalk and the leaves to other vegetables such as carrots or cucumbers, or a sweet fruit such as a green apple. Most fruits and vegetables are considered alkaline foods, and eating them can help balance...
Santa Monica
How to Eat Asian Pears
The core contains seeds, much like an apple. You can use either a paring knife or a vegetable peeler. The skin of most brown varieties of Asian Pears are edible, however they are thick and tough, so these fruits are best eaten peeled.
Santa Monica
How to Make Orchid Fertilizer
Although they require little fertilizing, providing proper nutrients will help them to thrive, and you can make your own orchid fertilizer.Place ½ lb. The remaining water is a rich source of calcium for plants.Dilute 1 tsp.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Key Lime Trees From Seed
Key lime trees do best in a Mediterranean climate, meaning they need consistent warmth and a lot of direct sunlight. If you do not live in these conditions and can't simulate them indoors, then it is not recommended that you grow key lime trees.Fill the...
Santa Monica
Herbs That Kill Bacteria
Goldenseal also helps to settle an upset stomach, and is an herbal remedy to kill the bacteria that causes urinary tract infections.Garlic is so potent and beneficial to the body's health that Egyptians used the food as currency, according to the Natural...
Santa Monica