Gardening with variegated plants offers a host of interesting opportunities to accent and brighten regular foliage as well as provide a unique foil for flowering specimens. Seasonal color changes, different shapes, dramatic hues and even variegated leaves...
They can also tone down bright colors. The main reason for this is their hairy foliage or the waxy texture that some silver leaf plants have. They can add unique interest anywhere, working well on their own as focal points or with other plants.
We specialise in disposable plant culture tubs used for plant propagation. We also trade in Tissue Cultured Plants of different varieties. Biostok is a supplier of many products used in the nusery/biotech industry for both commercial and lab use.
KDP and its subsidiaries employ over 600 employees in more than 20 career fields. Kiawah Development Partners is an international developer of exclusive private golf clubs and resort communities.
In addition, the appearance of foliage may be modified by the presence of surface waxes or hairs that lend a bluish or silvery cast to a plant, and air spaces under the leaf surface can give rise to white patches or spotting.
These plants are also referred to as xanthophyllic when they have only the yellow coloration remaining. Though they do tend to grow a bit slower on the average. The plant on the left is a rare form of this naturally variegated plant, and has been cultivated...
These evergreen leaves are held on long petioles. The round basal foliage is shiny green, leathery, and often has a ... Galax plants in 25 bunches.Spike-like racemes of dainty, white flowers grow on leafless stalks, 8-15 in.
It is also used to reestablish depleted green spaces. If you wish to prevent self-sowing, remove seed heads before they mature. Is an excellent way to conserve water and rely less on pesticides and herbicides.
Many gardeners like tall flower scapes, but not every plant produces them. Yet, many gardeners still ask: should you let hosta grow flowers?Whether you want pure foliage or will accept hosta plant flowers is a matter of personal taste.
Even their pest problems aren't all that serious, though there are a few insects that affect yuccas. You can suppressby increasing the humidity around your yucca, but this could encourage fungal disease instead.
We will investigate each possibility to see if the cause can be narrowed down.Both fungal and viral diseases may produce spots on yucca leaves. As with fungal spots,Taking care to avoid black spots on yucca will keep your plant looking its best year round.
Determine where the halfway mark is on the trunk or a point where you wish to be pruning a yucca that is above the halfway point. Just make sure the yucca plant gets plenty of light while it is recovering.Though not exactly pruning, many people wonder...
The best time to transplant hostas is in the spring, but that's really because it's easier on you, the gardener, than on the transplant. Fill in around it with the enriched soil, mounding the soil around the clump until it's covered to a little over the...
If you plan on growing madder for dye for years to come, the best way to treat this long growing period is to plant several batches in your first year.Once the two growing seasons have passed, harvest only one batch and replace it the following spring...
The plant prefers soil rich in organic matter that will hold water. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. If you see brown, mushy decay and white fungal threads or fungal fruiting structures about the size of mustard seeds at the base of...
Signs of this insect are irregular notches along the outer edges of leaves. This disease usually results in yellow foliage, stunted growth, and root rot. Are popular perennials grown for their foliage.
Always consult a healthcare practitioner before preparing your own herbal remedies.Soapweed yucca is used to make shampoo and soap, and the leaves are woven into baskets. Southeastern yuccas tolerate moist soil as long as it drains well.
Drought is more common than root rot when plants are grown outdoors. Look at the growing conditions to differentiate between drought and over watering.– Shock occurs when the plant sustains physical damage, or there is a sudden change in growing conditions.
Ajuga won't flower well in full shade.Ajuga plants do best in moist, fertile soil. If you decide to do this, sow ajuga plant seeds in containers in fall or spring. Read on for information about propagating ajuga plants.Growing ajuga is easier than getting...
Lift the clump from its bottom (or root area) rather than by the fronds, which can lead to breakage. Read on to learn more., especially when all their basic needs are met. Ferns make wonderful additions to: In many areas it may be illegal to transplant...
However, it reached near extinction until recent conservation and restoration projects shed light on this almost forgotten plant.Historically, purple needlegrass was used as a food source and basket weaving material by Native Americans.
It can reach ½ to 2 feet in height (15 to 60 cm.) and has narrow flat leaves. Water from the bottom when in containers. The plant is tolerant of a wide variety of conditions but prefers a sunny, open area with moderate rainfall.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Even hardy varieties can have some damage if where you live is getting fluctuating temperatures.The best way to help a yucca during cold weather is to make sure that as little damage as possible happens to the yucca plant during a frost or freeze.Cold-sensitive...
Thereafter, yucca plants are drought tolerant and need water only occasionally during hot, dry periods.Fertilizer is rarely necessary, but if you think the plant needs a boost, provide a balanced, time-release fertilizer in spring.
Rosemary or green santolina and gray santolina are evergreen subshrubs that typically grow from 12 to 18 inches tall and spread out 3 to 5 feet to form a mounding groundcover. Simply scar the bottom of a branch and cover it with soil.