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Flowers Seeds For Sale In Vancouver

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Trachelium Lake Louise Purple
Prices start at : 4.15 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

Transplant in late spring-summer for summer-early fall flowering. The lacey lightly scented dark purple flowers initiate under long day conditions (needs 16 to 18 hours of day length or night interruption to initiate the large central umbel with smaller...
  • Plant type: annual
  • Soil temperature: 68 - 72 degrees fahrenheit
  • Plant height: 28-50"
  • Weeks indoor: 16 - 20 weeks
  • Germination days: 8 - 14 days
  • Plant spread: 6 - 8 inches
British Columbia
Verbena Obsession Cascade Purple Shades w/ Eye
Prices start at : 11.95 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

The first ever trailing Verbena series from seed. Choose these bright and bold colors to build a better basket or combo without the cost of vegetative varieties.

60 - 75 degrees fahrenheit

    • Plant height: 8-10"
    • Soil temperature: 60 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Weeks indoor: 8 - 16 weeks
    • Plant type: annual
    British Columbia
    Appleblossom Maverick, Geranium Seeds
    Prices start at : 30.00 USD / 100 Seeds

    Garden performance is superior to other varieties, with well-branched plants, 16 to 18″ tall. Appleblossom produces wonderful white to pink blooms! The Maverick Hybrid Geranium is a more vigorous plant with bigger 5-6″ flower heads! This is the best...
    • ? Dimensions
    • ? Weight
    • Zones: 1
    • Packet: 10 seeds
    • categories: Flowers
    • Size: 100 Seeds
    British Columbia
    Petunia Opera Supreme Raspberry Ice F1
    Prices start at : 18.10 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

    Opera Supreme petunias demonstrate less day-length sensitivity than some other series on the market, causing it to flower earlier in the production cycle. Opera Supreme petunias were bred for the mounded, yet low-growing plant habit that is covered with...
    • Plant height: 6-10"
    • Grow on temperature day: 61 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Weeks indoor: 10 - 16 weeks
    • Germination lighting: Light required
    • Germination days: 7 - 12 days
    British Columbia
    Viola Sorbet Coconut Swirl F1
    Prices start at : 13.15 USD / Seed/500 Seeds

    They are perfect for both spring and fall sales. Sorbet XP varieties offer growers a uniform plant habit with less need for PGR's and a tight flowering window. Always considered early bloomers, Sorbet XP's are low growing outdoors and will remain compact...
    • Plant type: annual
    • Grow on temperature day: 50 - 55 degrees fahrenheit
    • Soil temperature: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant spread: 10 - 10 inches
    • Germination lighting: Dark required
    British Columbia
    Pansy Cool Wave Mix
    Prices start at : 7.10 USD / Seed/Packet

    • Soil temperature: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant height: 6-8"
    • Plant spread: 24 - 30 inches
    • Germination lighting: Dark required
    • Plant type: annual
    British Columbia
    Petunia Ramblin\' Sky Blue
    Prices start at : 17.15 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

    Iridescent light blue.
    • Germination lighting: Light required
    • Germination days: 7 - 12 days
    • Weeks indoor: 8 - 12 weeks
    • Grow on temperature day: 61 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Grow on temperature night: 57 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
    British Columbia
    Nasturtium Whirlybird Mix
    Prices start at : 1.75 USD / Seed/Packet

    Large, spurless, semi-double flowers face upward over lush green foliage. A good nasturtium to use in mixed containers.
    • Grow on temperature night: 54 - 61 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant spread: 10 - 12 inches
    • Plant type: annual
    • Germination lighting: Dark required
    • Plant height: 12-14''
    British Columbia
    Snapdragon Rocket Rose F1
    Prices start at : 4.60 USD / Seed/500 Seeds

    Used frequently for field grown cut flowers. This outstanding heat tolerant strain has been a grower favorite for years. A super garden performer, the plants produce tall spikes that display bright, closely set florets on sturdy stems.
    • Soil temperature: 65 - 72 degrees fahrenheit
    • Maturation days: 120-150 days
    • Weeks indoor: 12 - 16 weeks
    • Germination days: 10 - 14 days
    • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
    British Columbia
    Dwarf Mix, Snapdragon Seeds
    Prices start at : 2.50 USD / Packet

    These are the a popular flowers to grow for home gardeners. It is controlled and does act like a wildflower. A beautiful snapdragon mix of dwarf flowers! Fairy Bouquet spurred snapdragon, aka Toadflax does not grow like its relative the buttercup and...
    • Seeds Per Ounce: 453125
    • Zones: 1
    • Weight: N/A
    • Botanical Name: Linaria maroccana
    • Packet: 50 seeds
    • categories: Flowers
    British Columbia
    Sunflower Vincent\'s Choice F1
    Prices start at : 2.99 USD / Seed/P. Allen Smith PKT – 50 Seeds

    Vincent's are an excellent series for both wholesale and retail markets, including Farmers' Markets and roadside stands. Better height is achieved under short days, yet plants do not grow too tall under long days.
    • Germination days: 4 - 8 days
    • Weeks indoor: 4 - 5 weeks
    • Grow on temperature day: 55 - 60 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant type: annual
    • Plant spread: 6 - 12 inches
    British Columbia
    Marigold Boy O\' Boy Mix
    Prices start at : 2.65 USD / Seed/Packet

    An ever-popular series of 1-1/2" crested flowers on compact well-branched plants.
    • Grow on temperature night: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
    • Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Germination days: 5 - 8 days
    • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 68 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant type: annual
    British Columbia
    Gomphrena Audray Pink
    Prices start at : 6.65 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

    As a cut flower, the Audray's can be sold in both wholesale and retail markets, and can be used both fresh or dried. Grow them in gallons for a tall home garden bedding plant. This well rounded series is an excellent choice for both bedding plant and...
    • Weeks indoor: 10 - 13 weeks
    • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
    • Germination lighting: Light required
    • Germination days: 5 - 10 days
    • Maturation days: 70-90 days
    British Columbia
    Petunia Merlin Rose Morn F1
    Prices start at : 9.15 USD / Seed/500 Seeds

    Early to bloom in the pack, the Merlins maintain a dwarf compact plant habit in the pack. When planted outdoors, they retain that compact habit, yet throw out a tremendous amount of 2 1/4" blooms.
    • Soil temperature: 72 - 76 degrees fahrenheit
    • Germination days: 7 - 12 days
    • Plant type: annual
    • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant height: 10"
    British Columbia
    Zinnia Zowie Yellow Flame F1
    Prices start at : 5.10 USD / Seed/Packet

    Its medium-tall garden height encourages 6" pot production, and flowers in approximately 8-10 weeks. This award-winning zinnia variety still reigns in popularity. The 3 to 4" semi-double blooms feature a unique combination of scarlet/rose centers with...
    • Grow on temperature day: 70 - 85 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant spread: 24 - 27 inches
    • Grow on temperature night: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
    • Germination lighting: Dark required
    • Weeks indoor: 5 - 10 weeks
    • Germination days: 5 - 10 days
    British Columbia
    Petunia Daddy Mix F1
    Prices start at : 1.75 USD / Seed/Packet

    A distinctive type, the Daddys feature extra-large ruffled flowers with prominently colored veins. They are well-known for earliness, uniformity and weather tolerance.
    • Germination lighting: Light required
    • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant spread: 10 - 12 inches
    • Plant height: 10"
    • Grow on temperature night: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
    British Columbia
    Gazania Big Kiss White F1
    Prices start at : 8.50 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

    Grow them for sale in 4" pots or larger, and they make an excellent show in both gardens and large single or mixed containers. Bigger is better with this variation of the standard Kiss series.
    • Plant type: annual
    • Germination days: 3 - 5 days
    • Weeks indoor: 10 - 15 weeks
    • Germination lighting: Dark required
    • Grow on temperature night: 55 - 60 degrees fahrenheit
    British Columbia
    Thunbergia Amber Eyes
    Prices start at : 8.35 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

    Ideal for small trellises, containers and hanging baskets. Amber Eyes is a marvelous complement to Blushing Susie and Spanish Eyes thunbergias. Plants are covered in masses of creamy yellow flowers with contrasting dark eyes which will keep your customer...
    • Plant height: climber
    • Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Grow on temperature day: 55 - 60 degrees fahrenheit
    • Germination days: 7 - 10 days
    British Columbia
    Sunflower Pro Cut Red F1
    Prices start at : 9.00 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

    Day length neutral. The single stemmed plants produce pollen-free, 3 to 4" flowers. An excellent choice for large scale sunflower production, the Pro Cut series can be used for both wholesale and retail markets.
    • Plant type: annual
    • Plant height: 60''
    • Plant spread: 6 - 12 inches
    • Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
    • Weeks indoor: 4 - 5 weeks
    British Columbia
    Impatiens Super Elfin Paradise Mix F1
    Prices start at : 6.55 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

    Although they don't fit into the XP criteria, the Super Elfin varieties are still popular sellers and continue to perform well for growers.
    • Plant height: 8-10"
    • Germination days: 3 - 6 days
    • Weeks indoor: 9 - 12 weeks
    • Grow on temperature night: 62 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
    • Plant type: annual
    British Columbia
    Impatiens Tumbler Violet F1
    Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

    Because of the Tumbler series' well branched mounding and trailing habit, fewer plants are needed to fill containers compared to standard impatiens varieties. The vigorous, well-branched plants fill containers quickly and easily, and mature into a trailing...
    • Weeks indoor: 9 - 12 weeks
    • Plant type: annual
    • Plant spread: 24 - 30 inches
    • Plant height: 12-14''
    • Germination lighting: Light required
    British Columbia
    Hordeum Variegated Cat Grass
    Prices start at : 5.05 USD / Seed/1 Ounce

    In as little as 2 weeks from sowing, this grass will reach 6" tall. Cat grass has also been used like wheatgrass for health-conscious juicers. Have your customers bring a touch of the outdoors inside with this attractive bright white and green grass.
    • Soil temperature: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
    • Germination days: 3 - 5 days
    • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
    British Columbia
    Verbena Obsession Cascade Red w/Eye
    Prices start at : 11.95 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

    The first ever trailing Verbena series from seed. Choose these bright and bold colors to build a better basket or combo without the cost of vegetative varieties.

    60 - 75 degrees fahrenheit

      • Plant spread: 18 - 24 inches
      • Soil temperature: 60 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
      • Weeks indoor: 8 - 16 weeks
      • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
      • Grow on temperature night: 55 - 60 degrees fahrenheit
      British Columbia
      Impatiens Accent Premium Red F1
      Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seed/Packet

      Recommended primarily for premium packs and pots, Accent Premiums can still be grown and sold in standard flats. The marketing leading Accent Premium series offers uniform flowering, an improved branching habit, plants that fill out packs and pots more...
      • Plant height: 10-12"
      • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
      • Soil temperature: 72 - 77 degrees fahrenheit
      • Germination days: 3 - 6 days
      • Plant type: annual
      British Columbia
      Pansy Delta Premium Blotch Mix F1
      Prices start at : 9.50 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

      Delta Premium varieties have been improved for uniformity of plant habit and flowering window across the range of colors. With flowers held upright on short sturdy stems, this series is also extremely weather tolerant.
      • Plant spread: 8 - 10 inches
      • Germination days: 4 - 15 days
      • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
      • Plant type: annual
      • Grow on temperature night: 50 - 55 degrees fahrenheit
      British Columbia
      Gomphrena Ping Pong Purple
      Prices start at : 2.99 USD / Seed/P. Allen Smith PKT – 50 Seeds

      Strong basal branching plants produce strong stems and a good vase life. It also adds height and dimension, making it terrific as a garden cut flower, fresh or dried. Ping Pong Purple delivers an explosion of color in containers and mass plantings.
      • Germination lighting: Light required
      • Plant type: annual
      • Weeks indoor: 10 - 13 weeks
      • Grow on temperature night: 55 - 60 degrees fahrenheit
      • Plant height: 16-20"
      British Columbia
      Zinnia Peppermint Stick Mix
      Prices start at : 1.55 USD / Seed/Packet

      An unusual, yet charming mixture of white, pale yellow, pink and orange medium-sized, double flowers - all with cherry red streaks or blotches.
      • Grow on temperature night: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
      • Weeks indoor: 2 - 3 weeks
      • Plant height: 28"
      • Maturation days: 60-80 days
      • Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
      • Germination lighting: Dark required
      British Columbia