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Flowering Shrub Evergreen Plant For Sale In Colorado

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Sheep Laurel Kalmia angustifolia
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* The narrow evergreen leaves, pale on the underside, have a tendency to form groups of threes, standing upright when newly put forth, but bent downward with the weight of age. * A very ornamental and variable plant.
  • Botanical Name: Kalmia angustifolia
  • Height: 3-4 feet
  • Collection Locale: New York
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Crop Year: 2013
  • Seeds Per Pound: 4,800,000
United States
Pieris Valley Rose
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

Plants that are deficient in Potassium, are usually growing more slowly than normal, have fewer flowers and seed, and are more susceptible to disease than plants with adequate levels of Potassium.
United States
Camellia Yuletide
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Always consult your Extension Service and your local camellia experts as to specific recommendations of fertilizers for your area. The first of these three numbers refers to Nitrogen, which is the primary element necessary for good, balanced growth within...
United States
Tobira Pittosporum, Japanese Cheesewood, Japanerse Mock-orange Pittosporum tobira
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* Very tolerant of pruning and maritime exposure, it can be grown as a wind resistant hedge. It can also be trimmed into a hedge . The inflorescence is a cluster of fragrant flowers occurring at the ends of branches.
  • Quantity: 1.53 lb
  • Height: 10-15 feet
  • Family: Pittosporaceae
  • Botanical Name: Pittosporum tobira
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Common Name: Tobira Pittosporum, Japanese Cheesewood, Japanerse Mock-orange
United States
Tigerstedt Rhododendron Rhododendron brachycarpum  Tigerstedtii
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* A beautiful very vigorous variety well know for its extreme cold hardiness.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,325,680
  • Genus: Rhododendron
  • Collection Locale: Finland
  • Height: 4-8 feet
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 156
  • Variety: Tigerstedtii
United States
Mayo Sophora macrocarpa
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Mayo or Mayu (Sophora macrocarpa) is a small tree that inhabits the Chilean Matorral.
  • Species: macrocarpa
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 22
  • Botanical Name: Sophora macrocarpa
  • Lot#: 9601
  • Crop Year: 1996
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
United States
Japanese Fatsia, Paperplant, Japanese Aralia Fatsia japonica     - Aralia sieboldii
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Bold, shiny, dark green palmate leaves more than 1' across; forms a large, rounded, open shrub; white flowers in fall; should be grown in shade, as sun and wind brown the leaves; often grown as a house plant; native to Japan.
  • Crop Year: 2007
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 115
  • Height: 10-15 feet
  • Botanical Name: Fatsia japonica
  • Common Name: Japanese Fatsia, Paperplant, Japanese Aralia
  • Germination: 98%
United States
Mountain Laurel, Spoonwood Kalmia latifolia
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

A very ornamental plant. Mountain-laurel is the state flower of Connecticut and Pennsylvania . Prefers almost full sun. * A lovely evergreen plant for cool, acid, woodsy conditions such as rhododendrons like; 1" flowers in rounded clusters at branch tips,...
  • Genus: Kalmia
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 880
  • Seeds Per Pound: 14,000,500
  • Common Name: Mountain Laurel, Spoonwood
  • Height: 6-9 feet
  • Collection Locale: Pennsylvania
United States
Autumn Sunburst Encore Azalea
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

The next year's blossoms typically start forming at the beginning of July, so you must prune an azalea bush before then. Pruning a specific plant to look a specific way, involves art in creating a unique definition for a specific plant, and it involves...
United States
Greenleaf Manzanita Arctostaphylos patula
Price : CALL

The fruit can also be used for making jelly and cider. * The fully ripe fruit is pleasantly acid with a flavour resembling green apples. It is low to the ground with some of the lower branches rooting in the soil and others extending more outward than...
  • Common Name: Greenleaf Manzanita
  • Botanical Name: Arctostaphylos patula
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Height: 3-6 feet
United States
Female Christmas Holly
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

One male plant will pollinate up to five female plants. Looks best if trimmed to a compact 4-6 feet. As an evergreen hedge, plant 2-4 feet apart, as individual specimens plant 6-8' apart.
  • Season Color: Winter
  • Genus: Ilex m. 'Blue Girl'
  • Max Height (feet): 8
  • Zones: 4-9
  • Colors: Green
United States
Otto Luyken Cherry Laurel
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

Minor elements that are not included in the three numbers listing on the front of fertilizer bags are very important considerations when choosing your fertilizer. The glossy pointy leaves are highly ornamental and remain dark green throughout the winter.
United States
Camellia April Dawn (Camellia japonica)
Prices start at : 54.95 USD / 3 GAL

If your plants are well established, and you are not concerned about more growth, choose a fertilizer that has a smaller first number, and a larger second and third number. In choosing the basic type of fertilizer for your Camellia April Dawn, it is important...
United States
Sensation Lilac
Prices start at : 11.49 USD / each

Attracts butterflies, deer resistant, good for cutting. Outstanding bicolor features 8-12'' clusters of purple blooms with distinctive white edging. Create a sensation in your yard with the Sensation Lilac.
  • Zones: 3-7
  • Season Color: Spring
  • Deer Resistant: No
  • Max Height (feet): 15
  • Colors: Purple, White
United States
Polar Night Rhododendron
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / each

Blooms mid-late season. When just beginning to show color the flowerbuds on Polar Night Rhododendron are so dark they appear black and then maintain a rich deep dark purple bloom. Polar Night blooms mid-late season and is a compact 3' tall by 6' wide.
  • Plant Lighting: Partial Sun/Shade
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
  • Max Height (feet): 3
  • Spread: 6'
United States
Fragrant Olive, Sweet Osmanthus Osmanthus fragrans
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

The flowers have a scent of apricots. Kinmokusei ; also known as Sweet Olive, Tea Olive and Fragrant Olive) is a species of Osmanthus native to Asia , from the Himalaya east through southern China ( Guizhou , Sichuan , Yunnan ) and to Taiwan and to southern...
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Seeds Per Pound: 2,062
  • Species: fragrans
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Family: Oleaceae
  • Crop Year: 2018
United States
Camellia Winters Joy
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Be careful with products such as miracle-grow as these products can burn newly planted plants when not used at the recommended rates. We highly recommend that you mulch your Camellia Winters Joy with either a ground hardwood mulch or a ground cypress...
United States
Firepower Nandina
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

Firepower Nandina is very easy to grow, however it may be helpful to know that a very small plant which is planted in the ground will take about 1/8 – 1/4 cup of espoma organic fertilizer.
United States
Bridal White Jumbo 10-15\'\' Spirea
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / each

Drought resistant, attracts butterflies. Hardy even in coldest areas, grows and blooms in sun or shade, in any soil and tolerates smoke. A cascading waterfall of white, as it blooms in June with masses of flowers so thick you can barely see the leaves.
  • Zones: 3-8
  • Max Height (feet): 6
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Colors: White
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
United States
Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / 3 GAL (3-4 ft tall)

A less expensive fast release fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 will work just as well if applied twice during the early spring and early summer. A very large tree in the ground will take 2 – 3 lbs spread around the drip line of the branches (not next to...
United States
Soft Touch Holly
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

Mulching helps to keep weeds away which will compete with your new investment for water and nutrients. When roots are burned, the first sign is often scorched looking leaves. For example a one gallon pot would be watered until you count to 5 a three gallon...
United States
Broom Teatree, Tea Tree Leptospermum scoparium
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1 packet

* The fresh, pungent leaves are a fragrant and refreshing tea substitute. This name arose because Captain Cook used the leaves to make a 'tea' drink. Manuka (from M?ori 'm?nuka') is the name used in New Zealand, and 'tea tree' is a common name in Australia...
  • Height: 12-16 feet
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 545
  • Botanical Name: Leptospermum scoparium
  • Species: scoparium
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Genus: Leptospermum
United States
Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescal Bean, Texas Mescalbean, Frijolito, Frijolillo Sophora secundiflora     - Calia secundiflora
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* A yellow dye is obtained from the wood. Common names include Texas Mountain Laurel , Texas Mescalbean , Frijolito , and Frijolillo . * An evergreen shrub with compound leaves, 1" violet-blue fragrant flowers in 2-3" pendulous clusters; pods 1-7"; seeds...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Species: secundiflora
  • Genus: Sophora
  • Height: 30 feet
  • Collection Locale: Travis Co., TX
United States
Pieris Flaming Silver
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

It is a naturally occuring beneficial fungus that colonizes on the new growing roots of plants. This is not to be rushed. This is a very loose estimate, so please read the directions on the fertilizer before applying it.
United States
Leucothoe Scarletta
Prices start at : 46.95 USD / 3 GAL

A general rule of thumb is to count to 5 for every one gallon of pot size. We like to tell folks that when watering Leucothoe Scarletta or any plant for that matter its best not to water the foliage of the plant.
United States
Osmanthus Goshiki (False Holly)
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Osmanthus Goshiki benefits from an fertilizer which can help raise the nutrient level of the soil such as by Espoma. Minor elements that are not included in the three numbers listing on the front of fertilizer bags are very important considerations when...
United States
Camellia Setsugekka
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / Qt Pot

A good rule is that you should still be able to see the soil the plant was grown in after back-filling the hole. Potassium is the element represented by the third number on the fertilizer bag.
United States