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Flower Seed Flowers Herbs For Sale In Mesquite

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Profusion White Zinnia
Prices start at : 3.85 USD / 25 seeds

Sow indoors and cover lightly. Germination may be slow and erratic. Early watering and good weed control will generally alleviate most problems. Given at the end of each description to give you specific information.
  •  Annual
  •  Full Sun
Chives Seed Disk
Prices start at : 4.05 USD / 3 Disks

Water and watch your herbs grow. These disks are a great gift or a perfect child's gardening project. For windowsill, patio and even herb garden planting, lay the disk on the surface of the moistened planting medium and cover lightly.
Vanilla Marigold
Prices start at : 4.85 USD / 25 seeds

Apply 1-2 cups of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5 row feet, and 1 inch of compost. Pyrethrin will control most insects. Cut with a clean knife that has been dipped in a solution of 10% household bleach.
  •  Annual
  •  Cutting and Crafting
Late Spencer Choice Sweet Pea
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 7 grams

The color and beauty of a flower garden can lift the spirit and renew the soul, and a bouquet of fresh cut flowers will bring sunshine into your home. Sow indoors and cover lightly.
  •  Cutting and Crafting
  •  Annual
Cupcakes Mix Zinnia
Prices start at : 3.85 USD / 35 seeds

They are heat-loving plants, best sown at the same time that peppers are transplanted outside. If you prefer to soak your seeds: soak in 85°F water for 1-3 hours and plant immediately — longer soaking times are often detrimental; seeds need air to...
  •  Annual
  •  Cutting and Crafting
Strawberries & Cream Nasturtium
Prices start at : 3.15 USD / 5 grams

Over the years we have conducted extensive flower trials, concentrating on varieties that are easy to grow-many from direct-sowing- have superior color and fragrance, and make a good cut flower.
  •  Annual
  •  Culinary
Red Sun Sunflower
Prices start at : 2.55 USD / 1 gram

Germination may be slow and erratic. Germination may take up to 30 days. One to two cups of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 10 row feet in the spring is adequate for the year. Mix seeds with moistened peat moss and place in plastic bag.
  •  Annual
  •  Cutting and Crafting
  • Soil Temp for Germ.: 60-75°F
  • Days to Emergence: 7-14
  • Row Spacing: 30"
Common, Borage Seed
Prices start at : 125.00 USD / 5 Pounds

Medicinal: Seed oil is a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid. A self seeding annual. Large plants bear hundreds of small edible flowers, mostly blue and some pink. Mild cucumber flavor for salads and garnishes.
  • Dimensions: N/A
  • Sow Method: Direct SowTransplant
  • Seeds Per Gram: 50
  • Zones: 3
  • categories: Herb
  • Botanical Name: Borago officinalis
Catnip Conventional & Organic
Prices start at : 2.55 USD / 1/4 gram

Herbs feed the palate and the soul! They add color and contrast to the landscape, perfume our homes, heal our wounds, and tantalize our taste buds. Germinates at temperatures between 60-75°F.
  •  Tea
  •  Culinary
  •  Cutting and Crafting
Bee Feed Mix Seed Mat
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 18 in x 10 ft

Bees cannot resist this premium mix. Easier than making a bed, lay one of these convenient sheets out, cover with a light layer of sifted compost or soil, water, and you'll have the perfect garden in no time!.
Blue Anise Hyssop
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1/8 gram

Larger seeds need to be covered with soil at least as thick as the seed itself. Hardy herbs can be transplanted after the last frost. Fertile, well-drained soil provides the best results.
  •  Tea
  •  Culinary
Empress Of India Nasturtium
Prices start at : 2.85 USD / 5 grams

Apply 1-2 cups of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5 row feet, and 1 inch of compost. Pyrethrin will control most insects. Cut with a clean knife that has been dipped in a solution of 10% household bleach.
  •  Culinary
  •  Annual
Chives Conventional & Organic
Prices start at : 2.65 USD / 1/2 gram

Herbs feed the palate and the soul! They add color and contrast to the landscape, perfume our homes, heal our wounds, and tantalize our taste buds. Germinates at temperatures between 60-75°F.
  •  Perennial
  •  Culinary
Profusion Orange Zinnia
Prices start at : 3.85 USD / 25 seeds

Sow indoors and cover lightly. Germination may be slow and erratic. Early watering and good weed control will generally alleviate most problems. Given at the end of each description to give you specific information.
  •  Full Sun
  •  Annual
Wonderland Mulberry Mix Alyssum
Prices start at : 3.35 USD / 1/8 gram

Mix seeds with moistened peat moss and place in plastic bag. Easy to grow, uniform and extremely tidy, Wonderland Mulberry Mix produces dense masses of minute flowers that mingle into a vivid blanket held only 3 inches off the ground.
  •  Annual
  •  Partial Shade
Finissimo Verde A Palla Basil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 1/4 gram

Apply 1 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 10 row feet, and 1 inch of compost. Germination code: (1) Germination code: (1). May be slow and erratic to germinate. The leaves are very small, thin, and strongly scented.
  •  Full Sun
  •  Tea
  •  Annual
  • Plant Spacing: 12-18"
  • Seed Depth: 1/4"
  • Soil Temp for Germ.: 70-85°F
Mexican Tarragon Organic
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / 1/4 gram Organic

For leafy herbs snip off flower buds as they appear. This semi-woody shrub can grow 18-30 inches tall. Harvest and fertilize regularly to encourage vegetative growth. Germination code: (1)
  •  Culinary
  •  Perennial
Zahara Yellow Improved Zinnia
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 25 seeds

Sow indoors and cover lightly. Germination may be slow and erratic. Early watering and good weed control will generally alleviate most problems. Given at the end of each description to give you specific information.
  •  Annual
  •  Full Sun
Waooh Sunflower
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 gram

Germination may be slow and erratic. Germination may take up to 30 days. One to two cups of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 10 row feet in the spring is adequate for the year. Mix seeds with moistened peat moss and place in plastic bag.
  •  Cutting and Crafting
  •  Annual
  • Days to Emergence: 7-14
  • Soil Temp for Germ.: 60-75°F
  • Seed Spacing: 3-4"
Colossus Marigold
Prices start at : 2.65 USD / 1/4 gram

Apply 1-2 cups of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5 row feet, and 1 inch of compost. Pyrethrin will control most insects. Cut with a clean knife that has been dipped in a solution of 10% household bleach.
  •  Annual
  •  Cutting and Crafting
Greek Oregano
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / 1/8 gram

Herbs feed the palate and the soul! They add color and contrast to the landscape, perfume our homes, heal our wounds, and tantalize our taste buds. Germinates at temperatures between 60-75°F.
  •  Perennial
  •  Culinary
Dukat Dill
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 2 grams

Check the code at the end of the description for specific germination requirements. They are easy to grow. These seeds need a period of cold stratification for successful germination.
  •  Annual
  •  Culinary
Sensation Mix Cosmos
Prices start at : 2.35 USD / 1 gram

After pre-chilling, place seed on sterile seedling mix and cover lightly. Grows to 4 feet tall. Germination may be slow and erratic. Mix seeds with moistened peat moss and place in plastic bag.
  •  Annual
  •  Cutting and Crafting
American Ginseng
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 2 grams ships in the fall

By allowing the crop to stand up to natural growing challenges, they grow slowly, yet are more potent than those that have been pampered. Areas protected by oak, maple, sycamore, basswood, beech, chestnut, ash, elm, poplar or black walnut are favored.
  •  Perennial
  •  Culinary
Cherry Brandy Rudbeckia
Prices start at : 3.35 USD / Sold Out

A fluctuating temperature of 75°F during the day and 50°F at night may help. Seeds should be buried 2 times their narrowest dimension and covered with finely raked soil or vermiculite unless otherwise noted.
  •  Annual
  •  Cutting and Crafting
Plant-Winter Thriller™ Midnight Ruffles Hellebore
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / Sold Out

Plants are available individually. Ships first half of April-Order Must Be Received By: March 1 Ships last half of April-Order Must Be Received By: March 15 Ships first half of May-Order Must Be Received By: April 1 Ships last half of May-Order Must Be...
  •  Full Shade
  •  Perennial
Tempo Butterfly Mix Impatiens
Prices start at : 3.85 USD / Sold Out

A fluctuating temperature of 75°F during the day and 50°F at night may help. Seeds should be buried 2 times their narrowest dimension and covered with finely raked soil or vermiculite unless otherwise noted.
  •  Full Shade
  •  Partial Shade