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Flower Bulbs Garden Plants Flowers For Sale In Santa Rosa

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Crocosmia George Davidson Bulbs (25-Pack)
Prices start at : 11.98 USD / package

Crocosmia George Davidson will delight you with its bright yellow blooms atop wiry stems. To enjoy these lovely flowers to their fullest, plant in a sunny spot. Blooming July to August, George Davidson is ideal for your cut-flower arrangements.
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Blossom Color Family: Yellows / Golds
  • Blossom Color: Yellow
  • Shipped As: Bare Root
  • Flowers bloom July to August: Yes
Santa Rosa
Paperwhite Bulb in Gold Gift Bag (6-Bulbs)
Prices start at : 24.99 USD / bag

Paperwhites are popular for their indoor holiday beauty and are often given as gifts from October through January. Their timeless beauty, sweet perfume and absolute dependability have made Paperwhites Narcissus the absolute all-time favorite Narcissus...
  • Blossom Color Family: Whites
  • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
  • Blossom Color: White
  • Bulb size is15/16 cm: Yes
  • Common Name: Paperwhite
  • Botanical Name: Narcissus
Santa Rosa
Roselily Mixed Bulbs (5-Pack)
Prices start at : 17.98 USD / package

Roselily Mixed brings you bold, colorful and fragrant lilies that you'll treasure in the garden and in fresh floral bouquets. Just allow the leaves to yellow in the fall before removing them.
  •  Grows and flowers best in full sun, partial shade
  •  Botanical name: lilium roselily
  •  Due to state regulations, this plant cannot be shipped to AE, AK, GU, HI, PR
  • Fragrance: Strong
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
  • Mature Width (in.): 12
Santa Rosa
Dahlias  Tamburo  Bulbs (5-Set)
Prices start at : 19.61 USD / package

Although true black flowers do not exist yet, this 1 is almost black so that we feel comfortable in describing it as blackish. Growing dahlias is very easy when grown from our tubers (bulbs).
  • Pack Size: 6
  • Botanical Name: Dahlia
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Mature Width (in.): 24
  • Shipped As: Packaged
  • Excellent as a cut flower: Yes
Santa Rosa
Caladiums Fancy Leaf Mixed Bulbs (Set of 12)
Prices start at : 13.16 USD / package

Eye-catching color. These tender bulbs, which are commercially cultivated in the sub tropics of Florida and Brazil, love and require warmth, and are easy to grow and maintain. Best budget choice.
  •  To get a head start, while temperatures are still cold outside, they can be started indoors in flats or pots filled with damp peat moss or vermiculite, then transplant them into your garden once temperatures warm, removing the main eye (shoot) prior to planting will produce a more evenly rounded plant
  •  Leaves more beautiful then flowers
  •  Plant them rounded side, with the eyes up, water well and frequently and do not let them dry out, in areas with lots of bright intense sunshine definitely plant them in full or partial shade or the leaves will burn or turn brown, they are heavy feeders so fertilizing will benefit them greatly
  •  Bulb size #2
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Shade
  • Mature Width (in.): 10
Santa Rosa
Lilac Time Dahlia Bulb (1-Pack)
Prices start at : 5.26 USD / each

Lift in fall in zones 3 to 7. Lilac Time Dahlia is extra special because of its gorgeous color and huge blooms. Deer resistant and easy to grow, it's easy to see why dahlias are a favorite in the sunny garden.


    • Mature Width (in.): 24
    • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 24
    • Fragrance: None
    • Wildlife Deterred: Deer
    • Common Name: Dahlia
    • Wildlife Attracted: Pollinators
    Santa Rosa
    Spring Suprise Blend (Set of 50)
    Prices start at : 25.25 USD / package

    Our custom "Spring Surprise Blend" consists of a perfect pairing of Narcissus sailboat and Yellow Sailboat and Muscari armeniacum bulbs. Planting them in a lightly shaded area will keep them cool and prolong blooming.
    •  Gardening made easy
    •  Garden collections are foolproof and complimentary in color, bloom time, plant height and are goal/theme oriented
    • Additional Characteristics: Deer Resistant
    • Mature Height (in.): 12
    • Mature Width (in.): 6
    • Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
    Santa Rosa
    Daffodils Bulbs Peach Cobbler (Set of 12)
    Prices start at : 23.49 USD / package

    As long as there is a discernible winter. Daffodils can be left undisturbed to naturalize for years. Bulbs do not like wet feet. If you cannot plant them immediately, store in a cool, airy place.


      •  Looks amazing arranged in a vase
      •  Soft hues of white, peach, and yellow
      • Wildlife Attracted: Butterflies,Hummingbirds
      • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 8
      • Mature Width (in.): 8
      • Additional Characteristics: Deer Resistant,Hummingbird/Butterfly Attractant
      Santa Rosa
      Asiatic Lily Bulbs Mixture (6-Pack)
      Prices start at : 12.99 USD / each

      Among the easiest to grow and the earliest to bloom, the Bloomsz Asiatic Lily Bulb Mixture will bring you the flawless beauty and brilliant colors of yellow, orange, pink, red and white lilies.
      •  Grows 24 in. to 60 in. tall
      •  Growing instructions: plant lily bulbs as soon as possible after they are received, if this is not possible, store them in a refrigerator and keep them moist, lilies prefer full sun and well-drained soil, dig a hole 6 in. to 8 in. deep and place the bulbs about 6 in. apart, lilies look best when planted in clusters of 3 to 6 bulbs, water in well when planting, then water when the soil becomes dry at the top, remove spent flowers but do not remove the stalks or the leaves as they provide the necessary food for the bulbs to bloom the following year, foliage and stems may be removed after they have turned yellow
      •  Prefer full sun
      • Additional Characteristics: None Listed
      • Botanical Name: Lillium
      • Mature Width (in.): 6
      Santa Rosa
      Color Your Garden Black Bulbs Collection (Set of 23)
      Prices start at : 62.08 USD / package

      It will bring a sense of mystery and drama to a garden, but is easily combined with other colors. Remove the flowers as soon as they go, but allow the leaves to yellow before removing.
      • Additional Characteristics: None Listed
      • Shipped As: Packaged
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Pack Size: 11
      • Botanical Name: Assorted
      • Flower bulbs are the indispensable blooms of the spring garden, as they bring it to life: Yes
      Santa Rosa
      Daffodils Bulbs Akita (Set of 12)
      Prices start at : 21.81 USD / package

      As long as there is a discernible winter. Daffodils are long term perennials and make for great companions to not only other bulbs, but also annuals, perennials, and all sorts of shrubs.
      • Fragrance: None
      • Shipped As: Packaged
      • Bulb size 12/14 cm: Yes
      • Mature Height (in.): 16
      • Wildlife Deterred: Deer
      • Growth Habit: Upright
      Santa Rosa
      Oriental Lily Gran Turismo Bulbs (5-Pack)
      Prices start at : 12.98 USD / package

      Oriental Lily Gran Turismo has dramatic 9 in. Gran Turismo is great for perennial zing. Flowers for years, producing highly scented blossoms its fragrance permeates the garden air.
      •  Prefers well drained soil, but will tolerate heavier soils
      •  Includes (5) 16 cm to 18 cm bulbs
      •  Space plants approximately 12 to 18 in. apart for best results
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
      • Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
      Santa Rosa
      Bearded Iris Bulbs Champagne Elegance (Set of 3 Roots)
      Prices start at : 19.67 USD / package

      There are now so many cultivars to choose from that it is often difficult to choose which variety you like best. Initially water deeply during periods of drought. Champagne Elegance is a superb variety that blooms twice a year and was chosen for it unique...
      •  Perennialize and naturalize very well, with little to no effort
      •  Bulb size #1
      • Mature Width (in.): 18
      • Botanical Name: Iris Germanica
      • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
      • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
      Santa Rosa
      Bleeding Hearts
      Prices start at : 8.09 USD / package

      Bleeding Hearts are an all time favorite for any ornamental garden. Across and almost as tall. Plants can form clumps 3 ft. These beautiful plants have soft green foliage and long rose pink and white heart-shaped flowers for several weeks in spring.
      • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
      • Shipped As: Packaged
      • Mature Width (in.): 18 in
      • Blossom Color Family: Reds / Pinks
      • Pack Size: 1
      • Bleeding hearts have heart shaped flowers that several weeks in the spring: Yes
      Santa Rosa
      Daffodils Bulbs Colossal Yellow Trumpet (Set of 100 Mammoth)
      Prices start at : 139.59 USD / package

      Due to their size, they are best spaced further apart than normal, thus requiring fewer bulbs per planting area. In fall, plant the bulbs pointy end up, in deep, fertile, well draining soil in full sun to light shade.
      •  Colossal - many huge trumpet blooms per bulb
      •  3 to 4 flower stalks per bulb
      • Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
      • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 12
      • Blossom Color Family: Yellows / Golds
      • Mature Height (in.): 20
      Santa Rosa
      Red Charm Peony Roots (3-Pack)
      Prices start at : 35.38 USD / each

      Easy to grow and delightfully fragrant, Peonies are the classics all gardeners desire. Thriving in full sun to light shade, huge double blooms sit atop sturdy erect stems. Use in borders or along fences, sidewalks, driveways and walls; these charmers...


        •  Grows 36 in. to 48 in. tall
        •  Large fragrant blossoms with sweet clean scent
        • Common Name: Peony
        • Botanical Name: Peony
        • Returnable: 90-Day
        • Blossom Color: Red
        Santa Rosa
        Grand Freesia and Ranunculus Blend (Set of 25)
        Prices start at : 14.17 USD / package

        They can also be gown in pots indoors. They look best grouped together. Freesias are available in a rainbow of colors. Freesia and Ranunculus pair well together, as their growth habits are similar.
        • Blossom Color Family: Multi
        • Bulb size 6/7 cm: Yes
        • Botanical Name: Freesia & Ranunculus
        • Mature Width (in.): 18
        • Pack Size: 6
        • Growth Habit: Upright
        Santa Rosa
        Oriental Lily Bonbini Bulbs (5-Pack)
        Prices start at : 12.98 USD / package

        These are the lilies that florists favor for summer bouquets and bridal centerpieces. Bonbini Oriental Lilies produce lush and fragrant blooms of white, pink and chartreuse on strong stems.
        •  For best results, grow in well-drained acidic, clay, loamy or sandy soil; will tolerator heavier soils
        •  Reaches standard mature height of 4 ft.
        • Growth Habit: Upright
        • Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
        • Shipped As: Bare Root
        • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
        Santa Rosa
        Tulips Bulbs Majestic Royal Blend (Set of 15)
        Prices start at : 16.15 USD / package

        Plant several different varieties of tulips throughout the garden to extend the blooming time. In USDA zones 8-10, refrigerate the bulbs for no less then eight weeks. Best planted in late fall.
        •  Bulb size 12 cm/+
        •  Perfectly blended
        • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
        • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
        • Returnable: 90-Day
        • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 4-8
        Santa Rosa
        Dutch Iris Mixed Bulbs (Set of 25)
        Prices start at : 27.26 USD / package

        Dutch iris hybrids grow from bulbs that can be planted in fall or spring and are often grown as annuals. They are often used as cut flowers. They are easy to grow, and if zone appropriate, are great for naturalizing.
        •  Often grown as annuals
        •  We strive to ensure success by offering the size you need
        •  Plant about 15-bulbs per sq. ft. zone 5 gardeners should add a 2 in. layer of mulch in fall, best planted in large numbers
        • Shipped As: Packaged
        • Mature Height (in.): 20
        • Mature Width (in.): 6
        Santa Rosa
        Hanging Basket Begonias Golden Balcony Bulbs (Set of 5)
        Prices start at : 14.47 USD / package

        Growing and caring for begonias is easy, especially when growing from tubers. Next to bedding begonias ('Semperflorens') tuberous begonias are probably the best-known, most widely grown and are enjoyed by the average gardener around the world.
        •  In the north, tubers should be started indoors in late winter or early spring to bloom by summer, once weather permits, after danger of frost, they can be moved outdoors, plant them concave side up, growing begonias from tubers requires warm temperatures, plant 1 tuber per 7 in. to 10 in. pot
        •  Frilly, colorful blooms
        •  Cascading variety excellent for hanging baskets
        •  Blooms in the shade
        • Hardiness Zone: 5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
        • Botanical Name: Begonia
        Santa Rosa
        Gladiolus Colossal Large Sized Flowering Rainbow Mixed Bulbs (Set of 12)
        Prices start at : 36.94 USD / package

        These large flowers offer a burst of color to cut flower arrangements and borders. Today's Gladiolus (or simply glads as they are quite often called) are larger and more beautiful than varieties years ago and produce lush sword like foliage.
        •  Choose a well-drained, sunny location, planting them at their optimum depth of 8 in. will help anchor them against strong winds, plant them in rows, circles or whatever makes for a nice display, flowers will come in 70-100 days, in USDA zones 6 to 7, they will thrive as well if protected by a layer of mulch throughout the winter, they love to be fertilized
        •  Larger bulbs produce stronger plants with more flowers
        • Pack Size: 10
        • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
        • Common Name: Gladiolus
        • Mature Height (in.): 72
        Santa Rosa
        Oriental Lily Canaletto Bulbs (5-Pack)
        Prices start at : 12.98 USD / package

        Side-facing flowers that grow in abundance, Canaletto is destined to become a customer favorite. With an intense, smooth pink color and huge, 8 to 10 in. Easy to grow and maintain, Canaletto attracts beneficial butterflies to the area.
        •  Reaches standard mature height of 38 in.
        •  Space plants approximately 12 in. to 18 in. apart for best results
        • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
        • Common Name: Lily
        • Blossom Color: Pink
        • Additional Characteristics: Hummingbird/Butterfly Attractant
        Santa Rosa
        Crocosmia Mixed Bulbs (25-Pack)
        Prices start at : 9.98 USD / package

        Crocosmia Mixed Bulbs add a mix of vibrant colors to the perennial garden. The sword like leaves add a spiky, textured element to the garden. The name scrocosmia comes from the Greek language and means saffron smell, which reportedly can be detected when...
        • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
        • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
        • Pack Size: 25
        • Mature Height (in.): 36
        • Fragrance: Slight
        • Flowers bloom July to August: Yes
        Santa Rosa
        Parrot Tulip Flaming Parrot Flower Bulb (8-Pack)
        Prices start at : 7.78 USD / each

        What gives a Parrot Tulip its name, take a look at our stunning Flaming Parrot tulips and the answer is easy - the feathered and ruffled edges of each petal resemble the wings of parrots.
        •  Grow 18 in. to 22 in. tall
        •  Bloom mid-spring
        •  Excellent cut flower
        • Common Name: Tulip
        • Mature Width (in.): 2
        • Additional Characteristics: None Listed
        Santa Rosa
        Dahlia Jill Mixed (Pack of 5)
        Prices start at : 15.74 USD / package

        Dahlia Jill are charming small, ball-shaped pompon flowers in a mixture of colors with 2-3 in. Excellent and easy to place in cut flower arrangements. Dahlia Jill is the perfect way to brighten up the summer border.
        • Fragrance: None
        • Best Time to Plant: Spring
        • Blossom Color Family: Multi
        • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
        • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
        • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
        Santa Rosa
        Border Buddies Tulip and Muscari Blend (10-Pack)
        Prices start at : 16.14 USD / package

        This fresh looking fragrant combination makes the world a better looking place. Looking like the tulips are just peeping their heads above blue water. Sharing the same size and bloom time, the true beauty of these spring flowers lies in the contrast in...
        •  Makes a great cut flower
        •  Easy to grow
        •  Growing instructions, plant tulips and muscari outdoors in the fall about 6-8 weeks before the first hard frost, select a spot in the garden that receives full or afternoon sun and where the soil drains well, loosen the soil and plant the bulbs, pointy end up, approximately 6 in. to 8 in. deep and arrange bulbs as desired, tamp down the soil and water well after planting, leave the foliage intact and cut only the stems to use as cut flowers, foliage should be left to die back naturally as it provides the nutrients the bulb will need to grow and flower the following year
        • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 1
        • Mature Height (in.): 18
        • Common Name: Assorted Mix
        Santa Rosa