Large plants produce edible, starry blue flowers that attract bees in droves. Borage attracts large buzzing insects that dominate their air space. Position A sunny spot where bumblebees and other large pollinators are desired.
Managing Outbreaks: Remove badly damaged plants, as the maggots can move from one plant to another. Dig and move perennial onions every fall. Be sure to get covers installed early, before the newly emerged adults fly in search of host plants.
Spacing Single Plants: 2' 11" (90cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 2' 11" (90cm) with 2' 11" (90cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Start with a purchased plant, or start seeds indoors and set out seedlings two to four weeks before your last frost.
Feeding Not generally required. Troubleshooting Control lemon balm's spread by cutting back flowering stems in late summer. Lemon balm can be transplanted from early spring to early summer.
Perennial candytuft makes an ideal companion plant. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Tulip Aphids (General) Slug Snail Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Average garden soil with excellent drainage.
Tall varieties often are grown as cut flowers. In midsummer, drench plants with a liquid plant food to stimulate new growth. Space dwarf varieties 8 inches (20cm) apart in all directions; allow 12 inches (30cm) between very tall varieties.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Parsnip Aphids (General) Carrot Rust Fly Slug Snail Plant Diseases which Affect Parsnip Carrot Powdery Mildew
Begins to bear after five years. Spacing Single Plants: 14' 9" (4.50m) each way (minimum) Rows: 14' 9" (4.50m) with 14' 9" (4.50m) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Prepare a large hole by breaking up the soil and adding plenty of well-rotted organic matter.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Spacing Single Plants: 2' 11" (90cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 2' 11" (90cm) with 2' 11" (90cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow seeds 1 inch deep...
Apple maggot trap Apple maggot trap Apple maggot fly [Credit: Elena Dadale Jones ] Apple maggot fly [Credit: Elena Dadale Jones ] Host Plants: In the garden: Hawthorn On Crops: Apple Where Found: Much of North America Description: Small black flies with...
Notes Many lantanas have florets that change color as they age. Companions Lantanas are sprawling plants that attract huge numbers of butterflies, so locate them where they are easily seen on sunny days.
The easiest chamomile to grow is a cool-season annual. Troubleshooting Rabbits enjoy nibbling chamomile foliage. Leafy greens grown in spring, as well as spring-blooming herbs and flowers.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Picking can continue for several weeks as fruits do not ripen all at once. Good drainage is essential.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect White Currant Aphids (General) Slug Snail Companions Marigold. PH of 6 to 6.5 preferred. These cold-natured plants seldom produce well in warmer climates where temperature often...
When they stop feeding in late summer, the larvae (grubs) become a problem in lawns, where they damage grass by eating roots. Damage: Japanese beetles chew holes in leaves, often devouring much of the foliage from roses and other favored plants.
Feeding Not generally needed beyond annual topdressing with rich compost in spring. Troubleshooting Wait until spring to prune back lavender plants, because the dead stems help shelter the base of the plants from harsh winter weather.
Control by allowing hens to feed around trees, or shake branches to dislodge the insects onto a sheet then plunge into very hot water. Feeding Topdress generously with well-rotted organic matter in spring, along with a balanced organic fertilizer.
Spacing Single Plants: 16' 4" (5.00m) each way (minimum) Rows: 16' 4" (5.00m) with 16' 4" (5.00m) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Prepare a large hole by breaking up the soil and adding plenty of well-rotted organic matter.
Harvesting Use pruning shears to gather pods less than 5 inches long. Notes Requires warm weather to grow well. Thin to proper spacing after two weeks. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Fertile, well drained soil amended with compost.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Oregano Aphids (General) Slug Snail Some strains are propagated only from cuttings. Position Full sun to partial afternoon shade.
Feeding Mulch with well-rotted organic matter in spring. Troubleshooting Native black walnuts are often easier to grow in the US compared to English or Persian walnuts. Walnuts should be grown in an orchard of their own, far from the vegetable garden.
The caterpillars are less than ½ inch long with whitish heads and feet. Adult diamondback moths do not cause any damage Adult diamondback moths do not cause any damage Diamondback moth caterpillars feed on leaves Diamondback moth caterpillars feed on...
Aphids feed by sucking plant juices, so infested growth is often yellowed and curled. Ants farming black bean aphids Ants farming black bean aphids Black bean aphids being farmed by ants Black bean aphids being farmed by ants Black bean aphids on broad...
Harvesting Harvest round radishes when the roots are the size of a quarter. Notes Use radishes to mark divisions between sowings of salad greens or other spring vegetables. Thin to proper spacing when the seedlings are 1 week old.