Use once and it lasts up to 2 years! Agriform fertilizer tablets have a high-nitrogen formula specifically engineered to help deliver bigger, greener plants. 20-10-5 formula works up to 2 years with one application!
An excellent formula for plants that thrive on calcium! Florikan formulated their 12-4-11 fertilizer with a balance of nitrogen and potassium and a low level of phosphorus. Florikan designed this 12-4-11 formula specifically for nursery operations.
Product Benefits
Designed specifically for crops requiring long-term calcium: Product Benefits
Contains Florikan Polymer Coated Calcium Nitrate: Product Features
Chelated iron and calcium for a deep green leaf color: Product Benefits
Potassium and calcium increase for plant strength: Product Benefits
Use a vertical mulching technique on existing plantings. Also contains chelated micronutrients and biocatalysts including humic acid, complex carbohydrates, yucca plant extract, sea kelp and organic nitrogen and phosphorus.
Product Features
Use a vertical mulching technique on existing plantings: Product Features
Mix into the soil to increase absorbing root growth and function: Product Features
Contains superior strains of endo-and ectomycorrhizal fungi that colonize the roots of newly planted or declining mature plants in a broad range of growing conditions: Product Features
Helps prevent loss due to heat and drought stress: Product Benefits
Or, apply 3 tablespoons per each plant after it is well established (10-14 days), and then twice a month during the growing season (May - August). This 8-lb bag will cover about 133 sq ft.
1 lb is about 3 cups; this 8 lb bag will cover about 133 sq ft. Or, apply 3 tablespoons per each plant after it is well established (10-14 days), and then twice a month during the growing season (May - August). See Label for specifics: Application Rates
Ideal for incorporation with growing media or as a topdressing. They will outperform other controlled release fertilizers both in consistency and longevity without dumping, because of its unique polymer coating.
Not an NPK fertilizer; contains micronutrients only (also known as "minors"): Product Features
Buffered to help maintain acceptable working solution pH. Designed exclusively for hydroponic culture, this classic formula is ideal for most hydroponic crops, especially tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce.
Application Rates
Product Benefits
Dissolve 8 lbs 2 oz in 1,000 gallons of water: Application Rates
For hydroponic use: Application Rates
Designed exclusively for hydroponic culture, this classicformula is ideal for most hydroponic crops, especiallytomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce: Product Benefits
5-11-26 fertilizer analysis: Specs
Buffered to help maintain acceptable working solution pH: Product Benefits
This product is OMRI listed and mined in the USA. All-purpose natural nutrient for organic use. These elements have been reported to improve root systems, yields and general plant vigor.
Product Features
Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) containing other minerals and trace elements: Specs
0-0-0.2 fertilizer analysis: Specs
All purpose natural nutrient for organic use: Product Features
Improves root systems, yields and plant vigor: Product Features
For all soil types: Product Features
Spreads easily on lawns, gardens and crops: Product Features
This results in quick root establishment and less transplant shock and stressed plants. Both endo and ectomycorrhizal inoculants are combined wiht humic acids, Trichoderma, stimulants, beneficial bacteria, soluble sea kelp, yucca plant extracts, to promote...
After application, these Controlled Release Fertilizers release the nutrients they need when they need them. Used for woody ornamentals during spring/summer. Contains a small portion of Florikote polymer technology.
Product Features
12-6-6 formula: Specs
Used for woody ornamentals during spring/summer: Product Features
50 lb bags: Specs
Contains early release of nutrients for quick greenup: Product Features
Contains 8% polymer coated nitrogen: Product Features
A great spray to speed up recovery from dormancy, and a fast way to correct iron chlorosis in herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees. When used as recommended, this is a non-burning spray that is designed to produce rapid greenup.
This unique process produces an outside protective coating that weathers off, one layer at a time, providing lasting protection for about 2 months during summer heat conditions and 4 months during cold weather.
Contains nitrogen, amino acids, and minerals. Kids and pets can immediately play on areas immediately after application of this fertilizer. Helps to relieve heat stress and promotes winter cold-hardiness.
Product Benefits
Take extra care when applying near newly seeded areas, and do not apply to areas where you wish to plant grass seed, as product will prevent the seeds from germinating for up to 60 days: Specs
9-0-0 formula: Specs
Environmentally friendly and non-burning - Safe around children and pets: Product Benefits
Motor freight delivery: Specs
Total Nitrogen (N).9%: Specs
Relieves heat stress in summer; promotes winter cold-hardiness: Product Benefits
This seed mix contains: Kentucky Bluegrass (Improved Variety) - 45% Perennial Ryegrass (2 Improved Varieties) - 40% Creeping Red Fescue (Improved Variety) - 15% Available in either a 5 or 25-lb bag.
Over seeding rate: 2 1/2 pounds per 1,000 square feet: Specs
New seeding rate: 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet: Specs
It retains moisture in the soil and builds the organic matter. Crab Shell is high in chitin (kite-en), which promotes the growth of chitin eating bacteria in the soil. It also gives the roots something to grab onto and wrap around for a food source, creating...
Medium rate application: 40 lbs per 10,000 sq ft. One formula fertilizes for lush, green turf AND has Trimec herbicide to effectively destroy dandelions and other broadleafs! One bag covers up to 12,000 square feet.
Controls a variety of broadleaf weeds, which reduces the amount of spraying and weed-pulling: Product Benefits
40 lb bag: Specs
Active ingredients are 2, 4-D (0.55%), Mecoprop-P (0.12%) and Dicamba (0.05%): Specs
It effectively reduces the overall watering requirements of plants, shrubs, trees, turf, and agriculture by 50% or more! Hydretain ES Plus is a proprietary blend of the patented Hydretain® soil moisture-management technology enhanced with an advanced,...
This is a 2-1/2 gallon container. Contains vital plant nutrients! Grow Products Cal-Mag Maxtm contains 4% calcium and 2% chelated magnesium. Inadequate amounts of Magnesium will first appear as a general loss of green color at bottoms of older leaves...
Watering cycles break down tablets to disperse over time. 3 gram tablets; box of 4,400. A great value! Slow release nutrition that delivers bigger and healthier plants for strong growth! Compare the value! Leonard's fertilizer tablets eliminate the need...
Also, commercial potting mixes and fumigated soils are often sterile - with no mycorrhizal fungi at all! Get mycorrhizal fungi transplant innoculant in convenient, pre-measured 3oz tree survival packs or bulk pails, with live spores of beneficial endo...
This fertilizer also offers lower phosphate and provides a slightly higher growing media pH. Use with water types 1 or 2. This fertilizer provides extra calcium and magnesium! ICLs 15-0-15 Dark Weather Feed fertilizer provides a full range of micronutrients.
Effective for reversing foliar yellowing and branch dieback from construction activities. Tree Tech microinjection units have set a new standard for economical and environmentally safe tree care.
2-3 month feeding period (80°F), 3-5 month below 80°F. Contains iron and other nutrients for enhanced turf greening and stress tolerance. All purpose fertilizer product designed for landscape, field grown nursery stock, and container grown plants.
2 to 3 month feeding period: Specs
Topdress rates in container plants varies, see label: Application Rates
50 lb bag: Specs
Designed for landscape plants, field grown and container grown nursery stock, as well as turf and lawns: Product Benefits
Supercharge your soil and grow your plants fuller and faster! Harvest Golds silica soil supplement nourishes and fortifies your plants. It easily mixes into your soil and continues to provide nutrients for the entire lifetime of the plant — no need...
Product Features
Product Benefits
Lasts for the life of the plant — no need to reapply: Product Features
Product volume (gallons): Varies: Specs
Time-released extended nutrition — Releases nutrients slowly into the soil. These nutrients break down over time, giving your plants a more balanced, predictable growth cycle.: Product Benefits
Derived from naturally occurring minerals: Product Features
Product weight (pounds): Varies: Specs
Improved soil structure — Combines the benefits of perlite, sand, and coco into one mix.: Product Benefits
Speeds root establishment for larger fibrous root mass. Rich, liquid blend gets quickly absorbed to deliver seaweed nutrients, humic acid, enzymes and more to speed up root growth for successful planting! Bio-Plex applied before and/or after digging or...
They channel both air and water — lawn irrigation, rain, and drip-line water — to the exact depth and location of the plants roots. For large tubes, click HERE . These tubes deliver the water and oxygen your plants need! Mulch, grass, weed barrier...
GelTrak retards dusting by keeping soils nominally moist for extended periods between watering and rainfall, while adhering dust fines to larger particles. Reduces the amount of water required to control dust! GelTrak is an environmentally responsible...