1 second pulsed DC output. 115VAC , 60 cycle. The UL-listed WD56 will control most animals, repairs easily and has a vented plastic cabinet with moisture-resistant internal components.
Shocks through wet weeds and brush for up to 30 miles of fence. Low impedance provides for excellent livestock or predator control in medium to large pastures. Battery is attached to the case with the battery clamps provided rather than enclosed within.
Should be used with tension measuring spring where weather extremes can loosen wire. Sturdy cog style wire strainer/stretcher has hot dip zinc frame. For use with wire strainer and strainer crank.
As handle is raised and lowered, an automatic ratchet action raises the T-post out of the ground. 48" handle is made of 1-1/2" square tubing; working head is 1/4" steel with hardened pins at the pivot points.
Barbed Wire Carrier is a safe and efficient way to carry rolls of barbed wire. Carrier has comfortable D-handle. The carrier grips the inside of the roll then swivels so that you can unroll the wire without assistance.
Pinlock Insulator. Insulators are packed in self-selling, illustrated, heavy poly bags - Green bags denote insulators for T-posts. Plack polyethylene, wraps around three sides of T-post.
Charges up to 25 miles of fence. Weatherproof, outdoor model. Order taper charger separately, part no. Solar-Pak means powerline convenience with no operating costs - will operate for 21 days in total darkness.
Battery not included. The weather-resistant, nonconductive cabinet features fuseless design for enhanced lightening protection and patented digital timing, and a flashing fence light provides additional safety.
Built-in operational light. It is one of the best solid state weed control fencers on the market. Parmak FM-220V Fieldmaster Fencer in 220V. Fieldmaster Fencer is an economically priced, solid state fencer for small to medium pastures and cow trainers.
Should be used with tension measuring spring where weather extremes can loosen wire. For use with wire strainer and tension measuring spring. Renews tension for sagging line. Sturdy cog style wire strainer/stretcher has hot dip zinc frame.
1 joule, 115VAC , 60 cycle, 1 second pulsed DC output. Controls all types of animals even predators. Model 401F Low Impedance Fencer charges up to 25 miles of clean fence and will shock through wet weeds.
Yellow bag denotes insulators for wood posts. Insulators are packed in self-selling, illustrated, heavy poly bags. Bright yellow polyethylene, 1" extension, large flange. Snug wood post insulator.
Magrath's heavy duty yellow Stock Shock prod has resilient, flexible shaft and wide U-shaped tip for efficient shocking in the worst farm conditions. Silver battery contacts assure the shock is there when it"s needed.