14 gauge, 1/2 mile, wt. Aluminum electric fence wire never rusts and conducts electricity four times better than steel at one-third the weight. 16 gauge wire, 1/4 mile, wt. Also available in following gauges and lengths: 14 gauge, 1/4 mile, wt.
You can walk through, or drive any vehicle through. Even holds bulls. Electric Drive-Thru Gate opening 13 to 19 ft. Animals learn quickly once they have experienced the harmless shock from the hanging cables.
Controls all types of animals even predators. Features fuseless design, weather-resistant, vented, non-conductive cabinet, moisture-resistant internal components and a flashing lamp indicating operation.
The Yellow Jacket Low Impedance Fencer operates on four D batteries or a 6- or 12-Volt external battery (not included). UL-listed YJ1 features a weather-resistant, nonconductive cabinet that shrugs off rain and snow and features built-in wire clip for...
Renews tension for sagging line. Sturdy cog style wire strainer/stretcher has hot dip zinc frame. Should be used with tension measuring spring where weather extremes can loosen wire.
It is one of the best solid state weed control fencers on the market. Built-in operational light. Fieldmaster Fencer is an economically priced, solid state fencer for small to medium pastures and cow trainers.
Double U End & Corner Insulator. Black all-weather, engineering grade polymer. Heavy to withstand pull of high-tensile wire. Elfin Insulators have twin wire holders for twice the life.
115VAC , 60 cycle. The UL-listed WD56 will control most animals, repairs easily and has a vented plastic cabinet with moisture-resistant internal components. A lamp flashes when system is operating.
Insulators are packed in self-selling, illustrated, heavy poly bags - Yellow bags denote insulators for wood posts. Snug Insulator. Nails included. Heavy, tough yellow polyethylene, extends 2 1/8", flexible base for round or flat sided wood posts.
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To purchase more than one set of panels, please choose here. Leave quantity at 1.: 1 set of 8' panels, 9 sets of 8' panels, 8 sets of 8' panels, 7 sets of 8' panels, 6 sets of 8' panels, 5 sets of 8' panels, 4 sets of 8' panels, 3 sets of 8' panels, 2 sets of 8' panels, 10 sets of 8' panels
"Snug" style insulators wrap securely around all three sides of the T-post, fit 1.25 or 1.33" posts and are made of bright yellow polyethylene. Snug T-Post Insulator. Insulators are packed in self-sellling, illustrated, heavy poly bags - Green bags denote...
"Snug" style insulators wrap securely around all three sides of the T-post, fit 1.25 or 1.33" posts, and are made of bright yellow polyethylene. Snug Extra Length Insulator. Insulators are packed in self-selling, illustrated, heavy poly bags.
Controls all types of animals even predators. Features fuseless design, weather-resistant cabinet and a flashing lamp indicating operation. Model 401F Low Impedance Fencer charges up to 25 miles of clean fence and will shock through wet weeds.
Cow Trainers are used in the stanchion barn where they are connected to an electric fence charger to give cows a slight shock when they hump to evacuate. Carton of 5 Trainers weighs 3 lbs.
Shafts sold separately. A powerful, rock-solid, permanently sealed drive motor makes the top-of-the-line Model HS2000 the most durable, reliable, and effective Hot Shot prod made. 18 month warranty.
6 joule, 115VAC , 60 cycle, 1 second pulsed DC output. Model 4400 Low Impedance Fencer shocks through long fences, up to 100 miles of clean fence, through heavy wet weeds for shorter distances, and controls all types of animals even predators.