Designed to support the horse's hoof, allowing you to use both hands to trim, file, pick out debris. Includes one base, standard cradle, draft cradle, standard straight post and draft straight post.
Accommodates ponies to drafts up to shoe size 7. Medium Hoofjack has the same base diameter as the Standard Hoofjack but 3” shorter. Includes a medium base, standard cradle with shorter post, standard straight post, and 2 magnets.
Farrier designed, sturdy, durable and lightweight. Designed to support the horse's hoof, allowing you to use both hands to trim, file, pick out debris or tend to any hoofcare needs.
Also includes mixing sticks and reinforced mesh. Approximately 6 to 8 repairs per kit. When cured, Crack Filler becomes part of the hoof wall so that it can be rasped and trimmed like natural hoof tissue.
Recommended for use with Equi-Pak, especially when the horse will be worked or used under changing weather conditions (wet to dry, etc). Helps to cushion and protect. Place mesh between shoe and hoof, then fill with Equi-Pak to shoe level.
Farrier's Finish Hoof Disinfectant & Conditioner helps to maintain healthy hooves. Also maintains correct moisture balance in excessively wet or dry conditions. Active against a wide spectrum of bacterial and fungal infections which cause poor hoof quality,...
Farrier designed, sturdy, durable and lightweight. Designed to support the horse's hoof, allowing you to use both hands to trim, file, pick out debris or tend to any hoofcare needs.
*Machine washable *Not For Turn Out *Simple slip-on boot designed to protect the hoof *Safe and easy to apply, a better alternative to clumsy foot wraps for medicating the hoof or keeping the hoof free from dirt and oils *Removable internal leather sole...
To apply Magic Cushion Xtreme, clean all areas of the sole with a hoof pick and wire brush, if necessary. Magic Cushion Xtreme is ideal for performance horses. Magic Cushion Xtreme is a natural product and is not a cause for concern during any drug testing.
Contains anti-bacterial agents to guard against bacterial infection. Waterproofs the hoof, yet allows it to breathe naturally. Apply with internal brush to the hoof wall below the coronet band, including the sole and frog if desired, on a daily basis.
Formulated specifically for hooves, skin, and hair – contains no oxidizing agents, so it is entirely safe for use on equine skin and hooves. A powerful disinfectant cleansing wash for the complete hoof.
Lasts for up to eight days without reapplication. Unique purple color tells you where it's doing the job, with a fresh coat needed only where the color has faded. A single application not only relieves the agonizing, crippling effects of thrush, but dramatically...
Soft, conforming sock reduces risk of skin chaffing. A rubber-dipped sock for treating hoof ailments such as abscess, thrush, seedy toe, thin sole, injuries, cracks, and general deterioration.
Bonds to hoof protein to fight fungus, thrush, white line disease and bacteria. Protects hooves and helps prevent urine soaked manure and bedding from sticking to them. Built-in applicator.