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Oom Sha La La: I Want to Start a Garden—and I Finally Did!
Grow Medicinal Herbs I Use: Even though some herbs starts died, my lavender survived—and I love lavender, so if that's the only herb I end up planting, it won't be the worst thing.
The Book That Makes Butchering Less Scary
Learn more about raising and processing your meat: How to Butcher a Chicken 3 Carcass Cut Sheets to Simplify Butchering How to Process Livestock How to Start a Premium Beef Business 9 Responsible Uses for Your Meat Byproducts « More Plowing Through »...
The Book to Amp Up Your Compost
But, as with most things in agriculture, there's another way to compost that allows you to maximize your food-waste recycling even further: bokashi composting, a technique originating in Japan and Southeast Asia that uses specific microbes to anaerobically...
Should I Hire a Farm Apprentice?
Bear in mind, an apprentice will not likely save you much time—at least not at first. To each his own, but refer to the “Judge of Character” question before deciding this is the right route for you.
What If One Of Us Gets Hurt?
I'd taken to feeding the cows and the pigs; my wife delivered rations to the broiler chickens and layer hens. “We'll be fine.” Then we learned my dad was in the emergency room with a mysterious malady.
Hands-on High School Focuses on Ag-career Skills
When waste or overuse is detected, students are tasked with finding creative solutions for getting back on track. The end result, Tracy says, is a facility that's “almost as green as you can be.” The campus boasts several sustainable innovations,...
Burning Question: Have We Forgotten The Art Of Learning?
And I hope whoever these celebrity farmers are will make sure that is their message: If you want to get where I am, work harder than you dream. But what I overlooked was that Farmer isn't just a job title— Farmer is an achievement.
On The Mow Again
Rachael Dupree Many of the people around here keep cattle, which helps them keep the terrain from the overgrowth of cedar trees and wild brambles, and a few have gardens, though I wouldn't say that's a signature feature of life here.
Spring: When Turkeys Fly & Frogs Chirp
Rachael Dupree I continued my journey, the forest hymn coming to a crescendo or decrescendo as I made my way through the trees. Soon the season will pick up, and we'll be caught up in mowing chores, tending our large garden, and prepping and preserving...
The Chicken Palace: When Lazy Leads To Awesome
After studying a whole bunch of designs, I created my own, based around the following rule: No bending over. For a deep-litter henhouse, ventilation is key; I've got open eaves (screened with hardware cloth) and a window in the back door to allow cross-ventilation,...
10 Minutes With Fred Kirschenmann
Kirschenmann serves on several boards and chairs the Whiterock Conservancy, a nonprofit that manages a 5,000-acre conservation area in west-central Iowa. The delightful book by Brian Walker and David Salt, Resilience Thinking: Sustaining Ecosystems and...
5 Top States To Start Your Farm In
In 2013, the Local Economies Project of the New World Foundation created the Hudson Valley Farm Hub to provide training in sustainable agriculture, help securing affordable land and expanded access to capital for new farmers and their expanding businesses.
What I Do When Gardening Isn\'t An Option
Mow, Mow & Mow Some Mo' Rachael Brugger Mr. B can take most of the credit on this one. And for those of you who have already settled onto the farm, how did you keep your patience during the transition?
Beat the Heat ... Help Stop Global Warming
About a week ago, however, we experienced some record-breaking July heat here in Western Washington, with temperatures soaring into the upper 90s — 15 to 20 degrees above normal (please don't laugh you folks in Nevada or Arizona – that's really hot...
11 Rules for Beginning Farmers to Live By
Farming is work—hard work. If you have done all the work of planning ahead, don't lose the time you saved by taking the long way to accomplish your task. It is never too early to start marketing your products.
When All Else Fails, Try Spring Cleaning
And we're sweeping. The spring purge is a great feeling, isn't it? And we're scrubbing. Some of the items that have “Dump Day” designation written all over them include old cans of paint, a mountain of plastic planters, scrap netting, and piles of...
It\'s Now Or Never: Starting A Farm After 50
Early one morning, Kit and I marveled as one sat eating a bluegill as if it were a hotdog. My life's dream became to one day have my own farm with a pond to raise vegetables, fruit and fish.
26 Farmers Share Their Best Start-up Tips
While we're glad you rely on us here at to bring you the resources and inspiration you need to keep your farm afloat, it's time to throw the agricultural ball into your court.
Farm Women at Risk for Breast Cancer
To others, it means taking time off work for the whole day without pay.” The challenge of securing affordable childcare during treatment—sometimes for long periods of time—is an additional burden, Williams points out.
What\'s That Smell?
We had some plumbing issues upon moving in that led to us replacing the toilet, so perhaps there's more work there to uncover. I'd love to here feedback from anyone who has experienced problems in their home.
Spring\'s \
So here we are, waiting and waiting, and except for a little mulching and weeding of the asparagus patch, we wait some more. It requires good timing, just like a well-composed symphony.
Burning Question: What Farming Will Look Like In 2050?
That being said, there are a lot of things we can say with near certainty will come to pass by then. Then it's the consumers who can't afford grassfed meat, of which there very well may be more of, that will feel the difference.
Taking Comfort In The Many Expressions Of Sourdough
My sourdough benefactor also gifted me with a delicious and versatile pancake recipe—a perfect way to use any leftover starter after feeding it. Serve immediately or freeze for easy snacks later on.
The Hive Mind, Or How I Bonded With Bees
No hat, no jacket, no gloves, no nothin'. Now, I know that worker bees have a lifespan of only four to six weeks. The other day, Steve showed up to feed the bees. It was a nice fall day, but the area where the hives are was still cool.
Cyn\'s Simple Guide to Fertilizing
Use too much and you might end up with lots of new leaves but not so many flowers or fruit. There are also secondary nutrients like calcium, magnesium and sulphur, but I'm not even going to go there.
Burning Question: But Seriously, Are You Organic?
Because I've noticed—and I'm sure conventional farmers have noticed—that customers don't always try that hard. These farmers know that setting up at farmers markets and labeling themselves as homegrown, local, natural or “not certified,” will...
Burning Question: Will Small-Scale Farming Survive Without \
Can small scale farming survive if farm-to-table isn't cool anymore? The question is: Will it last? We need to ditch the “us vs. Your Thoughts We asked you on social media how you'd answer this question.