A shrubby desert plant native to North Africa and the Middle East, henna has naturalized to areas of similar climate, including Australia and the West Indies. It grows up to 5 m (16ft), but can be trimmed to create a hedge.
Indigeneous folk remedy for colds and headache, and for urinary and venereal diseases. California Indians so cherished the tea for general use that it was always available. (Mormon tea; Desert tea; Joint-fir) Reported to contain some ephedrine and pseudoephedrine,...
Although the process is lengthy it is possible to extract molasses, and even sugar, at home from sugar beets grown in your garden. Sow in open ground in May; pull roots in October.
The branching habit is very tight, close to the base and produces a rich flush of attractive flower spikes. Will flower the first season if started early. Compact and uniform variety with deep purple-blue flowers.
Seeds require stratification. (Chasteberry; Vitex) So named because the seeds reputedly subdue the sexual urge and have long been used by monks to produce this effect. Hardy to zone 6.
Duration: Perennial
Ease of Germination: Moderate/Special Treatment Required
It is a magnet for birds, wildlife and beneficial insects. Named after the German explorer Prince Maximilian who discovered the plant on an expedition to the Great Plains in 1832-34.
The fresh leaves add a delicious bitterness to salads, sandwiches, pizza, and pasta. (Wild arugula) A beautiful wild arugula with deeply lobed leaves and purple-red veins.
Clinical studies show that it significantly reduces the risk of migraine attack, and relieves asthma and chronic bronchitis. Purple-rose flowers in spring. Prefers wet locations. New research shows that it relieves the symptoms of hay fever and other...
Beautiful ornamental plant with small ornate fiery yellow, orange, and crimson flowers. Drought tolerant and deer resistant. Sow from seed, or split roots in spring. Its flowers are brightly colored which makes it an ideal plant for attracting milkweed...
Considered a ‘life medicine' by the Navajo people who have used it for menstrual pain, stomach ache, wounds, swellings and coughs. Brilliant red tubular flowers. Prefers sandy or gravelly soil on a slope.
The mucilaginous seed coats lubricate and cleanse the intestines, acting as a mild laxative. Popular prepared laxatives such as Metamucil are made from the seeds. (Isphaghula; Blond psyllium) Important remedy for constipation and problems of the bowel,...
Egg-shaped squash with flesh that really does look like spaghetti. Delicious served hot with spaghetti sauce, cheese or butter, or chilled in salads. Melons keep for 1-2 months.
Usually taken in combination with with coriander to prevent cramps. Also used to expel worms and for fevers. Effective laxative much in use by American herbalists. Ht. 1-1.8 m/3-6 ft.
Makes a stimulating tea. (Mexican tarragon; Mexican marigold) Sweet-smelling leaves and flowers with a flavour similar to tarragon. In warm areas where French tarragon will not grow, this is an excellent substitute.
Seeds will yield a mixture of male and female plants. Well known flavouring for beer. Only seeds may be imported into the U.S. (plants not permitted). Tall growing vine, ideal for covering antenna towers.
Deep taproot discourages relocation. Well known as a source for high quality yellow dye since ancient times; pigments used for oil paint as well as dyeing wool, cotton, and silk up until the Middle Ages.
Oil squeezed from the nuts has proved so valuable it is called the new “liquid gold” of the West, and jojoba “prospectors” are banking on its future. Used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, and as a top-quality industrial lubricant that...
Difficult to germinate: viability is usually quite low, never exceeding 40%. Famous European alpine herb unrivalled as a bitter tonic. Root tincture made with brandy strengthens the human system, particularly in cases of weak digestion and lack of appetite.
The light-colored, finely-pleated blooms float above the foliage, reminding us of Degas' paintings of ballerinas. Beautiful cosmos resemble fluted cupcake wrappers. Cupcakes Mix is as showy as Double Click with lighter-weight blooms held upright on stems.
Nitrogen per acre. Large plant with big leaves makes it an ideal grazing crop. Red clover may be the best choice for frost seeding; it is extremely cold hardy and does well in most soils and growing conditions.