2250 quick tach loader, canopy, quick tach bucket and stabber. 4210 Case frt wheel asst. Bucket and bale stabber, single outlet, left-hand reverser, rebuilt injection pump and new injectors past summer, had pump turned up 70-75hp, new battery and rebuilt...
This tractor is barely broken in. Tires are non-standard special Agri-Turf valued at $200 more per tire. Tractor is like new, it was bought in March of 2000 has a backhoe, front loader and box scrapper with only 90 hours.
1995 4210 Case front wheel asst., 2250 quick tach loader with joy stick, quick tach bucket and bale spear Has alittle over 3800 hrs, been shedded since i've owned, Has a canopy, left hand reverser, single outlet, 540 pto, coolant heater, had injection...