Can be used for clipping, chopping, mowing or picking up windrows. When used in the direct cut vacuum silage system, the forage is maintains carbohydrates, nutrients and amino acids to provide the best feed, short of fresh grass.
New 10"x41 top drive auger with bin hopper, gas engine or electric motor mounts, 12 gauge tube, 7 gauge flighting, triple belt drive, 32"x36" hopper, swivel jack & wheel
Lists @ $6,310. New Buhler Farm King C1036D 10" X 36' direct drive PTO-driven auger, heavy duty gear box (auger can be set up to drive from either side), enclosed top oil bath drive with #80 chain, used tires with tubes.
Complete with freight and setup. New Buhler Farm King Y1070 TMMR 10" X 70' low-profile, gear-drive swing-hopper auger with reverse kit. Note: This auger has been sold, but call to check on current price and availability of new units.
10x41 top drive auger, 32"x36 bin hopper, electric motor or gas engine mounts, triple belt drive, jack with swivel wheel, 12 gauge tube, 7 gauge flighting, new!
6 row NH chain corn head, 12ft. Has auto lube system. Approx 1500 motor Hrs. New Holland FX 60, kernal processor, 6 row chain corn head, 12ft pick-up head. ONLY 1242 cutterhead Hrs.
It utilizes a 24" wide PVC belt in a troughroller style conveyor. With this style of conveyor, you get 180 TPH volume with great efficiency. Just tow it to where you need it, unhook, start the motor, and you're ready to move material.