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Farm Garden Plants For Sale In Vancouver

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Stinging Nettle Plants
Prices start at : 120.00 USD / large size - 60 nettle plants

In summer, I clip back the plants and ship the plants with root system .Keep well watered and shaded till plants are established . I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well.
British Columbia
Carolina Reaper Pepper Plants Combo #1
Prices start at : 15.99 USD / ReaperPlntCombo

I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible. Pictured is a bowl of Carolina Reapers. Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate!
British Columbia
Okinawa Spinach Cuttings
Prices start at : 22.00 USD / 10 cuttings

Browse my store for additional items. This is an excellent raw salad green, or use the leaves on sandwiches in place of lettuce. Try something new in your garden this year! If you are unable to plant immediately upon receipt, put the stems in a vase of...
British Columbia
Rhubarb Plant or Cut Stems - Organic
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 2 Lbs Fresh Cut

In most cases, we harvest your fresh produce just before it is picked up or shipped. Appreciates afternoon shade in areas where the summers are hot. Email: Please call or email us to arrange pick-up (or very local) delivery of your...
British Columbia
Organic Mint Plant
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 3 plants

Check out our farm education programs and our family farm adventures! It does well in containers also! Great to dry, use in our favorite recipes and yummy teas! Here at Old Fliegler's Farm in Fallbrook, CA we grow naturally with no chemicals and cuttings...
British Columbia
MINI Galvanized Pails with Succulent
Prices start at : 375.00 USD / 100 Succulent & Pails

YOU TAKE OVER THAT RESPONSIBILITY. If shipping is included and we DO allow you to return the item to us---we will deduct the actual shipping charge for that order with proof of cost "if requested." YOU WILL receive healthy plants or living wreaths and...
British Columbia
Black Raspberry Plants
Prices start at : 40.00 USD / bundle of 10

Instructions for growing are not on the packs but are on the listing under the seed template. They will last generations if you care for them. I have been a seed savers for 40 years.
British Columbia
Hens and Chicks Collection NO. 4
Prices start at : 30.00 USD / 8 Sempervivums

Writing descriptions are quite difficult, it is the temperatures, length of daylight, soil, and intensity of sun the Hens and Chicks (Sempervivums) receive dictates the colors. This is why we request the 48 hours notification to any problems.
British Columbia
Fig Bush Plant
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / one rooted cutting - Fig

To open the package, remove staples and unfold. I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well. All of our seed offerings were grown here. I have been a seed savers for 40 years.
British Columbia
Alpine Red Strawberry Plants
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / RD Alp PL3

I have been a seed savers for 40 years. There's nothing like these berries as a garnish for your desserts, drinks or salads. Instructions for growing are not on the packs but are on the listing under the seed template.
British Columbia
Paprika Pepper Plants Combo
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / Paprikaplnts

Plants are 3-6 inches tall and come with a full page grow sheet! I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed.
British Columbia
Moringa Oleifera Trees
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / tree

Find us on Facebook for more info. A Land of Delight is dedicated to organic, healthy, and self-sustainable living. We sell lots of healthy products for you to enjoy, including Organic Fresh Produce, Local Raw Florida Honey, Vitamins and Supplements,...
British Columbia
Jiaogulan -Gynostemma Pentaphyllum  plants
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Jia plant

To open the package, remove staples and unfold. I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well. Check out "Jiaogulan China's "immortality "Herb by Michael Blumert and DR Jialu Liu to learn more about all the uses and research...
British Columbia
Angel Trumpet Brugmansia
Prices start at : 18.00 USD / 5 stem sections

These are stem sections 6-8 inches in length and ready to plant now! Grower Jims Plants and Produce has been farming the same land for 30 years. Try something new in your garden this year!
  • USDA Zones: 8 to 11
  • Flowers: Foot-long, fragrant, peach-pink flowers throughout the year.
  • Water: maintain adequate moisture levels for best appearance, but drought-tolerant once established
  • Pests and Diseases: no serious pests
  • Propagation / Germination: Stick cuttings in soil to a depth of half their length and keep moist. New leafy growth will appear within a few days.
  • Sun: full sun, or morning sun with afternoon shade
British Columbia
Garlic Chives Plants
Prices start at : 60.00 USD / 20 garlic chive plant

I have been a seed savers for 40 years. I ship bareroot plants .Each clump will fill a 6 inch pot . Instructions for growing are not on the packs but are on the listing under the seed template.
British Columbia
Chocolate Bhutlah SM Pepper Plants Combo
Prices start at : 15.99 USD / ChocBhutlahPlnts

You will get a detailed growing sheet that tells you about soil, nutrients and even pest control! Once you get your plants there will be contact info so you can get a hold of me for any pepper questions.
British Columbia
Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa)
Prices start at : 49.00 USD / package of 15 divisions

The rhizome is dark brown to black in color; is thick and knobby; and produces large buds on the upper surface. MOST ITEMS offered here are LIVE PLANTS unless noted. Black cohosh [Actea racemosa (L.) formerly Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt], member of...
British Columbia
Heliconia Red Yellow & Orange 2 Live Rhizomes
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / Shades of Reds...

Insurance is not included in shipping & handling price. We can not guarantee viability, as it is stricktly between you & Mother Nature. Results depend on many factors, proper care, weather conditions, & soil conditions, all of which are out of the seller�s...
British Columbia
Devil\'s Tongue Pepper Plant Combo!
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / devtong6plnt

I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate! We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not...
British Columbia
Tree Collard Stem Cuttings - Organic
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / Three Cuttings

They are most flavorful in the winter when they take on a purple hue due to cold weather. Plant is a perennial and will grow for several years, after which the plants can be cut back and the stems used to start new plants.
British Columbia
Chile De Agua Pepper Plants 6 pack!
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / De Agua Pepper 6-pack

The Chile de Agua peppers grow from 3-5 inches long and taper to a point at the end. I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects.
British Columbia
Peter Pepper Plants Combo $14.99
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / peterplntcombo

Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate! I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination.
British Columbia
Forest Poppy Hylomecon vernalis
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

The pinnate leaves usually have five soft green leaflets, although three and seven occur as well, each with a shape ranging from lanceolate-oblong to rhombic, and a pattern of distinct teeth along the margins.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 299,640
  • Genus: Hylomecon
  • Quantity: 0.22 lb
  • Purity: 98%
  • Common Name: Forest Poppy
  • Species: vernalis
British Columbia
Croton Mammey Red in 8.75 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 22.28 USD / each

Delray Plants croton red mammey is known for it's bright tropical foliage, which is multi-colored and exotic in appearance. Croton red mammey is a vibrant accent to any room or landscape.
  •  When ingested it may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  •  Colorful mix of red, orange, yellow, and brown
  •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
  •  Spiral foliage that reaches upwards
  •  Direct from farm, farm freshlandscape
  •  No plants should be ingested at any time
British Columbia
8 in. Ivy Slender Cone in Grower Pot
Prices start at : 71.99 USD / each

A sturdy wire frame is carefully inserted into a pot of Ivy with very long runners and the Ivy vines are meticulously woven onto the frame. Most of our Ivy Topiary designs are meant for you Not to see the frame under the Ivy vines and leaves; for the...
  •  Sprinkling or misting the vines and leaves with water several times per week is also beneficial to keeping your plant looking good and preventing insect pests
  •  A location that is near a window or door that is frequently open is beneficial to keeping your topiary healthy also, for best results, after 2 or 3 weeks of being inside your topiary would like a 1 to 2 week "vacation" outside on a covered porch or patio, especially during the non-winter months, this will help it to resume active growing and rebuild reserves used up while indoors
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Light Requirements: High
  • Water Requirements: High/Low
  • Common Name: Ivy
British Columbia
Aji Hot Pepper Plants Combo #1
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / Ajicomboplnt

I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible. They can be chinense, baccatum or annums. The annum varieties tend to have upfront heat while the others have flavor first with heat at the back end.
British Columbia
2 in. Premium Pastel Succulent (Collection of 20)
Prices start at : 43.69 USD / box

Please be sure to promptly remove the plants completely from their boxes upon arrival. All orders come with care instructions. Plants may vary from pictures as plants are selected based on season, size, health and readiness.
  •  All shop Succulents plants come with helpful care instructions in every pack
  •  shop Succulents plant reference guide (QR code) is included in every shop Succulents order, succulents are drought tolerant plants, needing little water to thrive
  • Best Time to Plant: No Blossoms
  • Fragrance: None
  • Botanical Name: Succulent
  • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 1
British Columbia