Pictures available. Has a hitch for an accumulator. Has been shedded. Everything works and is ready to bale. Field ready, twine tie, Lights, Hydraulic hitch, moisture monitor, has hitch for an accumulator.
This machine was used rarely. Options include a bale extender on the back of the machine, a bale chopper, and a proprionic acid reservior. It has less than 1,000 bales. It\'s a 3\' x 3\' square baler.
$35,000 Hesston Large Square Baler 4755- \\'99 Hesston Baler. Call 303-261-7792 for more information Hesston Baler, large square baler- $35,000 4755- '99 Hesston Baler. Field Ready.Call 303-261-7792 for more information
Hydraulic swing tong. 2016 New Holland BC5060 Small Square Baler. Bale case extension. Halogen work light. Hydraulic pickup lift. Quarter-turn bale chute.