*This piece of machinery is at an auxiliary lot at: 3839 VanDyke Rd., Marlette, MI 48453 - it is not at our store in Chesterfield, MI. The machinery is Marlette is available for buyers to inspect on site, and you can call our Chesterfield store with any...
*This piece of machinery is at an auxiliary lot at: 3839 VanDyke Rd., Marlette, MI 48453 - it is not at our store in Chesterfield, MI. The machinery is Marlette is available for buyers to inspect on site, and you can call our Chesterfield store with any...
MACHINE STORED INSIDE YEAR ROUND Krone BiG Pack HighSpeed 1270 Multi-Bale 48 x 28 x 96" bales Auto lube Air cleaned double knotters Tandem axle w/ steering 550/45R22 tires Roller chute 92.5 pickup width LED working lights Hydraulic parking jack...