Fancy IH 943 corn head. We have over 100 combine heads in stock, give us a call with what you are looking for! NO PAYMENT FOR 1 YEAR! Very good deck plates, rolls, and auger.
Stock # 777000134, Oxbo 51320 Cornhead, 13 row 20", PTO, Approximately 5500 Acres Use, Maurer M24 24' Head Trailer, Call Brad Bishop in Pulaski for more information 217-792-5086# Rows Wide: 13; Row Spacing: 20, in.
Header has the foresight fingers on it for the auto steer. Header has the hyd. Number of Rows: 12, Width: 30, Header is always inside when not being used. Chains, deck plates, sprockets and knives are all good.
Genesis tillage is here to help you make the first step, and provide you with a gentill ii aerator. Our aerators are engineered with such precision that they are proving major benefits to farmers nationwide.