Green - TRACKS - 132' boom - LOADED - 20% Down of $18,050 WAC with tracks. Green, Inductor, Electric Command, ISO Product Control, ISO Steerable Hitch, ISO Ultraglide/PowerGlide Height Control.
600 Gal - 90' Boom - Make your tractor a self propelled sprayer! Self contained unit. *Note - boom wings not assembled in pictures. Chemical Inductor. Ace 650 hydraulic pump. 90' boom with 20" spaced triple nozzle bodies.
New 3-5-7 knife three point liquid applicator using 55-110 gal Demco tanks Electric pump, ground drive Demco piston pump or hydraulic pump with Ravens 440 controller Yetter coulter with knives or injectors *One pictured is sold.
Chem Farm 500 gallon stainless steel tank sprayer in good condition. It has a raven 440 monitor. This sprayer has a hyd drive hypro pump 60' manual fold booms and adjustable width axles.
60' BOOM, 20" SPACING, HYD ACE PUMP, Call, email, or visit for the current location of this item. Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores.