PRICED WAY UNDER COST -- MUST CALL!!! New - New Holland Rollbelt 450 round baler, 2016, 4' x 5' , 1.8m 5 bar pickup, deluxe net & twine, 540 pto,31 x 13.5-15 8 pr tires, hydraulic pickup, 1.8m roller windguard, 4.80/4.0-8 bolt on gauge wheels, bale ramp,...
5000 bales; Tires: 480/45-17 IMP @70%; belts @30%; good pickup; good rollers/bearings; 1000 PTO; paint/sheet metal: good/faded some; extra sweep pickup; net & twine.For More Information, call Seth Clemons 24/7 on my mobile (580) 704-6747 or email me at...
Email us with your zip code for a quote. Hours: -M-F 8:00-5:00 Saturday: By appointment only Please contact us for item location & availability. New Holland 855 round baler with net wrap Shipping is available for most items.
2000New Holland 688 Round Baler 5x6 bales Twine Only Auto Wrap Gathering Wheels !!!PRICE REDUCED TO $4,000!!! Call Ben Thompson 479-841-9714 financing available WAC