CALL FOR BEST PRICE!! -- NEW - New Holland Procart 819 8 wheel rake, 2018, 55" - 40 tine per wheel raking wheels, minimum working width 16' 4", maximum working width 18', windrow width 3' - 6' 7", with center kicker wheel
Under 2000 hours, selling to settle estate. Bi-directional tractor with loader and graple fork. 1996 New Holland 9030 bi-directional tractor selling to settle estate in central Nebraska.
These are all 4WD diesel tractors with low hours: Auction lot number 176: Serial No. 003427 - 129 hours Auction lot number 177: Serial No. 005626 - 277 hours Auction lot number 178: Serial No. 005627 - 287 hours There are six other tractors for sale in...
Delivery is available. Only 680 hours. Tractor has never pulled a plow, used for hay baler and feeding in the winter. New Holland TS110 4x4 with New Holland loader. This tractor is in excellent condition.
Please call if interested. 4WD, A/C, Articulated Steering,. More info and photos coming soon. 1999 New Holland TV 140 Bi Directional Farm Tractor, more info coming soon Price $35,000.
Excellent condition - super steer remote valve - quick attach bucket - 12\\" backhoe bucket - backhoe has seen little use - backhoe can be installed without removing three point hitch 3pt hitch,pto,very nice tractor in good condition,no leaks.local pick...
Tractor comes with 6\\" shredder,6' disc plow and 6' box blade The tractor was bought from Texas in december 2005.I have all the papers and owners manuals For shipping send me your city so I can calculate the shipping cost for you.I don't accept checks...
New Holland TC30 - Good Condition - less than 150 hours - with Back hoe - front loader - post hole digger and box scraper Would like $23,000 comes with all of the attachments! New Holland TC30 - Good Condition - less than 150 hours - Back hoe - front...
- Would be perfect for a horse or hobby farm. This is an absolute animal for cutting grass, but much more versatile than a zero - turn. 2005 New Holland TC35DA tractor with front end loader and 84" belly mower - 35 HP 3 cylinder DIESEL motor - 510 hours...
1999 New holland Tractor Complete With Scraper, Brushog, And 4 Ton Trailer Tractor is in Good Condition Tractor ,Brushog Scraper And 4 Ton Trailer For Sale Tractor is in Good Condition