2016 JT 1700 Lagoon Agitation Boat; Three Agitation Nozzles; JD 6.8 Liter Engine; Rental Unit; This unit is able to be towed down the road and has lights.
Farmstar 30' Dietrich Toolbar; 14 Units on 30" Spacing; 6" Flow Meter; Bar was completely disassembled this past winter and sandblasted and powder coated; Units where gone through in our shop this spring; Bar comes with injector hose and clamps.
Used 7 row narrow folding cyclone toolbar, three rows on the main bar and two on each wing, no row units, hydro manifold mount and Jamesway parallel lift mounts
Drive ahead while rolling up hose on a contour instead of breaking the hose and straightening out before rolling. Lay hose out at speeds up to 10 MPH with spool under power. Cart hyd swings outside the tractor duals.