Your choice 9500.00 a piece .Call Lynn,Bryan,or Brandon @ 931-484-3589 Good used Kuhn 6 basket hay tedders .These tedders just came out of the field and are ready to go.
Runs off 540 PTO pump and hydraulic tilt. Slight weld on hitch where 3pt arm hit, otherwise in great shape. Perfect for new seedlings to pick up the hay and leave to dirt and rocks in the field.
Year: 2011
Model: MERGE MAXX 300
Other: 540 PTO Pump , 2 sets of hydraulic remotes, Like new belt, Great Shape
It is 3 point cat 2 with a 540 pto. Shipping is available for most items. I will ship this rake just send me your zip for a quote. KUHN KF.4 flex rotary hay rake. For a quote contact Amy (with the shipping zip code).
Refined styling, higher strength materials and improved options deliver the most value for your equipment dollars. A built-in mechanical rake arm flotation slot provides superior terrain following without the need for a tractor with hydraulic float.
- Centralized pitch angle setting to protect plant cover. - A windrow clearance feature for headland turns and clearing obstacles. - 13.00 m working width but transport width reduced to 2.40 m.