13 Shank, Anhydrous, Tool Bar, Pull Type, 20" Coulters, No Closers, Hiniker Controller TEMPORARILY REDUCED ON OUR HOTLIST! FOB HOPF EQUIPMENT - NO TRADES WAS $6500 - NOW $4000
Not Just a Fertilizer but a Fertility System that provides both short-term and long-term replenishment of nutrients! Water soluble formula with N-P-K fertilizers to boost soil fertility Adds beneficial bacteria and an organic nutrient complex which sustains...
Product Features
Perfect for soil injection and soil drenching of trees: Product Features
Includes micronutrients including iron and manganese as well as humic acids, seaweed extract, and B-vitamins: Product Features
Advanced surfactant improves penetration and distribution through the soil profile.: Product Features
Zinc deficiencies are normally associated with calcareous soils and are common in citrus, peach, nectarine, avocado, walnut, pecan or other nut trees! Medicap ZN Zinc Implants - Zinc deficiencies can cause intravenous chlorosis, little leaves, even rosetting...
If fertilized before dormancy, the plant may still utilize the nitrogen to set new fruit. Apply after the plant goes dormant. Spread the width of the branches or canopy. This product replenishes essential micro-nutrients in the soil.
Product Benefits
Product Features
Increases sugar content (health of plant): Product Benefits
Improves water retention and drainage: Product Benefits
Includes humates, microbes, and probiotics: Product Features
Bag weight (pounds): 50: Specs
Extends harvesting period, leading to increased production: Product Benefits
Contains zero pesticides, insecticides, herbicides: Product Features
Stock # 311385, Hagie NTB Forty Foot, Ag System fluted coulters with depth bands, Injectors, Setup to work with a 2007-2009 or a 2014 to 2018 Hagie STS Sprayer. Boom Length: 40, ft.; Boom Section Spray
The speed of release is only affected by soil temperature. Only recommended to growers growing short crops, i.e.; 90 to 120 day crops. Florikote breaks the feast or famine cycle of other conventional and inferior slow release technologies, ensuring that...
Product Features
100% polymer coated fertilizer: Product Features
14-14-14 formula: Specs
Contains 100% Florikote polymer coated technology: Product Features
Intended for greenhouse crops, but can be used on all types of plants: Product Features
Don't just boost the acidity, use this 3-in-1 formula to boost acidity, fertilize, and add beneficial bacteria for better soil activity! PHC 3-4-4 is specially formulated for acid-loving plants like azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, hydrangeas and evergreen...
Very popular! Polymer-coated aluminum sulfate is slow-release for better uptake by plants, and lowers pH for blue hydrangeas and wonderful azaleas and rhododendrons! This Florikote Sapphire formula has been carefully engineered for maximum plant benefit.
Product Features
50 lb bag: Specs
Will also lower pH: Product Features
Active ingredient: 12% Aluminum Sulfur: Specs
Not fertilizer; there are no nutrients in it, just aluminum sulfate: Specs
Used to be that a powerful fertilizer, placed in the root zone, would burn the feeder roots next to it. Use on new plantings and established plants. Pep-Start saves time and labor.
Labeled for aphids, scales, sawflies, beetles, and many other common insect pests. These leakproof applicators are hermetically sealed to eliminate spray drift or any groundwater contamination, while reducing applicator exposure.
Medium rate application: 40 lbs per 10,000 sq ft. One formula fertilizes for lush, green turf AND has Trimec herbicide to effectively destroy dandelions and other broadleafs! One bag covers up to 12,000 square feet.
Controls a variety of broadleaf weeds, which reduces the amount of spraying and weed-pulling: Product Benefits
22-0-4 fertilizer formula: Specs
Has the benefit of delivering fertilizer and herbicide to your turf: Product Features
Very popular! Polymer-coated aluminum sulfate is slow-release for better uptake by plants, and lowers pH for blue hydrangeas and wonderful azaleas and rhododendrons! This Florikote Sapphire formula has been carefully engineered for maximum plant benefit.
Use as a flare root injection for prevention/treatment of oak wilt, Dutch elm disease, sycamore anthracnose, cedar apple rust, scab, and other leaf diseases of flowering crabapple.
For more info, call or text Ty directly at 317-775-4496 STOCK# X04067 Krause Gladiator 1200 - 12 Row30" spacing strip-tillage system. Estimated 1500 acres. 1 Section, rear hitch w/ hydraulics, walking tandems, dry can be added to this machine.
50% of the total nitrogen is derived from NutriSphere-N, a proprietary nitrogen management tool that has been proven to prolong desirable turf color up to 8 weeks. Fertilize and stop grassy and broadleaf weeds with one convenient formula! Strong in nitrogen,...
An easy method of fertilizing and preventing weed germination in one formula: Product Benefits
Active ingredient Prodiamine: Specs
For pre-emergence control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass (except golf course putting greens) and lawns: Product Features
11,100 sq ft for low coverage; per 8,300 sq ft for medium coverage; per 5,400 sq ft for high coverage: Specs
High nitrogen that delivers bigger, greener plants. 20-10-5 formula works up to 2 years with one application! Use once and it lasts up to 2 years! Agriform fertilizer tablets have a high-nitrogen formula specifically engineered to help deliver bigger,...
Fertilizer & lime spreader 5 Ton Or Optional 9 Ton Capacity Heavy Duty Carbon Steel Or 304 Stainless Steel Standard Or High Capacity Hopper Styles Low Maintenance Torsion Flex Axles Standard 16" Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Mesh Chain Available Options...
Then 10 lbs per 1,000 sq ft routinely for a total of 4 applications per year. Non-burning, spreadable granules can even be applied near waterways. Premium OMRI-listed natural, organic fertilizer provides a great balanced fertilizer for turf, crops, vegetables...
Product Features
Product Benefits
Alfalfa is the second richest source of nutrients known and is the base for Bradfield Fertilizer: Product Features
Made from all feed grade nutrient components: Alfalfa, Molasses, Sulfate of Potash, Humate (humic acid) and Poultry by-Products. No manure, sludge or inert ingredients.: Product Features
3-1-5 formula: Specs
Relieves heat stress and promotes winter cold-hardiness: Product Benefits
Available Phosphate (P2O5).1%: Specs
Safe around children and pets, lakes and streams: Product Benefits
We can offer you good reliable service, high quality product and stable long-term relationships. We offer good products, manufactured in Russia, by reasonable price, which will meet all your demands.
Perfect for blending with soil mediums for the establishment of a healthy root system. Grotab 3-in-1 Powder reduces transplant stress by givng the plant a blend of beneficial mycrobials including Mycorrhizae and Trichoderma.