High Conductivity Double Skinned stretch shock cord Unique "Taraconnect" spring connector device - supports & protects shock Best single strand option available 21' Gateway
All Cyclops chargers have more lightning protection than any other chargers made. Ground rod must be driven in as deep as possible. The low impedance 1.5 Joule, 12V Hero Battery will handle pastures up to about 12 acres.
- Three standard models – 2 & 4 strand kits; 4 strand Lifestyler (this includes 25m of our own 20mm Taratape Gate Tape). The Taragate is designed to maintain its tension over long spans, particularly the 2 strand, with the simple and durable polybow...
Taylor 2 year warranty applies. Solar electric fencing installations provide reliability & durability year in & year out. User would need to provide their own battery. /> GROUNDING: REQUIRES AT LEAST 1 - 6' GROUND ROD CONNECTED TO FENCE.
Pasture Pro fence posts are proudly made in the USA and come backed with a 20 year warranty. They are flexible with pressure and return to the original position. They come in White, Black, Hickory or Cedar, but we only stock White.
Great for rodeos, horse shows, or trail rides Works with most types of animals Kit includes: AN20 energizer, 12 SENTINEL tread-in posts, No Kick handle, 660' roll of 1/2” politape, reel, carry bag, assembly instructions.
The 330' roll is recommended for more powerful energizers including the 12000, 2, 36000 & 63000 units. Double insulated for maximum protection for longer life. 3 times more conductive than standard cable, this transfers more power from energizer to...
All Cyclops chargers have more lightning protection than any other chargers made. Ground rod must be driven in as deep as possible and spaced 10' apart. The low impedance 30 Joule, 110V BOSS will handle pastures up to about 1000 acres.
Strong galvanized steel spring, complete with large functional handle for maximum protection, activator and insulated anchor, this gate will reach up to 24' feet. Priced per each.
Smooth grip spring loaded wear resistant jaws Heavy duty rivets Extra long 2.1m chain complete with anchor hook provides better options Passivated plating for corrosion protection Complete with FREE tension Guide to ensure even straining.
All Cyclops chargers have more lightning protection than any other chargers made. Ground rod must be driven in as deep as possible. The low impedance 2.5 Joule, 12V Stallion Battery will handle pastures up to about 25 sq acres.
Use with all sizes of Gripple Adjustable torque gauge to deliver consistent tension Lightweight and compact design The integral torque gauge controls the load applied to the wire, giving consistent tension every time.
This item is durable and easy to use. A great tool for your fencing needs. The lightning protector diverts the voltage from a lightning strike to ground before it reaches the energizer.
Speedrite Extreme Tape has been tightly woven for superior strength and offers superior shocking power over standard politape (60 times more conductive than standard politape). Comes in 660' roll - priced per roll.
It has a day/night sensor and can be mounted in a variety of options. 2-Year warranty. The Speedrite 3000 Unigizer electric fence energizer is a dual purpose 3 Joule model that is a versatile 3-in-1 unit, it runs on 110-Volt AC, 12-Volt battery or a solar...
Manufacturer Warranty: 2 year warranty including lightning
Provides more power for slightly larger farms and livestock: Yes
Don't settle for less than the best. These items are durable and easy to use. This is a dead end or corner insulator with very good mechanical properties that is specially designed for fences using polywire, polyropes, aluminum wire, high tensile steel...
✓ Egg shape construction is both safe and very strong
The Drive-Thru Gate is energized with any common electric, battery, solar fencer or electric fence. Protects the finish on farm vehicles, as the metal never touches the vehicle. Will fit opening from 18 to 24 feet.
Rope connector (#102626) connected to the end. This stainless steel medium duty gate handle has a permanently attached 1/4 in. A great tool for your fencing needs. This item is durable and easy to use.