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Wheelbarrows: One Wheel Or Two?
Even if you're only holding one handlebar, there will still be three points of contact with the ground. A single-wheeled wheelbarrow is best used for smaller loads. Two Wheels Having an extra wheel for balance can make all the difference when transporting...
Musings on an Old-Fashioned Measuring Wheel
But there's something about this old-fashioned measuring wheel that I find appealing—let's face it, what could be simpler for measuring a lengthy distance than rolling a wheel from one point to another and reading the result?
Around The Color Wheel With Purple Heart
This color scheme uses a triad of colors equidistant the color wheel; in this case; red-purple, marigold (Orange/yellow) and aqua (blue/green).My favorite spot in the garden this spring contained'Tanager' might also be attractive orange flowered choices.Certain...
El Segundo
Power Equipment Purchasing Options
Too light of a tractor can result in jackknifing, rollovers and other hazards when going down a slope or trying to stop, even on the level. Sometimes they think they need a 60-horsepower tractor when they only need 25 horsepower.
Build Your Own Egg Mobile
I added five 8-foot 2x4s every 2 feet along the top to support the metal roofing (see step 10). Step 7 With a staple gun, we attached chicken wire to the bottom of the coop as the flooring—this allows the manure to fall to the ground instead of collecting...
The Wheel Bug: A Voracious Predator Gardeners Love
Once bitten, you'll learn to leave the wheel bug alone and let these helpful creatures hunt for their prey. If approached they will often move to back side of leaves to stay out of sight.
Spinning the Color Wheel: An Experiment with Annuals
Too bad I never listened. When our new house was built, its stark white siding with inviting green shutters and roof demanded color immediately. Reds and yellows were fabulous, albeit obvious, choices, but I suspected they would be less striking going...
El Segundo
Tips on Buy Replacement Wheels for Small Farm Machines
Spring has arrived at last! At least officially, if nothing else. There are other factors to consider as well, such as the type of tire (solid rubber or inflatable?) and whether the tires, if inflatable, have inner tubes.
The Color and the Plant: What\'s not to Love about Lavender?
For many years, visitors to our gardens have remarked on their tranquility. See if your perception of "lavender" squares with or differs from ours and let us know in the space provided at the end of this article .(Grown as an annual in our gardens; perennial...
El Segundo
From Garden to Quilt: Flowers and Trees in American Quilts
That is why one quilt pattern can have so many names, and sometimes one name is applied to several different patterns.Flower Basket is one of many different quilts featuring baskets.
El Segundo
Making Olive Oil
Most people bring in 500 to 1,000 pounds of olives. We went to a modern oil press, called a frantoio , to talk to the folks at the facility. There are dozens of frantoios around here, and people come in by the thousands to get their oil pressed.
Raclette, the Swiss-Can\'t-Miss
Fresh and authentic, the tangy, well-flavored cheese melted just as it should over the Yukon gold potatoes and homemade pickles I provided. Add balsamic vinegar near the end of cooking.
Thrips On Onions And Why Onion Tops Curl Up
The nymphs can be recognized by their pale yellow color while the winged adults will be light to dark brown. Otherwise, their populations may become large and more difficult to control.You can evaluate these numbers by counting them on random plants throughout...
Thimbleberry - A Postcard From Summer 1971
My girlfriend's Mother made us a cover for the spare tire mounted on the front of the van and we really did look "respectable" until we got out of the van in tie dyed T-shirts sans - well you know what.
El Segundo
The Zodiac Garden
In other words, these observe a system by which astrological signs are linked to body parts & assigned to various labours at different astrological junctures.Some sources connect Gemini to arms & hands.
El Segundo
Growing Calendula – How To Care For Calendula Plants In The Garden
If you are so inclined, use plant parts as a topical treatment for minor scrapes and cuts. As the calendula prefers cool temperatures, flowers last longer in filtered sun or shady areas., this plant can bloom from spring through fall and beyond.
Caltha Cowslip Info: Tips For Growing Marsh Marigold Plants
Sepals are borne on waxy and attractive green foliage, which may be heart shaped, kidney shaped or rounded. This species has a hollow stem which floats on water.These plants make great additions to the moist garden, and as a bonus Caltha cowslip attractsGrowing...
Sweet Lemon Information: Tips On Growing Sweet Lemon Plants
A USDA Research Center called Rio Farms brought this sweet lemon to the United States.The center was shut down and the citrus there left to live or die. Fruit is borne at the ends of these branches and is pear form in shape.
My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
The left wheel, as if finally realizing that the task wasn't as hard as it seemed, gripped the ground and almost effortlessly drove the mower forward and off the anthill. Fortunately, the differential lock can override the essence of the differential,...
Mulch Weed Control – Tips On Getting Rid Of Weed Growth In Mulch
Unfortunately, landscape fabric isn't a perfect solution because some determined weeds will push through the fabric, and those weeds will be extremely difficult to pull.Sometimes, good old hand-pulling is still the most effective way of getting rid of...
Watering The Garden – Tips On How And When To Water The Garden
Vegetables, bedding plants and many perennials have more shallow roots systems and also require more frequent watering, some daily–especially in temps over 85 F. Therefore, it's going to dry out faster while the clay-like soil will hold moisture longer...
Vegetables at the Fair
The vegetables from my small plot of raised beds in the backyard go head to head withgrown by folks with large gardens. First, follow the directions. Exhibiting your vegetables at the fair helps promote an appreciation for gardening.
El Segundo
Desert Rose Propagation – Starting Adenium Seeds Or Cuttings
Once the seedlings appear, water only from below. Let's look at desert rose seed propagation and cutting propagation.The real trick to desert rose plant seed starting is to make sure that you start out with fresh seeds.
13 Tractor Terms to Help You Buy with Confidence
As a hobby farmer, buying a tractor might be your first major purchase outside of the land itself, and you want the experience to be a positive one. Forward/Reverse (F/R) This is seen on tractors with standard gear transmissions.
Choosing A Wheelbarrow – Learn About Different Types Of Wheelbarrows
Wheelbarrows are used for a variety of things, such as moving rock, mulch or compost to the garden, moving trees or large shrubs from one spot to another, hauling bricks, disposing of garden debris, or even for mixing concrete or fertilizers.
Book Excerpt: How To Make A Cedar Pot Dolly
Carrying heavy garden pots or even houseplants from one location to another requires a lot of effort. Make sure you don't drill all the way down through the bottom board. At each corner, position a caster wheel, set in about 1⁄2 inch from the outer...
Italian Farm Trucks
Now's that's true agricultural chic! I've owned a 49 Ford flatbed, a 59 El Camino, a 66 Ranchero, a 72 Chevy pick up, and a 1995 Isuzu Trooper in the states and I drove a Ford 250 Diesel for awhile as a work truck.