In fact, these yellow pieces are individual ray flowers. Sunflowers have a taproot that is strong and can break through hard soil, providing the tall plant a much-needed anchor. The male,, are both present in disk flowers.
The doctor took his temperature (102.8 degrees F) and some blood tests and sent him straight to the hospital where they put him in the intensive care unit. Sometimes they get on us animals and on our Mom and Dad.
There was a time when such work meant grabbing the chainsaw, a fuel can and “the tool” and heading for the job site. Here are a few steps that I try to follow before I make my first cut: A smooth running machine is a safer machine.
Maybe a plate of Martok's Tasty Tidbits to share with my family. Another way to spread cheer is to make small gifts or cookies, then pack up your kids and visit an assisted living or nursing home.
Trois contributed 417 images to DG PlantFiles, four of his photos have been featured onAll photographs were used with permission and are copyrighted as indicated by their respective photographers.
The easiest place to examine mucous membranes is inside the eyelid. Check inner eyelid color in natural light. It's easy to check livestock vital signs to ensure your animals stay healthy.
With an older, well-trained horse you know what you're getting. Mom says next week I can share some horse-care tips for horse keepers on a budget, so stay tuned! And if you have economical horse-keeping tips, please post them.
10 and the Anchorage post office will mail it from Santa for you. This is part of Operation Santa , a program the U.S. Post Office sponsors this time of year. Last week, we talked about a few new holiday traditions you may not observe on your farm.
It got real cold as the day wore on, and then it started to rain. My friend, Uzzi, and I looked at each other—we didn't know what to do. The next morning Mom and Dad raced around like crazy.
All rights reserved by the respective Ian Adams, Claire Tackes, 'Dutchlady1' and 'Mrs_Ed' for sharing their photos with us.[1] Wikipedia, Color Photography, Accessed Oct.23, 2008.[2] Wikipedia, Digital photography.
Reduce any large ‘leaves' to about half their size or less to reduce water loss and stress. The adultfor the Snowy River Wattle are shown next to the seedling and it is among thesethat the flowers in the next picture will eventually appear.Seeds are...
Last summer, after much squinting to make out the smaller print in magazines and books, and much denial about how the ruthless passage of time was again messing with my once-accute vision, it finally dawned on me: I needed new glasses.
These are the norms for adult farm animals: Goats and Sheep Temperature: 100.9 to 103.8 degrees F Heart rate: 60 to 90 beats per minute Respiration rate: 12 to 20 breaths per minute Rumen movements: 1 to 2 per minute Cattle Temperature: 101.5 to 102.8...
Or repeatedly soak the back of your neck and your shirt with the hose while you water your animals; our Mom does that most every afternoon. Don't overdo it and get sick—your animals need you! << More Mondays with Martok >>
I can remember a delicious example of this ideology – watermelon pickles. In Asian and African cuisines, sweet potato leaves have long been popular ingredients in coconut sauces and peanut stews.
This part of the fruit is not edible.With many other fruits such as lemons and peaches, the edible portion is part of the ovary or pericarp. When you core a pear, you remove both the ovary wall and the seeds.The part of the pear that you eat is the hypanthium.
“I keep the bottle and nose aligned so the lamb doesn't spit out the nipple or move it to the side or back of its mouth. Start by getting a nipple your tiny baby will probably like.
One area of design we may not notice is on dinnerware. Floral patterns have been used to decorate just about everything and appear almost everywhere.They have been used so extensively, that we take them for granted even though we pass them by everyday.
Http:// A previous article introduced the typical garrigue environment and plants as well as a water-color artist worth to meet. Today we will go for a second stroll in the same area and see what else...
Garnish with some diced scallions. Break out the plastic containers and […] If you want to use already-cooked, leftover vegetables, put those in the turkey broth after simmering and de-fatting, along with chopped, fresh herbs (the classic dill is good;...
We prefer certain tastes, especially bitters, and we're selective about what they eat. Nanny goat originated in the 18th century and billy goat in the 19th century. Instead, we position ourselves a few feet apart while facing one another, rear onto our...
A single seed will typically develop six or seven tillers in one season.The leaves of the rice plant sprout from the nodes along the stem. The sheath protects the undeveloped buds between the leaf and the stem.
Remember Mom's New Year's resolution to write a freebie ebook about raising a pet dairy goat wether to give to anyone who wants one? But some babies begin drinking and eating as young as 2 weeks old, so it's good to have them in place from the start.
There can be one to several rows of them. Cheerful, colorful and seemingly uncomplicated daisy flowers belong to the sunflower family or Asteraceae, which is one of the largest families of flowering plants.
Some breeds, like Pygmies , dual-purpose Kinder goats , Myotonic goats and rare San Clemente Island and Arapawa Island goats are in categories all by themselves. Our ancestor was a wild mountain goat called a Bezoar goat.
William Zinsser, writing in The American Scholar magazine, says that when he was a boy in the 1930s, he and his sisters fed stale bread to some of the 300 sheep that kept Central Park spiffy in earlier days.
It is from Latin and Greek meaning "little fruit." It is the lower part of the pistil. Ovules are where the Gamete cells are located in the female flower. It includes the ovary, stigma, and style.