A/C System tune up service just completed. Oil and Filter Service. A/C Condition: Good, A/C, 4x2 New A/C Compressor installed. 14' Rugby Contractor Box, Rugby HR Series Hoist, 5/8" Pull Plate with 2 5/16 Combo Pintle /Ball Combo, 5/8" D Rings, Back Up...
35 Ton Mechanical Detachable Double Drop W/ Swing Outriggers 29' Well 18" Loaded Deck Height 8-Chain Drop Per Side 4-Bent O-Rind Per Side Tool Box in Front of Main Deck Swing Outriggers LED Lights 4" Amber Strobe Lights Model: XL 70 SWING
2006 Freightliner Classic quad axle dump truck. Financing available!! $17,000 in engine work last year. New paint, 16 foot steel dump body with asphalt tail and tarp.