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Red Mountain Ice Plant
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 5" Container

'Red Mountaintm' has a low-growing stature that makes it the perfect, fast-spreading, dazzling groundcover on slopes or in borders for hot, dry, and sunny locations! If you want a continuous display of glowing red flower, or you need a good container...
  • Foliage: Green
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Botanical Name: Delosperma RED MOUNTAIN 'Psdold'
  • Soil Type: Widely adaptable
  • Mature Spread: 10 - 12 inches
Weedblock Ground Cover Mulch
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 3' x 50'

Three mil polyethelene. WeedBlock provides extra heat retention, a bonus for spring sowings. May last up to three years. Millions of tiny holes (placed pointy-side down) allow airflow to the soil.
  • Has Extra Shipping Weight: Yes
Cottage Grove
Silver Mulch
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 4' x 20'

A must in the organic garden. It's the best defense mustard plants have against flea beetles. Experiments have shown that Silver Mulch is as effective as regular pesticide applications for protecting tomatoes from spotted wilt virus.
Cottage Grove
IRT-76 Green Mulch
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 4' x 20'

Designed for commercial growers, but we think it's great for home gardeners, too. Also works for peppers, squash, and pumpkins. And wow, does it work! It warms the soil like clear mulch and suppresses weed growth like black mulch.
Cottage Grove
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 67" x 20'

Weighing in at a very light 0.6 ounce per square yard, this polyester fabric allows 75% light transmission. Provides frost protection down to 30°F. We have sold Reemay for close to 30 years, and its reputation and name recognition are well known to home...
  • Has Extra Shipping Weight: Yes
Cottage Grove
7 Steps to the Easiest Cold Frame You\'ll Ever Make
Step 7 Plant your seeds. Many of them easily construct with just a few common tools and will last for many years. Don't use cinder blocks, as they are often made of fly-ash that could contain heavy metals or other contaminants.
7 Winter Activities to Improve Your Garden
Jot these items down while the memories are still fresh in your mind. If you don't have time for cover-cropping or you've waited too long, don't fret. If you have finished compost, spread a layer of it under the straw so it will be ready for you to plant...
Shade Cloth
Prices start at : 52.95 USD / 6' X 10'

Ours blocks 65% of the light, perfect for greenhouse and general plant protection. UV stabilized material lasts up to 10 years. The edges are finished securely and fitted with metal grommets in each corner and every 12 inches.
  • Has Extra Shipping Weight: Yes
Cottage Grove
Brown Mulch
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 4' X 20'

The great innovation in film mulches. Embossed, 1 mil thickness. Brown mulch provides more effective weed control than green mulch and warms the soil better than black mulch. No additional information available Overall Rating:.
Cottage Grove
Prices start at : 259.95 USD / Sunbubble

Comes complete with a sturdy storage bag. The UV stabilized PVC cover features a rugged, zippered door and adjustable top vents for air circulation. Our versatile Sunbubbles can double as a play shelter or dining tent in rainy weather.
  • Has Extra Shipping Weight: Yes
Cottage Grove
The Garden Clip System
Prices start at : 26.95 USD / 20 Med Clips

Complete instructions included. The benefits of the Garden Clip System are: start your seedlings earlier, add extra warmth for heat-loving plants, provide temporary shade in hot months, extend your harvest well into fall or even garden year-round, and...
Cottage Grove
Red Mulch
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 4' x 20'

This material, a thin plastic film, performs like black mulch, warming the soil and retaining moisture, but there is one important difference. Strawberries also benefit from SRM-Red.
Cottage Grove
Grow Guard 20
Prices start at : 16.75 USD / 6' x 20'

This polypropylene fabric allows 85% light transmission. A single layer provides frost protection down to 27°F if there is no breeze. At 0.6 ounce per square yard, Grow Guard 20 is less abrasive to young plants than Reemay.
  • Has Extra Shipping Weight: Yes
Cottage Grove
Black Mulch
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 4' x 20'

When you're ready to set out your transplants, cut an X in the fabric where you want to plant and fold back the corners to expose the soil. Just lay it over your prepared beds and hold it in place by burying the edges with dirt, or by using fabric staples.
Cottage Grove
Purple Sprouting Broccoli Is A Winter Crop Worth Growing
They'll begin to produce more shoots and will have their heaviest production the year after they've been planted. It's a special strain of broccoli that grows best and is the most productive in late summer, autumn and winter.
Grow Greens Year-Round With Below-Grade Trench Planting
Step 3: Shore The Sides (If Needed) You need to complete this step only if you've dug a trench wider than about six feet and deeper than four feet. But, in typical winters, even in the north, the ground will not be fully frozen for a month or two after...
Winter Gardening: What You Can Expect
Wind and cold, mud and frost: The winter is a diverse time for weather. Today I offer ideas for what to expect from growing over winter and how to prepare for it. If you time your harvest around the weather and not the calendar, however, you can harvest...
3 Ways Of Overwintering Artichokes In Cold Climates
Though artichokes (Cynara scolymus) are the darling of gardeners in California and other warm climes, it's possible for northern gardeners to grow them, too. When spring arrives, and the danger of frost has passed, plant your bare-root artichoke crowns...
Winter Gardening: 3 Ways To Have Radishes For Christmas Dinner
Grow Radishes Under A Cloche Cloches are an important tool for winter gardening as they're essentially a mini-greenhouse placed over a plant. Don't space the seeds too thickly or the roots will not have room to “head up” properly.
Build A Raised Bed High Tunnel To Extend The Harvest
Season extenders are popular gardening tools these days. Jessica Walliser Screw the first bracket into one of the long sides of your bed, about one to two inches from its corner. Hammer one end of the piece of EMT conduit pipe into the ground until the...
Garden Bio-Film
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 4' x 20'

Finally, a 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable mulching film! Garden Bio-Film is made from cornstarch and other earth friendly resources. Shelf stable, its decomposition properties are activated by usage.
Cottage Grove
Frost Blanket
Prices start at : 23.95 USD / 6' x 20'

Cover plants before the frost comes, and uncover during the day when temperatures rise above 32 °F. Durable enough for multiple-season use. Allows 50% light transmission. Porous to air and water and UV stabilized so it won't deteriorate quickly in sunlight.
  • Has Extra Shipping Weight: Yes
Cottage Grove
Summer Insect Barrier
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 6' x 20'

This lightweight fabric provides an effective screen to reduce damage from flea beetles, thrips, aphids, whiteflies, striped cucumber beetles, and other insects that are virus vectors.
Cottage Grove
How to Delay Bolting of Your Spring Greens
Block the Light Another surprising way to delay bolting is to create an artificial extended nighttime by completely blocking light from hitting the plants, starting in the evening and going through the first few hours of daylight the following morning.
How To Keep Growing Poinsettias After Christmas
As long as the stems remain flexible the plant is still alive. Tags poinsettia , poinsettias Rather than disposing of these lovely plants, they should be grown as a house-and-garden plant all year long .
4 Tips to Keep your Garden Producing Into Fall
Intensive growing extracts a lot of nutrients from the soil, so it's important to replenish those nutrients and keep the soil amended by using additions of organic matter in between crop sowings.
How to Propagate Succulents: 2 Techniques for Success
They send little roots out down from the bottom side of the mother leaf; make sure you keep this root system intact when you separate them from each other. Cacti are a type of succulent, but there are many succulents that are not cacti.