For earlier and heavier melon and cucumber yields. No additional information available Overall Rating:. Overall yields were up 20-40%. Developed at the University of New Hampshire to significantly increase earlier and heavier yields of watermelons, cantaloupe,...
We have sold Reemay for close to 30 years, and its reputation and name recognition are well known to home gardeners. Provides frost protection down to 30°F. Weighing in at a very light 0.6 ounce per square yard, this polyester fabric allows 75% light...
I move all the seedlings I grow indoors under lights out into my cold frame to harden them off every spring. An even smarter idea (though more difficult to build) is to angle the bed 30 degrees from back to front, making sure the slant is south-facing...
Now is the time to plan if you hope to erect a new greenhouse, harvesting station, or maybe even build a root cellar once the ground warms up. If you have finished compost, spread a layer of it under the straw so it will be ready for you to plant come...
Whether protecting your greenhouse, hoop row covers, or shading a patio area, shade cloth is a very useful product. The edges are finished securely and fitted with metal grommets in each corner and every 12 inches.
Embossed, 1 mil thickness. The great innovation in film mulches. Use this superb all-purpose mulch for crops such as melons, eggplant, squash, and cucumbers. No additional information available Overall Rating:.
These dome-shaped greenhouses are roomy enough for large and climbing plants. Comes complete with a sturdy storage bag. Our versatile Sunbubbles can double as a play shelter or dining tent in rainy weather.
Complete instructions included. Slip longer lengths over 1/2 inch rebar stakes driven into the ground. These nifty garden clip fasteners secure greenhouse film, row covers, shade cloth, or even bird netting securely to a pipe frame and holds well in high...
Increases tomato yields! Agricultural plastics technology has been brought to a new level by the US Department of Agriculture and Clemson University with the development of a reflecting red mulch film called Selective Reflecting Mulch or SRM-Red.
At 0.6 ounce per square yard, Grow Guard 20 is less abrasive to young plants than Reemay. A single layer provides frost protection down to 27°F if there is no breeze. This polypropylene fabric allows 85% light transmission.
Anxious to plant your garden sooner? This solid sheet of 1 mil plastic is best used with drip irrigation underneath. It blocks light so weeds can't grow underneath. Tired of fighting garden weeds?
With the help of cold frames , row covers, mini hoop houses and other season extenders , gardeners even in the extreme north can see at least a few different vegetable crops through the winter.
It can be as large or as small as you'd like, but make sure you can reach into the center of the trench easily. To further insulate deep, wide trenches, you could also line the sides with straw bales.
Winter gardening, in other words, requires slightly more improvisation and adaptability. Just packing crops away in your truck overnight might not be as viable as it is during the summer.
Pin the cylinder to the ground with landscape pins, and then fill it with a mixture of straw and shredded leaves. Choosing a protected site can offer a good bit of natural protection when the weather cools, so keep this in mind when picking a site to...
Cover each seed cluster with a homemade cloche made of a translucent milk jug with the bottom cut out and the cap removed. Having a homegrown holiday is always on the agenda for many small farmers.
Jessica Walliser 6 one- or two-hole strap brackets 6-12 wood screws 8-10 plastic zip ties (6-8 inches long) 3 8-foot pieces of 1/2-inch PVC piping 1 10-foot piece of 1/2-inch EMT conduit pipe 1 roll 6-mil plastic sheeting (size will depend on how large...
Heat-loving plants rejoice! Designed to warm up the growing environment for heat-loving crops like melons, eggplants, peppers, etc. No additional information available Overall Rating:.
Tufflite provides shelter from excessive rain, wind, and frost, plus it resists cracking and yellowing for up to 4 seasons. The sizes of Tufflite offered are for making different sized tunnels.
Cucumber vines are not frost tolerant and will need to be protected should an untimely frost occur. If you have pollination issues in your garden, late crops will often fare better because by late summer, native pollinator populations are their highest...
Shelf stable, its decomposition properties are activated by usage. Finally, a 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable mulching film! Garden Bio-Film is made from cornstarch and other earth friendly resources.
Works like a warm winter coat protecting plants down to 24-26 °F. Porous to air and water and UV stabilized so it won't deteriorate quickly in sunlight. This hefty polypropylene fabric is three times the thickness of Reemay and weighs 1.5 ounces per...
Keep unwanted insects out. No additional information available Overall Rating:. Porous to both air and water. At 0.4 ounce per square yard, it's lighter, softer, and more flexible than Reemay.
This marks the end of their productive period as the foliage turns bitter when the flowers arrive. Block the Light Another surprising way to delay bolting is to create an artificial extended nighttime by completely blocking light from hitting the plants,...
Position it in full to partial shade. Once the danger of frost has passed, repot the plant into a slightly larger container using new potting soil or plant it directly into the ground.
When my green beans finish producing, turnips will go in their place. « More Dirt on Gardening » Tags Lists , succession planting Use Organic Matter To successfully succession plant, incorporate lots of organic matter into your soil.
Propagating succulents is surprisingly simple, and it's a great project for expanding your succulent collection during the winter months. Dip the cut end of the leaf in a dusting of rooting hormone (available online or from local garden centers).