Due to its extreme hardness, it is commonly used for the fretboard on a guitar. In West Africa, where it grows, it is called Acajou.Cocos nucifera is often called by its French name, Cocotier.
Apple trees when harvested are valued by woodworkers for their wood quality. If you don't have a gas-jet fire ignition setup on your fireplace, you may need more than rudimentary fire-building skills — and some softer, faster firewood on hand, such...
Cedars are known botanically by the genus name Cedrus and are members of the Pinaceae or pine family. Junipers and cedars are evergreens.Juniper is an evergreen with whorls of needle-like leaves.The confusion between the two genera is due to the common...
Elm trees are therefore classified as soft hardwoods. Softwood comes from evergreen, coniferous trees.You can differentiate lumber even further once you have established whether it is hardwood or softwood.
Wood that is exported costs up to $17,000 per cubic meter. The wood is prized for making piano keys as well as oboes, clarinets and even bagpipes. Ebony tree roots can fix nitrogen, enriching the surrounding soil.
It is not suitable for steam bending. Imports to the United States are mainly in the form of veneer and plywood, especially for use in decorative paneling, hollow-core doors and furniture.
Some particle board is made with palm wood and palm wood oils are used to make resins, dyes and finishes. For community defense, the wood from palm trees is used in spear construction as well as the manufacture of bows and arrows.Use of palm tree wood...
Swietenia mahagoni is the rarest sub-type and is native to Florida, parts of Central America and the Carribbean. Mahogany is considered a part of the Swietenia genus of trees: Swietenia mahagoni, Swietenia humilis and Swietenia macrophylla.
The process involves boiling and drying the knees, which reveals the soft texture and delicate finish of the cypress wood.Fill a large stock pot with water. Remove the pot lid. A wood carver named Thomas Gaskins created a method of removing the outer...
Since you have only one tree, a lumber company will likely not be interested.Arrange additional appraisals if you want. Maybe it blocks sunlight from your yard. Whatever your reason, you can sell your cedar tree for wood by doing a little homework.Measure...
A forester can inspect your trees and give you tips on potential buyers. Market needs will affect your price. If you want to sell your cedar trees, either as mature trees or for their wood, knowing how much they are worth is the first step.Locate a forester...
Use a saw for those thick lower limbs and make three cuts: a top cut, under cut and finally another top cut to sever the wood. Tulip magnolia is a multi-stemmed tree that should be trimmed to keep the older heavy wood from breaking.Tulip magnolia can...
Split the wood upon cutting. The seasoning process may last six months to a year or more -- longer if the cypress or bald-cypress was particularly wet. If you can roof these with an open-air woodshed or heavy-duty tarp tied above, you can shield the pile...
Nonresinous wood is usually denser with smaller pores than resinous wood. It burns cleaner than resinous wood, producing less soot that collects in venting flues and chimneys. Nonresinous wood is preferred for firewood and barbecues, and by cabinetmakers...
Pay special attention to the exposed wood in the area where the branch was cut, as it decays faster than the bark.Allow the varnish time to dry overnight before handling. Move your hand in a back and forth motion, which helps with even coverage.
Age your hackberry wood one year to get the best it has to give, Dried hackberry logs burn much better than freshly cut or unseasoned wood. When it does, the wood performs admirably in your fireplace or wood stove.Good firewood relies on several qualities...
In this case, burning lilac wood is not only safe, it is the safest thing you can do for your garden's or nursery's health.As with all wood, if you burn lilac wood in your indoor fireplace, be sure that the chimney is clear.
This information is available by consultation with your local lumber mill operator. Birch felled in winter, and stored for several weeks before air drying, produces a lighter wood.
With over 140,000 acres planted in pecan trees, Georgia is the nation's leading producer of pecans, according to the University of Georgia. Many nut trees make good shade trees and are important sources of food and shelter for wildlife.
Studies at Iowa State University have shown that the fruit contains a chemical compound (tetrahydroxystilbene) that is an effective insect repellent, though it is present only in minute quantities.Though most parts of the fruit are inedible because of...
Unlike the case with maple trees, many people have no idea how to use sap from cherry trees or even if it can be used at all. The most common culprits are peachtree borers or an infection called gummosis.
It produces a fruity sweetness in food.Crabapple wood produces fewer sparks and less smoke than many other types of wood."Wildman" Steve Brill, an American "forager" and plant expert, says on his website that crabapple wood, "It makes better fires than...
You can collect the trimmings and save them for clean-burning firewood. Whether you are clearing out old bushes or just trimming in your yard, save the wood and use it for heat in a fireplace.Lilac bushes need the older wood trimmed out each year for...
It cannot tolerate temperatures below -28 F for any length of time. If combined with plentiful sunshine and a lack of pests, the trees will outlive most of the trees around it. Unless the trees are cut back all around the tree, it will only grow as long...
Surviving walnut roots can still produce juglone and kill other plants. If you want to rid yourself of a walnut tree, cutting it down may not be enough. By cutting the ring through the bark, you will interrupt the tree's vascular system and slowly kill...
Split and stack firewood so that air circulates around it and dries it. Wood burning in an open fireplace gives off radiant heat and pleasant flames for fireplace fans. The thick, dark smoke that goes up the chimney contains tars that deposit on the chimney...
Tropical Africa's rainforests hold to a wide array of plants and biodiversity. The khaya senegalensis appears in gallery forests inlcuding those of Chad, the Central African Republic and Burkina Faso.Elaeis guineensis is the scientific name for the oil...