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Evergreen Honeysuckle

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Cool Splash Honeysuckle
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

The 4-inch, ovate leaves feature dark green centers surrounded by yellow-tinted, creamy white margins. It's a lovely presence in any setting! Panicles of trumpet-shaped blooms appear in late spring/early summer, their brilliant yellow an elegant contrast...
  • Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
  • Foliage: Variegated
  • Botanical Name: Diervilla sessilifolia 'LPDC Podaras'
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
Scentsation Honeysuckle Vine
Prices start at : 33.95 USD / Quart Container

Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds fall over themselves to get to this great vine. Each flower has its own individually strong aroma, but together it's like a perfume store exploded in your garden.
  • Mature Spread: 5 - 6 feet
  • Mature Height: 10 - 15 feet
  • Botanical Name: Lonicera periclymenum 'Scentsation'
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Foliage: Green
Kodiak Orange Honeysuckle Bush
Prices start at : 33.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

It plays well with its garden neighbors, for sure. But don't take that as it being a garden sissy. What a deal! This bush honeysuckle isn't a true honeysuckle so it's not invasive like many natives can be.
  • Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
  • Foliage: Orange
  • Soil Type: Widely Adaptable, Well Drained
  • Brand: Proven Winners
  • Growth Rate: Medium
Sugar Mountain Eisbar Sweetberry Honeysuckle
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 3.5" x 3.5" x 3.5" - Volume: .67 of a quart (.6 of a liter)

It has only been available on the market since 2015. They aren't as well-known as other berries – blue, rasp, straw and black - but we have a feeling that they soon will be! Don't wait until they are passe.
  • Mature Spread: 4 - 8 feet
  • Flower Color: Waxy white
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Moisture: Drought tolerant
  • Botanical Name: Lonicera caerulea SUGAR MOUNTAIN '54-57'
  • Fruiting Time: Summer
Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

It's small, only about four feet tall with a spreading nature. Bees, butterflies and birds all love it, and hummingbirds will soon consider your yard their favorite place in the neighborhood.
  • Foliage: Bronze Green
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Soil Type: Widely Adaptable
  • Botanical Name: Diervilla lonicera
  • Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
  • Flower Color: Yellow
Coral Honeysuckle Info: How To Grow Coral Honeysuckle In The Garden
In places with colder winters, the leaves will drop or some growth will die back.Coral honeysuckle will grow as a vine up trellises or along fences, but it can also be used effectively as a creeping groundcover.
How And When To Prune Honeysuckle Plants
Keep the soil around the plant moist at all times to help the vine regenerate.You can also rejuvenate overgrown honeysuckle bushes this way, but it's better to rejuvenate them gradually.
Care Of Winter Honeysuckle: Tips On Growing Winter Honeysuckle Shrubs
Winter honeysuckle makes an attractive backdrop for more colorful flowers.Growing winter honeysuckle shrubs is an easy way to fill your garden with early season flowers and fragrance, but theare considered highly invasive in some areas.
Honeysuckle Seeds And Cuttings: Tips For Propagating Honeysuckle Plants
It's best to do layering in the spring.. Propagating honeysuckle can be done in several ways. Where the vine touches the ground, scratch the side facing the earth with a knife. If you have ever battled this fast-moving vine, you might wonder why anyone...
Japanese Honeysuckle Weed: How To Control Honeysuckle In Gardens
The undiluted concentrate is usually 41 or 53.8 percent glyphosate. The berry color is different too, with Japanese honeysuckle having purplish-black berries and most other honeysuckle types having berries that are reddish orange.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Types Of Honeysuckle Plants: How To Tell Honeysuckle Shrubs From Vines
Despite their lack of fragrance, they still You can train both species to a trellis, or let it ramble as a ground cover. You'll find many honeysuckle varieties to choose from, with long-lasting flowers that bloom in shades of yellow, pink, peach, red...
Honeysuckle Vine Care: How To Grow A Honeysuckle Vine In The Garden
Pruning honeysuckle vine is generally done in the fall or winter, when the honeysuckle plant is dormant. Therefore, you should thin out the top half of the vine during the dormant season to keep it healthy.
Transplanting Honeysuckles: How To Transplant A Honeysuckle Vine Or Shrub
Despite its vining habit, honeysuckle is a woody shrub. Root pruning is an important part of transplanting honeysuckles because it severs the longest roots. Use a shovel or spade to reopen and expand the circle around the rootball until you can wedge...
The Hardy Honeysuckle Vines
There are quite a few available. They do not appear to be fussy about soil types but they are generally not well suited to droughty conditions. One of the few flowering vines that us gardeners in cold climates can utilize in our gardens are the twining...
El Segundo
40 Ft Storage Container
Price : CALL

40 Ft Storage Container for sale, is in great condition, Green (EverGreen). Contact for pricing.. Buyer responsible for pickup and/or shipping. Great for onsite storage and construction use.
Monkey Puzzle Tree
Prices start at : 49.95 USD / 1 pcs

Plant in the fall or spring, give them plenty of sunshine and space, and let these easy-to-grow trees do their thing. Tough, Deer Resistant This is not a tree you'd enjoy climbing! Its sweeping, spiny limbs were thought to confuse and repel monkeys (hence...
  • Mature Height: 60-70 ft.
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Mature Width: 20-30 ft.
  • Drought Tolerance: Good
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Brass Buckles Holly
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Plants that are deficient in Potassium, are usually growing more slowly than normal, have fewer flowers and seed, and are more susceptible to disease than plants with adequate levels of Potassium.
Drops of Gold Holly
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 GAL

Fertilizing at this time may stimulate new growth that will be too tender to withstand the winter. A less expensive fast release fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 will work just as well if applied twice during the summer.
Soft Touch Holly
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

Fertilizing at this time may stimulate new growth that will be too tender to withstand the winter. A less expensive fast release fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 will work just as well if applied twice during the summer.
Rubus Calycinoides Emerald Carpet
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1 GAL

Another reason for pruning Rubus Calycinoides Emerald Carpet is to re-define the plant's definition within the landscape. If your Rubus Calycinoides Emerald Carpet are younger plants, and you want them to concentrate their energies on growing for a few...
Identifying Wildflowers: Coral Honeysuckle
Her brother had planted a cutting there years ago and now, its progeny happily blooms at my house, just like it has for countless relatives across the years. I took my cutting from my Mom's plant in 2001 when she sold our farm.
El Segundo
Sky Pencil Holly
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 pcs

Because of its unique shape, the possibilities are endless. Very few shrubs can give you this kind of height without encroaching on nearby plants. If you are looking for a sleek, updated, stylish look, use these Japanese Hollies with their tall, narrow,...
  • Mature Height: 8-10 ft. or trim to desired height
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Mature Width: 2 ft.
  • Drought Tolerance: Good
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Rocky Mountain Fir Tree
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 pcs

You'll make an impact on local wildlife too. And all of this comes with hardly any work. Thriving everywhere in zones 4-6, you can enjoy everything this tree has to offer, even if you're all the way on the east coast! Stunning blue-green needles make...
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Sunlight: Full Sun
  • Mature Width: 15-25 ft.
  • Mature Height: 40-60 ft.
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Japanese Blueberry Tree
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 1 pcs

Clip the Japanese Blueberry 2 or 3 times per year during warm weather and train it how you'd like: a casual cone shape, a trunk with a dense cloud of leaves, a hedge… whatever your yard or garden needs.
  • Sunlight: Full-Partial
  • Mature Width: 30 ft.
  • Mature Height: 35 ft.
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Cedar Deodar
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 pcs

Order Now Your tree(s) will arrive healthy and ready to thrive. Female trees have 3-5 inch egg-shaped cones that shatter, releasing the seeds of the tree. Two-inch l ong whorled needles give this tree a softer look .
  • Spacing: 20-25 ft.
  • Sunlight: Full Sun
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Mature Height: up to 70 ft.
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Mohave Pyracantha (Firethorn)
Prices start at : 99.95 USD / 1 pcs

The plump, juicy berries are so tightly packed, they almost resemble giant, flaming raspberries. It's a wonderful look to usher in the fall. Initially the berries emerge as a deep burnt-orange, but soon turn to a bright fire-engine red.
  • Mature Width: 8-12 ft.
  • Sunlight: Full Sun
  • Drought Tolerance: Good
  • Growth Rate: Fast
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Douglas Fir Tree
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 pcs

Planting a Douglasfir means you're contributing to an important part of the ecosystem that will live for centuries. Douglasfirs are very drought tolerant, surviving in areas with as little as 16" of rain each year, and there's no pruning, fertilizing...
  • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Drought Tolerance: Good
  • Mature Height: 40-70 ft.
  • Mature Width: 12-20 ft.
South Carolina
Fort Mill