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How To Grow Endive Lettuce
Start your early crop by growing endive in small pots or egg cartons in the beginning, then place them in a greenhouse or warm, moist environment. If you're thinking about starting your vegetable garden, you might be asking yourself, “How do I grow...
How to grow: Endive (Growing Guide)
Notes Can blanch a few plants at a time when they are grown by excluding light from them for a few days. Feeding Not usually required. Will sometimes resprout. This can make them less bitter.
What Is Lettuce Mosaic Virus: Information On The Treatment Of Lettuce Mosaic
These are the source of the infection, acting as virus reservoirs from whence the aphids spread the disease to surrounding healthy vegetation. , but one of the most common is lettuce mosaic virus or LMV.
How to grow: Mizuna (Growing Guide)
Keep soil moist in dry weather to prevent running to seed. Spacing Single Plants: 9" (25cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 7" (20cm) with 11" (30cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow directly into soil from early to late summer Our Garden Planner can produce...
How to grow: Chicory (Growing Guide)
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Feeding Drench with an organic liquid plant food when heads begin to form. Troubleshooting Bitter flavor is often due to hot weather.
How to grow: Radicchio (Growing Guide)
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Feeding Drench with an organic liquid plant food when heads begin to form. Troubleshooting Bitter flavor is often due to hot weather.
What Are Planting Times in Texas?
January 1 to 15 is recommended for asparagus and radishes and January 15 to 31 is recommended for asparagus, carrots, leaf lettuce, leeks, parsnips, garden peas, radishes, rutabaga, shallots and spinach.February 1 to 15 is recommended for carrots, collards,...
Santa Monica
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part III: Variety Greens
It is very cold-hardy and can overwinter in many zones.[Rumex sanguineus] is a new variety bred particularly for salads with deep red veins contrasting with the bright green leaves to make an attractive plant.Common sorrel, often considered an herb, grew...
El Segundo
Chicory: From Coffee to Plate
Catalogna Is A Chicory Many grocery stores have begun to stock “dandelion greens,” and in almost every case these greens are not true dandelion but, instead, their cousin Catalogna.
Sugarloaf Chicory
The most forward-thinking gardeners grow patches of perennial chicories and allow the plants to spread by division and self-seeding. Grown as a fall and early winter-harvest crop, the seeds of sugarloaf chicory are sown in late spring or early summer...
How to grow: Tatsoi (Growing Guide)
In fall, tatsoi looks beautiful with pansies and parsley. Position Full sun. Sow in double rows, with rows spaced 10 inches (25 cm) apart. Crop Rotation Group Brassicas (Cabbage family) ● Soil Any sunny site with good drainage.
How to grow: Poached Egg Plant (Growing Guide)
Spacing Single Plants: 3" (10cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 3" (10cm) with 3" (10cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow poached egg plant in early spring, while the soil is cool. Thin to 4 inches (10 cm) apart in all directions.
Recipe: Salade Lyonnaise
Leslie swears by the duck eggs for baking, and I considered coddling the duck eggs (baking them in cream). Meanwhile, poach or gently fry the eggs (in a little olive oil), leaving the yolks soft.
Green Puttanesca
Meanwhile, in a large pot, heat half the olive oil. In less than 10 minutes, the spaghetti cooked and the whole mess was tossed together with another liberal glug of olive oil and some grated Parmesan on top.
What Causes Tipburn In Lettuce: Treating Lettuce With Tipburn
The brown spots merge and eventually form a brown fringe along the margin of the leaf.Generally young, maturing leaves in head and leaf lettuces become afflicted with tipburn. One such disorder, lettuce with tipburn, affects commercial growers more than...
Gardening in Winter: Deep South Region
Begonia, allamanda, angel's trumpets, coleuses, firebush, firespike, glory bowers, impatiens, mandevilla, pentas, Cuphea, Philippine violet, salvias of all kinds, shrimp plant, tibouchina, Turk's cap, --all perennials or tender shrubs that frost kills...
El Segundo
Leafy Garden Greens: Different Types Of Garden Greens
They have often been discarded or considered less valuable where a root crop was involved, so farm laborers developed innovative methods of cooking these cast off leaves and created delicious and nutritious dishes.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Frisee Plant Information: Tips For Growing Frisee Lettuce
This involves covering the plants to keep them out of the sun when they are about three-quarters of the way to maturity. If you're looking to liven up your salad garden, try a new green.
Radicchio Growing – How To Grow Radicchio In The Garden
There are a few radicchio varieties to choose from, all of which are easy to care for and (Asteraceae), commonly found and utilized in many areas of Europe. Radicchio will grow in a variety of soil conditions from sandy to clay-like loam,...
My Post-Frost To-Do List
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags garden chores I then bring it inside, wash the leaves, and pack them into labeled freezer bags. Jessica Walliser It's official. The endive is ready for harvest, as are the French Breakfast radishes I planted in mid-September.
13 Low-Maintenance Vegetables For A No-Hassle Garden
Lovage is also called Chinese celery, due to its slightly more bitter celery-like flavor. About the Author: Lynsey Grosfield is the founder of BiodiverSeed , a global seed swap network devoted to the exchange of self-harvested, organic and heirloom seeds...
This week will start a series of blogs on the many varieties of edible chicory. Fortunately, many of us are starting to realize how much fun it can be to grow some of the more demanding crops like the forced chicories.
The Secret Behind Cold-Hardy Plants
I let the beans grow until the last possible moment, and now, following a couple of frosty mornings, they're hanging limply from their trellis, a twisted mess of black, slimy leaves, while just across the way, the kale planted last spring is still growing...
How to Grow Celeriac
When celeriac is planted in April or May, the root knob starts to expand in August and will keep growing until there is a really hard frost. Photo by Rick Gush Celeriac may be ugly, but it sure is good! While most other difficult and labor-intensive vegetable...
Four Thieves and their herbs...
They gave up the recipe! The tale continues to say that many others used the herbal vinegar and survived.The recipe ingredients vary from tale to tale, but with today's science we know that most of the herbs reportedly used are antifungal and antiseptic.
El Segundo
Making Bitters
Sarsaparilla ( Aralia nudicaulis L. You can find myriad suggestions on the Internet for recipes and ratios for your bitters, or you can order a DIY kit that has everything you need to get started.
Eating Bunnies
Taste and add more if you like. Here's how I do the French-style dish. You can add some cream to the sauce now, too, but be sure not to let it boil if you do so. Add, also, a large bay leaf and a branch of rosemary, if you have it.