Hulls are purple, cowpeas are green with pinkeyes when freshly picked turning cream with dark maroon when dry. If using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant.
The green pods are easy to shell. Black Crowder cowpea is a high yielding variety of long pods. Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. The peas themselves have a deep purple color when first shelled which then turn black when dried.
It is resistant to powdery mildew and barley yellow dwarf virus. Widely adapted variety of barley! High yielding, good standing six-rowed barley. Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter...
* Big Bluestem is a perennial grass. * Big bluestem is tolerant of a wide range of soils and moisture. * Seed germination appears to be dependent on about a 2-week period of moistened seed at a time when soil temperatures have reached 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
* Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Can be grown as a hedge. Blooms on new growth. Also useful for stabilizing embankments. Prune in early spring.
Flax is a cool season annual with short taproots! Flax is a broadleaf with very small, narrow leaves that are less than an inch long. Flax has the same performance benefits of other grasses and grains, of quick germination and a highly fibrous root mass.
* Bright green leaves. * It is a large shrub or small tree 3-12 m tall with smooth grey bark even in old age. * It is sometimes used for afforestation on infertile soils which it enriches by means of its nitrogen-fixing nodules, while not growing large...
A perennial clover to control erosion and protect soil! A living mulch of permanent cover. Fixes nitrogen. Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken Forage, Deer Attractant, Erosion Control, Forage, Green Manure, Nitrogen Fixation, No Till, Weed Suppression
* Symphoricarpos oreophilus is a species of flowering plant in the Caprifoliaceae, or honeysuckle family, known by the common name mountain snowberry. Birds such as the yellow-billed magpie consume the fruits.
It is a nutritious and palatable forage grass for domestic and wild animals. Shade tolerant and sod forming. * A herbaceous, perennial grass, very winter hardy, provides wildlife habitat, erosion control and ground cover.
Efficient yet simple to use! The DuPonttm GroundGrid® is a geotextile grid. First, you simply expand the three-dimensional honeycomb structure. Available in two different cell sizes.
Long taproots break up compacted soil and bring up subsurface minerals. Alfalfa is basically good at everything! Just look at all it's uses below! Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.): Cool season, broadleaf, Perennial, Legume (N-fixation), Upright plant growth,...
Weight .52 lb per sq yd. A degradable option for erosion control, with 100 straw fill - 99 weed free, stitched with degradable thread! Choose single netting for 3:1 slopes and low-flow channels, or double netting for 3:1 or 2:1 slopes and medium flow.
* The seedheads resemble small sweetgum balls but do not grow above the foliage. * This carex is common throughout southern and central Missouri in the moist soil beside ponds, streams and spring branches and in calcium-rich swampy meadows.
Controls overwintering eggs, larvae, and nymphs of common garden pests (mites, scale, leafhoppers, aphids, psyllids, thrips, etc.) and diseases like black spot, powdery mildew, and rust.
It tends to be short-lived but provides quick stabilization for erosion control seedings, and it makes a good, early successional component of prairie mixtures. This cool-season bunchgrass can be found throughout Canada and the U.S. except in the southeastern...
Can also be used under mulch or stone for landscape weed barriers. Durable poly sheeting with unlimited uses! In the garden black mulch films retain heat, moisture, and prevent competing weeds all of which increases crop yields.
Ship wt.: 30 lb
Size: 1.5mil Poly Mulch Sheeting Black ; 3 feet x 1,000 ft
Net on one side; for revegetation of slopes in a single season. Blanket consists of a unique barbed, interlocking, curled Aspen excelsior fiber and a single-net layer that breaks down in approximately 90 days.
Weighs 66 lbs: Specs
Recommended to stake the blanket down with approx 1 to 4 anchor pins every square yard depending on soil types: Application Rates
The smallest and most tender Southern pea on the market. If using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant. Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. This cowpea is excellent freshly cooked and very tender.
You can use these as green shell peas or dry like winter beans. This pea plant is high yielding, vigorous and easy to grow. Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation.
To minimize injury to beneficials like bees, follow the product label and use during early morning or late evening – and after bloom period has passed. Certified organic spray for fruit trees and more! Intended for use during growing season to control...
It can be used as a xeriscape lawn grass for water conservation, and it is a common component in range mixtures. Plants are stoloniferous and can invade flower beds if an edging or barrier is not used.
The mesh also ensures effective anchoring of grass roots; protecting the grass from being worn away. Protect your lawn from vehicles and runoff! Keep it Green protects the grass by absorbing horizontal pressure and equally distributing the load.
To one gallon of water; treats up to 60 sq. Quickly zaps pests and diseases on roses and other ornamentals. Also a contact and systemic fungicide, which works to stop existing diseases and prevent new ones.
Seed should not be saved for replanting.This item's size, weight, or shape may require an additional shipping surcharge based on the shipping location selected. Produces 4-5 tons of organic matter per acre.
Adapted to hot humid climates. If using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant. Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. Pods average 6-7 ” long, and are silver colored, occasionally streaked with rose.
Intended for use as a modern replacement for bordeaux. Label includes instructions for application as a dust or as a spray. Copper-based fungicide for use in organic gardening. Helps suppress and control diseases like brown rot blossom blight, downy and...