To install the Milk Bar replacement nipple, pull the new nipple through the hole until it seals. Milk Bar nipples discourage gulping, promote maximum salivation, and help prevent cross-sucking, which can expose young animals to bacteria.
Holds 2 1/2 gallons. 13 1/4" across x 6" deep. Will fit in 13", 14" or 15" tires. 3-year warranty. Made to set inside of an old tire. Less food/water is wasted as animals are unable to pick up, push or tip over.
Not recommended for use with plastic waterers. Cord should be protected from animals and used with a ground fault protected outlet. Unit will not draw electricity until temps drop below freezing.
Powder River's revolutionary rack and pinion headgate and squeeze mechanisms make catching and holding cattle an easy task, while maintaining operator safety. Includes neck extender to help control the head and provide a more accessible injection site.
Exposure to extreme conditions will not damage the internal components of the drive motor. Cases are constructed of rugged green ABS plastic. Shafts are made of polycarbonate. Recharger sold separately.
Has removable bail; fits all calf pail holders. Molded graduations in quarts. 8 Quart Bucket is rugged polyethylene construction with a wear pad on bottom.
This exchange of water keeps the water warm even in the coldest climate. 19" X 32" X 16 1/2" Tested in continental U.S. to remain frost-free with as few as 6 head drinking every other day.
Vaccinate with tetanus toxoid (16336, 16353, 16354) according to label directions. Tilt bander back to release tool. The sac dries up in approximately 7 to 10 days. Order bands separately.
Optimum pressure range is 20 to 50 psi. Includes 3/4” hose attachment and metal brackets for installation on a fence or wall. Duramate Automatic Horse & Livestock Waterer is a large capacity 16-quart waterer is molded from impact-resistant polyethylene...
Pistol grip drench gun allows easy administration of fluids to livestock, including cattle, sheep, and goats. To fill syringe: depress trigger, insert probe into liquid, and release trigger.
May be used on metal or wood gates; won't freeze or rust and accepts a padlock. Made of 3/8" galvanized metal with an 8" x 3/16" chain. Features one-handed easy opening, when you are on horseback or with your gloves on.
6.5 seconds and switches off the debudder tip even if it is still pressed against the skull of the animal. Bloodless cauterizing procedure; dehorn year-round. Includes 110v charger and a 12v cigarette lighter charger.
Giving calves quality colostrum insures adequate levels of natural antibodies to fight disease and scours. Inadequate or poor quality colostrum can cause calves to be "sickly" or slow starters.
Pumps on both up-stroke and down-stroke. Tapered hose connection fits all stomach tubes. Heavy duty construction of chrome plated brass with monel ball valves.
Cutting plates are carefully ground after being hardened and tempered to make a good, clean V-notch every time. Made of strong, lightweight die cast aluminum.
Stirrup kit is used to attach trailer to chute. Wishbone-framed chute trailer rated for non-highway use. Trailer Model 002-59100 + Stirrup Kit. Trailer Model 002-59100 + Stirrup Kit 002-59110 for use with chutes: Model 002-10052 XL Manual RH chute Model...