Price : CALL
Tri-Blacks, 4-Males and 1-Female. Due to age at this time we have litter picture only, individual pictures once eyes open. Pictures, information about us, the puppies, pricing, payment, location, contact information and more is on the website.
- Written bill of sale with responsibilities for the buyer and the seller: Yes
- Females: 2
- Health: All Health Checks and Vaccines giving by a Licensed Veterinarian to the 8 week mark. Worming done 2,4,6,8 weeks of age. NO pup leaves here without our Vet's seal of approval. Health Guarantee goes with all puppy's.
- Date of birth: 10/02/2018
- Dam: Princess Daisy AKC DNA #V823477 (DN39590103)
- Breed: Australian Shepherd