Clear Sable and White, Sable and White and Tri Colors available. Males and Females. Price $300.00 each. UKC/ESR Registered English Shepherd puppies born March 14, 2010. From farm raised stock, excellent herding instinct.
We have 6 males 1 is sable and 3 females. Tri colored working farm dogs, good natured easy trained ,beautiful markings.6 males, 1 is sable and three females. Tri colored working farm dogs, good natured easy trained with beautiful markings.
Dogs are not registered but are full blood english shepards. Dogs have been raised on a dairy farm. 1 tri color male, 2 dark sable males, and 1 black and white male. Both parents are on farm.
Parents on dairy farm. Pups have been raised in the barn and played with as we are doing chores. The parents are very good with children and are great watch dogs. Farm raised puppies.They are black and white, dark sable and white and tri colored.
Pups have been exposed to lambs, chickens and young geese. They have been raised in the house and exposed to many visitors. All pups will be vaccinated, and evaluated before leaving.
Morgan is a gorgeous male pup. Thyroid normal. He has had his first two puppy shots and several wormings. Both parents have great temperaments and are eager to help out on the farm.
Excellent family farm dogs. Please see the website. English Shepherd pups available July '06 West Coast breeder. Sire and Dam with proven working ability, exc. Physical structure, and ideal personality for the all-around family farm dog.
These pups have top bloodlines and have been handled from the time i helped the mother deliver them on jan 5th 2010 . So there temperment will be great. I have a litter of six females and one male that will be ready to go march 5th 2010
Black & Tan. They will be ready to go by the first of December. They are very versatile dogs. This is the fourth litter out of these dogs and all of our customers are very satisfied.
Asking $250 each or will sell both for $350. Two Male B/T Registered English Shepherd Puppies; 9 Weeks Old. Very intelligent, calm, gentle pups; excellent temperaments. Raised on the farm with working parents.
Both parents are farm dogs. Male, black and white, nice irish markings, whelped 1/23/09, shots, wormed, vet checked. Ready to for his own Michigan farm to manage. Very nice pup, well built, very responsive.
Asking $225 or will trade for good quality hay, sheep supplies or blacksmithing tools/anvil. Males and females, IESR registered, vaccinated and started on heartworm prevention. Michigan farm homes preferred.
30th; available march 1st. 5 females & 3 males; $350 each. Registered b/t english shepherd puppies; born dec. Farm raised working stock dogs; excellent temperaments; intelligent, loyal family companions.
They are intelligent, obedient, energetic and eager to please! A breed that is sure to please whether working on a farm or settled in the city. English Shepherds are a great addition to any family or quite content as a sole companion.
English shepherds make good companion dogs. Call or text 717-376-6784 They have been selectively bred for their ability to protect and herd livestock. They are loyal to their master.
Sire and dam currently work my farm-goats-chickens. I need one of my black and tans to go to a cattle farm. ES are the all around farm dogs! Mine herd and also erradicate threats to the animals and our gardens.
Will be vaccinated, evaluated and have beginning obedience training. Previous litters are working successfully. Sire and Dam have proven working talent. Purebred UKC Registered English Shepherd pups - males & females.
Please reply by email or phone, 231-882-9461. Looking for a male English Shepherd for a spring 2008 breeding to my female English Shepherd. Working farm dog preferred, excellent temperament, color is unimportant.
As a pup, she is observed to be of medium prey drive and we predict she will be a good farm dog or companion for an active person or family. She is full of spark and very intelligent.
English bulldog puppy available for adoption, current vaccination available upto date English bulldog puppy available for adoption, current vaccination available upto date,email for more details
8 males and 2 females. Have 10 puppies. The father is a black and white Border Collie that is not registered. Mother is a black and white English Shepherd that is registered with the International English Shepherd Registry.
This is a nice tri color pup. She isnt the busy working stock sort. 2nd pup to learn how to climb out of the ex pen in the house. Probably best home would be more one on one without a herd of human kids.
English shepherds make good companion dogs. Call or text 717-376-6784 They have been selectively bred for their ability to protect and herd livestock. They are loyal to their master.