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The Season\'s Not Over—10 Garden Chores To Prep For Fall
Vegetables planted in containers need to be watered every day in summer. To protect against this pest, Fritz uses plant protectants rather than pesticides and insecticides. Because no such guarantee exists, it's common to sow many more seeds than needed...
Natural (and Safe) Ways to Get Rid of Pests in the Garden
You can confirm spider mite damage by tapping a leaf while holding it over a piece of white paper. Although they move along the ground, they can climb up your plants and consume tender new growth and seedlings.
El Segundo
DIY Cabbage Collars To Prevent Cabbage Root Maggots
There are two to three generations of cabbage root flies each season. Female cabbage root flies lay eggs on or in the soil right next to the base of plants in the Brassicaceae family, including cabbage, broccoli , cauliflower, kohlrabi , Brussels sprouts,...
6 Ways to Control Tomato Hornworms
Disadvantages: Overspray onto butterfly host plants can kill butterfly caterpillars. Here are six ways you can keep tomato hornworms from decimating your garden. Something is eating your tomato plants , stripping leaves until only stems remain.
Learn To Read Your Weeds, Improve Your Farm & Garden
Shutterstock Pioneer species are the first to recolonize an area of land that has been disturbed, and by anyone's definition, modern farming is a disturbance on the land. Mustards, including wild mustard and shepherd's purse, belong to the Cruciferae...
5 Weeding Strategies You\'ve Probably Not Considered Yet
When it comes time for real craftsmanship, though, you need to reach for those specialty tools. High-Density Planting Altering the density and pattern of your planting can also affect weed pressure.
Toads Help Your Garden Grow; Here\'s How To Attract Them
They grow limbs and feet that lack the webbing of aquatic frogs, after which they move to dry land as adults. By encouraging pollinators and making toad hiding spots, it gives toads a chance play a part in the garden food web.
3 Ways to Keep a Pest-free Garden
Situate a bird bath and feeder in the center of the garden. These products are very effective in the organic orchard, where they prevent both codling moth and plum curculio. Here are a few more of my favorites.
5 No-Nonsense Steps To Fight Weeds Organically
Although they don't completely kill the root of many of the tougher perennial weeds, they sure do knock them back. Put mulch down under shrubs, around trees and between veggie rows.
11 Ways to Manage Weeds with Success
Installing a ground-level or below-ground drip-irrigation system targets water precisely to plant's roots, eliminating waste and discouraging weeds. Young goslings are pastured in the field when they are 6 weeks old and are guided through the fields by...
Spinosad: Beat Pests in 2014
These products (brand names include Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew, Entrust, Green Light and Monterey Garden Insect Spray) are made from a unique fermented soil-dwelling bacterium called Saccharopolyspora spinosa , which was discovered by a scientist in...
13 Headache-Inducing Garden Pests & How to Control Them
If you don't see the culprit, look for the slime trails or visit the garden at night. The larvae are plump, C-shaped, grayish-white grubs with light-brown heads. Handpick worms and crush the yellow, bullet-shaped eggs.
Garden Versus Groundhog
After conducting numerous tests, the folks at The Humane Society of America have determined the most reliable fencing solution to protect your garden without harming the hogs. It's illegal in my state to move a nuisance animal to a new site, so I suspect...
Occultation: Weeding With Tarps
It may be best to lay these out somewhere prior to occultation where excess ink can be solarized or washed off before placing in the garden. How Occultation Kills Weeds When black tarps or opaque barriers are laid against the soil, warmth and moisture...
Mulch Your Weeds And Grass—The Right Way!
These seeds have few energy reserves and need to be on the surface to get enough sunlight to germinate. Mulch is a great gardening ­concept, but sometimes it's oversold. By fall, the grasses—and any perennial weeds—will be dead and the cardboard...
Deer-resistant Bulbs
I love the miniature daffodils for our smaller gardens and along the pathways where their petite stature can be appreciated. And, though bulbs aren't a case for “instant satisfaction”, the time it takes to plan and plant them now is well worth it...
Fighting Weeds With Fire
Flame weeding uses the power of heat to control weeds fast and effectively. Before You Start Flame-Weeding Flame weeding can be used for just about any crop. The weeds themselves are green and are heated, not burned, so most devices are designed with...
Mission: Contain Cabbageworms
When cabbageworms are small, they are difficult to spot, so I always check the leaf undersides as well as along the leaf veins and crush any that I find. I have been busy hauling compost like a fiend these days! I line the back of my Subaru with plastic...
Deer Versus Plants and Shrubs
These darned deer are really ticking me off. They seem to be our herd's favorite summer treats. It might be a bad year for my hostas, heucheras, and sunflowers. « More Dirt on Gardening »
5 Household Items That Prevent Cutworm Damage
Though these insects can wreak havoc on a newly planted vegetable or flower garden, there's an easy way to prevent cutworm damage without having to resort to chemical soil drenches.
Pest Alert: Asparagus Beetles
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags asparagus beetles , beneficial insects , pest Between the fabric, my annual debris cleanup and my regular summer sweepings, the asparagus beetles are kept largely at bay.
The Garden\'s Planted—and Slugs Are Noshing
It's so overrun that I fear the only way to “fix” it is to completely dig up the whole strawberry patch and separate out the strawberry plants by hand. Hopefully, by cleaning up the bed, some of the slugs will be sent packing to the compost pile!...
Fruit Growers Beware: It\'s June Beetle Time
Even though they are known as June bugs, the adult beetles don't usually emerge until late June, July or even early August depending on your climatic zone. Katja Schulz/Flickr The Destruction Ensues Once the adult beetles crawl out of the ground, they're...
Do You Need Weed-Control Without Chemicals? Try Flame Weeders
The goal of flame weeders is not to set plants on fire, but to damage the cell structure of their foliage. Most weeds germinate in three to five days, while carrots germinate in seven to 21.
Keep Your Garden Protected
Traps, Safe Sprays and Owls Live traps are another way to control your rabbit population. You can keep deer from eating plants in raised beds by sinking a post at each corner of the raised bed and attaching a length of four-foot-high fencing to each post.
4 Tips For Keeping Deer Out Of Your Garden
Most of them use a combination of a foul scent and an icky taste to keep deer from feeding on plants. I've had the most success with products that have a latex-based formulation. Keep the deer from munching on your plants with these tried and true tips.
USDA Certified-Organic Pesticides
The products can be used all the way through harvest without any risks to the plant. Other benefits: The insecticidal soaps target pests with one application, reducing labor costs.