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Electric Pressure Washer Reviews

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DIY Root Vegetable Washer
One roller should be placed high in the box and the other should be low on the opposite side, so the produce rolls and tumbles downward as you crank the washer. My box has a 12-inch opening and each cap has a 1/4-inch lip.
Pressure Cooker Safety Tips
Watch out for steam. Frothy foods can block the steam valves and the pressure-release vents on your pressure cooker. When I heard it going, I stayed out of the kitchen. The cold water release is another way to release pressure by running cold water over...
Pressure Canner Buyer\'s Guide
They can be dialed or weighted. The twist-on varieties have a heat-activated locking mechanism built into the handles, located on either side of the lid. Every canning season she'd hand me another layer of cautionary canner instruction, as if it were...
Up to (Electrical) Code
You can file for an inspection one of two ways: through your contractor or as a homeowner. While our mistake was fairly minor (the inspector felt awful to fail us but was required to do so by law until it was fixed), it was good to know that no major...
The Basics Of Pressure Canning
Tighten the ring snugly: As the metal expands, the ring needs to be tight enough to produce pressure on the rubber seal so it will seal well. Meanwhile, refuse to tell yourself or your children scary pressure-canner stories.
9 FAQs About Pressure Canning
What Jars Should I Use? If you're a beginning canner, there are likely several questions rolling through your mind as you begin the preservation process. Bacteria causes food to spoil.
How Do Potatoes Produce Electricity?
Do the same with the copper and the remaining wire. Cut the potato in half. The average potato has a pH (a measure of acidity) of about 5. Cut the wire into two pieces, and strip the ends so you have enough exposed wire to wrap around the copper, nail...
Santa Monica
Electric Vehicles: Charge Up in Texas
“In an area of 6.5 million people, air quality is always a primary concern,” says Mike Eastland, executive director of the North Central Texas Council of Governments. The station includes the first high-speed direct current (DC) charger in Texas,...
How To Maintain An Electric Fence
If so, you may need to install additional grounding rods. O'Neil/Flickr The best thing you can do to keep your fence running properly, especially if the animals have seemed to have lost respect for the fence, is walk around it periodically and check various...
Flip the Switch on Electricity Consumption
Kick clunkers to the curb. This article is excerpted from “Farmhouse Face-lift” in the September/October 2010 issue of Hobby Farm Home. You also might have discovered that it can be a challenge to keep an old house warm in the winter, and you may...
Electric Drills: An Essential Farm Tool
Unlike with a hammer, which needs plenty of clearance so that you can generate the velocity for pounding nails, a drill will work in any space that you can fit it in, which comes in handy for tricky projects involving oddly shaped objects.
6 Things Not to Do While Pressure Canning
It happens to a lot of us: We harvest a massive amount of green beans that needs to be processed immediately and simply forget to have the dial gauge checked before the canning season.
Why You Need To Check Tire Air Pressure
When spring arrives and you're ready to resume your favorite farming activities, don't forget to check the tire air pressure of your farm machinery. A simple tire pressure gauge and an air compressor are all you need to ensure that your machines have...
Electric Fencing: The Economical Option For Your Farm
Just about any large farm animal you can think of, including horses and cattle, can be kept inside an electric fence, and the system works for smaller animals, as well, if the gap between each wire is small enough so that they can't slip between or underneath...
Why Every Farmer Should Keep Drawers of Spare Parts
Just recently, I was mowing one of my fields when I noticed one of the wheels on my mower deck had come loose. The diameter was perfect, the length was perfect—it was seemingly made for my mower, with the only difference being that this bolt would be...
This Water Pump Is Propelled By The Water It Pumps
The pumps take little maintenance, have great longevity and can be highly efficient. Although it fell out of favor when steam and electric pumps were invented, it's making a comeback among sustainable farmers.
Consider These 4 Extra Features When You Buy an Electric Drill
This can help when working in dim conditions (which seems to happen more often than you'd think), allowing you to better see what you're doing. A portable electric drill is an essential tool for any hobby farmer.
6 Simple Steps to Crop Rotation
Get more growing advice from 7 Steps to Healthier Soil 10 Natural Fertilizers to Improve Crop Production Infographic: Mulch for Your Vegetable Garden 7 DIY Vertical Gardening Techniques for Healthier Veggies Why Keep Crop and Livestock...
Bringing Back The Windmill
There is some recognition that windmills are still being serviced and can be a meaningful form of green, renewable energy.” Whether providing oxygen for pond aeration or lifting underground water to the surface for irrigation or watering livestock,...
Weather for Gardeners - When Water Falls: Air Pressure and Fronts
When viewed from the side, the advancing cold front looks like the leading edge of a blob of wet mortar, with that rounded edge advancing along the ground. This difference must be great enough for the humid air mass edge to cool below the dew point of...
El Segundo
Graffiti Paint Removal: Tips For Getting Graffiti Off A Tree
The treatment will work best if it is agitated with a nylon or other soft bristle brush. You must be careful of the bark and outer tissue of the plant.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Traditional graffiti...
Dryer Trouble-shooting: Keep It Simple
He was at our house the next day, opened up the machine, looked for possible problems around the motor and drive unit, and found nothing. We heard a thump from the laundry room, and by the time I got there, only silence was to be heard.
Save Time In Your Home Garden With Plasticulture
Although home plasticulture may not be the most traditional—or even the most attractive—way to cultivate a vegetable garden, it is certainly a good solution for those of us who are pressed for time to do the regular work of weeding and watering.
Use a Solar-Powered Portable Electric Fence to Pasture Your Pigs
The setup isn't anything crazy, just a solar panel that charges a 12-volt marine battery, which is in turn hooked to an energizer connected to fencing. I love to pasture my pigs, but fencing had been a problem.
Power to the People
Flip a switch: The lights come on. Instead, they must fully invest up front if they want to enjoy modern conveniences. Some utilities stifle consumers who want to tie in and take advantage of net metering; however, the attitude among utilities has improved...
Action On GMO Labeling Is Needed
The Senate started a biotechnology hearing last week, and it looks like it's close to bringing the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (HR 1599) up for discussion. With Vermont's GMO-labeling law taking effect in 9 months, the U.S. Senate is feeling pressure...
Needs For A Farm In The Wilderness
These are usually pre-existing paths that the wildlife has created to traverse to and from various points. It includes such principles and farming methods as permaculture , agroforestry and, of course, sustainable agriculture.