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How To Maintain An Electric Fence
Another issue you can face in winter is sagging fence lines brought down by the weight of snow or ice that sticks to the wires. Properly functioning electric fencing can be effective in deterring predators and can even be a tool for keeping critters out...
Flip the Switch on Electricity Consumption
A good place to start when assessing your energy use is a home energy audit. None of the changes we've made have negatively impacted the look or charm of our antique home, but they've helped us save money and reduce our electricity consumption.
Electric Drills: An Essential Farm Tool
No extension cords, no generator, just a quick walk to analyze the trouble spot and fix it right then and there. They're Small Some electric drills aren't very big, which comes in handy when you need to screw things together in tight spaces.
Electric Fencing: The Economical Option For Your Farm
However, these off-grid solar-powered chargers are not as strong as “on the grid” chargers and might not be able to power large pastures; they are much more ideal for smaller electric fence setups, such as portable pastures.
This Water Pump Is Propelled By The Water It Pumps
You'll need to make sure the ram pump and pipes can be fully drained before deep freezes or are contained in a weatherproof building. This clever device doesn't require electricity but uses the force of water to move the water, so as you can imagine,...
Consider These 4 Extra Features When You Buy an Electric Drill
A portable electric drill is an essential tool for any hobby farmer. Brushless motors are more power efficient than brushed motors—a big benefit for portable electric drills—and they're also quieter and more reliable.
Bringing Back The Windmill
That can comfortably lift water out of the ground. There is some recognition that windmills are still being serviced and can be a meaningful form of green, renewable energy.” Whether providing oxygen for pond aeration or lifting underground water to...
Dryer Trouble-shooting: Keep It Simple
A week later (one of the hazards of living in the country) the technician made the 40-mile drive to our house,pulled open the cover plate where the power cord connected to the dryer, and found it was burned to a crisp.
Use a Solar-Powered Portable Electric Fence to Pasture Your Pigs
I love to pasture my pigs, but fencing had been a problem. When the time comes to move pastures, I just turn off the energizer, pull the grounding rod out of the soil and move everything to our new, fenced-in pasture.
Power to the People
Turn a handle: Water flows from a faucet. On-grid Electricity For a grid-tied electricity consumer, you can join a movement to become less dependent on fossil energy and nuclear power incrementally, still getting some of your electricity from the grid...
Fairfield University\'s Energy Dashboard
According to Fairfield University's website, “The new website provides a snapshot of focus areas, such as ‘teaching and research,' ‘living and learning,' ‘campus sustainability projects,' and avenues to ‘get involved.'” The buildings currently...
Two-Wheeled Pizza Delivery
“Since it is electric powered, we can get to local customers as fast as a car can — sometimes faster. Made in nearby Santa Ana, by Thrust Electric Bicycles, these bikes are perfectly suited for hauling hot food, with a small basket just under the...
Butte College Improves Energy Efficiency, Goes \
“Future generations are counting on us to address the profound challenge of global warming , and we know that our future prosperity will hinge on America's ability to be a leader in the clean-energy economy,” says House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi...
A Beginning Farmer\'s Guide To Generators
Also, portable generators usually don't supply as many watts of power as standby generators, which means that you won't be able to power as many appliances and circuits. Be sure to have an electrician install any needed transfer switches, and pay heed...
5 Farm Tools I\'m Thankful For
String-Trimmer Mowers My personal “I'm thankful for” list wouldn't be complete without mentioning string-trimmer mower s! Some people might not like the hand-pushed design, but I relish the opportunity to slowly guide a string trimmer mower through...
Energy-efficient Homes (Version 3.0)
Along with the warm, fuzzy feeling of doing something good for the world, a newly improved Energy Star home will bring homeowners an estimated energy savings of $200 to $400 per month according to the EPA.
Microwaves for Efficient Holiday Meals
But a lemon pepper fish dinner, according to the study, may be an even more energy-efficient option, taking 102 kilowatt hours to reheat in the microwave and 513 kilowatt hours to reheat in a conventional oven.
6 Options For Farm Fences
However, barbed wire is difficult to work with—inevitably tearing up pants, gloves and skin if it has half the chance. There's also a woven-mesh version of electro-plastic fencing that works well for poultry, sheep, goats, pigs and for protecting gardens.
6 Ways to Not Use a Generator
Smoking around generators can lead to a fire, singed hair and at worst, a large and potentially fatal explosion. Bad Extension Cord Finding out your extension cord has bare wires somewhere can be shocking—literally.
Ag Bites: 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Generators
If you've spilled gas on yourself while filling the gas tank of a generator, avoid smoking until you've changed and cleaned up, as well. Generators can create enough electricity to kill people, so ensure the electrical cords you use are in good shape...
Deer Fencing Designs – How To Build A Deer Proof Fence
These need to be at least 8 feet high. Multiple line electric fences and 8- to 10-foot tall wooden deer proof garden fences are better options for high populations but more time consuming and costly.
Top 3 Things to Look for When Buying a Farm
What good is a chicken coop if you're not planning to use it for anything? Besides falling for the land itself, make sure your future farm has these three important pieces of farm infrastructure.
Building A Farm Horse Fence
Be sure to use polymer-coated wires or wires woven into polymer tape or rope. Posts Unless you're using trees (not recommended) or taking an unusual route and building giant stone fences, you're going to need posts to support your fence.
Eco-Innovators Brainstorm Clean Energy
Brusaw says his solar road panel addresses all three of the Ecomagination's categories by providing an intelligent road system that doubles as a decentralized, secure, self-healing Smart Grid.
Hair Sheep: The Perfect First Livestock
Perhaps you can sell whole lambs or specific cuts to chefs. Sheep Have Herding Instincts One of the beautiful things about herd animals, like sheep, is that in case of an emergency—for example, a storm knocks the fence down and the animals get out—getting...
Weathering the Storm
There were several more large trees blocking our little street, and everyone was already out trying to clear the road. Needless to say, I grabbed my son and the dog and we booked it to the basement.
What To Look For When Buying A Leaf Blower
The CFM (cubic feet per minute) rating measures the amount of air moved by the air blower in a single minute, while the MPH (miles per hour) rating measures the speed of the air coming out of the blower.