Removable and reusable. No nails, metal wire, or hardware required. Attaches to trees, gates, livestock panels, steel posts, or vinyl fences with UV-resistant, ready-cut rubber rope.
Installs easily and quickly in 10 seconds. Can be installed with a power tool. Strong as steel, more durable than porcelain. Can be used with high tensile. For insulating post along wire fences.
Extends electric fence wire 5” away from post to protect permanent or damaged fences. Features an unbreakable snap-on/snap-off fastening system, which accommodates standard sized T-Posts from 1 1/4” to 1 3/8”.
For wood post electric fences that need to be temporarily lowered for vehicle or stock access such as on laneways, beside drains, and around silage pits. These heavy-duty pinlock insulators are ideal for high-tensile wire, coated wire, or any application...
✓ Heavy duty jaw design to withstand fence tension and keep wires firmly in place
✓ 10-year warranty
✓ Made from strong, high-density, long-lasting, UV-resistant plastic
May also be used as an underground wire to convey current between gate openings and under driveways or to connect ground rods and grounding system to fence controller. Insulation rated up to 20,000 volts, prevents voltage and energy loss.
Model Number: 01404-92
Product Material: 14 gauge, Class III galvanized wire
Activated when fence pulse is detected Auto turn-on indication. Powered by one 9V battery with a life of 6-12 months. Earth stake for ease of ground connection. Gallagher Pro Digital Volt Meter helps trace fence line shorts and faults.
Plastic knobs on terminals for secure connection to fence line and ground. Zareba AC-Powered Electric Fence Controller, Up to 50 Miles is ideal for long, heavily weeded fence conditions.
Warranty: One-year warranty includes damage caused by lightning.
Ideal for managed rotational grazing and great selection for wildlife. - Wildlife Mode pulses fast day and night - Full Power Mode pulses fast during the day and slower at night, conserving power when animals are less active.
✓ Typical fence - 8 miles / 60 Acres
✓ Best for use with cattle, horses, swine, rabbits, raccoons, deer, and bear
✓ Water resistant case and components with built-in lightning protection
✓ 360 degree mounting on T-posts for correct orientation toward the sun
✓ 1.0 Joules
✓ Unique battery save technology extends usage up to 3 weeks without sun
2-year warranty, including lightning. Flashing red light power indicator. Charges up to 30 miles or 100 acres of fence (clean fence), and operates up to 21 days without sunlight. The most powerful, portable Patriot solar energizer.
Works good for posts with an upward or downward pull. An ideal insulator for corner or end posts. Has a metal shank that extends around the curve of the ring for added strength.
Comes with built-in performance meter. Charges up to 25 miles of fence. (1.4 joule output). 2-year warranty on fencer, 1 year on battery. Six volt sealed battery when fully charged will operate for 21 days in total darkness.
(9.0 joules output) AC operated fencer plugs into standard 110-volt outlet. The Power Wizard PW9000 Fencer is suitable for use with cattle, horses, swine, sheep and llamas. Unit should be installed indoors.
AC operated fencer plugs into standard 110-volt outlet. The Power Wizard PW24000 Fencer is suitable for use with cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats and llamas. The Power Wizard PW24000 Fencer is an ultra-powerful 110-volt electric fence charger.
Pin Lock holds the wire firmly in place. Stand off bracket keeps electric fence approximately 7" away from the existing fence. Intertwine legs of bracket into existing mesh, woven, or barbed wire.
When transitioning into standby mode (voltage drops under 11.2 V threshold OR unit turned on with voltage under 11.2 V threshold) the indicator will give three long flashes (2s on, 1s off).