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Elderberry Species

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Black Lace Elderberry
Prices start at : 33.95 USD / Quart Container

Try it as a specimen plant or small tree. Elderberries are usually grown as large shrubs or small trees. In fall, the flowers give way to edible deep red berries that can be used like typical elderberries, in wines and jams.
  • Brand: Proven Winners
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Mature Height: 6 - 8 feet
  • Soil Type: Widely Adaptable
  • Growth Rate: Slow
Elderberry Plant Companions – Tips On Planting With Elderberries
And the manyElderberries can grow to 12 feet tall and are often vase shaped. But whether or not you eat the blossoms or fruit of these shrubs, you can make your garden more attractive by selecting appropriate elderberry plant companions.The shrubs thrive...
Planting Elderberry – Care Of Elderberries
Do not prune and do not bother picking the berries. The bush produces bluish-black fruit in bunches of little berries that are used in wines, juices, jellies and jams. This allows for the necessary cross-pollination.When planting elderberry bushes, plant...
Adams Elderberry
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / Each

Ripens in August. Make sure that your hardiness zone lies within the zone compatability range of this variety before ordering. Carefree beauty with edible appeal. Best pollinator: any other elderberry variety.The USDA hardiness zones offer a guide to...
  • Ripens/Harvest: August
  • Texture: Firm, Juicy
  • Bloom Color: White
  • Years to Bear: 2 - 3
  • Fruit Size: Small - Medium
  • Soil Composition: Loamy
Resident Canada Geese
An ever-increasing population of resident Canada geese brings challenges to any city or town. And why aren't they going anywhere like the rest of the Canada geese?I knew little about the subject to begin with, save for knowing that Canada geese can usually...
El Segundo
Elderberry anthocyanin
Price : CALL

Cyanin haematochrome is the main part of the elderberry anthocyanin. We can see purple red powder with our naked eyes. Package: carton, with double vacuum poly bags inside, 2.5kg/bag,25kg/carton, or to pack as per customers\' demand.
Johns Elderberry
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / Each

Fruit ripens about two weeks later than Adams. Ripens in mid-August. Make sure that your hardiness zone lies within the zone compatability range of this variety before ordering. Larger berries on more vigorous plants.
  • Years to Bear: 2 - 3
  • Shade/Sun: Full Sun
  • Fruit Color: Purple
  • Soil Moisture: Well Drained
  • Zone Range: 4 - 8
  • Fruit Size: Medium - Large
York Elderberry
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / Each

In spring, these plants feature lovely white blooms, and in summer, they produce a bounty of soft, dark purple berries that are good for cooking or making delicious jams, jellies and wines rich in vitamin C.
  • Ripens/Harvest: Mid-late August
  • Fruit Color: Purple
  • Soil Composition: Loamy, Sandy
  • Bloom Color: White
  • Pollination: Pollinator Needed
  • Years to Bear: 2 - 3
Nova Elderberry
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / Each

Ripens in early August. Make sure that your hardiness zone lies within the zone compatability range of this variety before ordering. An easy-care addition to the edible landscape. Best pollinator: any other elderberry variety.The USDA hardiness zones...
  • Years to Bear: 2 - 3
  • Taste: Sweet
  • Bloom Color: White
  • Fruit Size: Large
  • Shade/Sun: Full Sun
  • Ripens/Harvest: Early August
Invasive Animal Species in My Yard
So I thought I would skirt most of the controversy and talk about the invasive species I see from my doorstep. Invasive species are a big problem around the world and what to do about them is a controversial topic.
El Segundo
Rooting Elderberry Cuttings: How To Propagate Elderberry Cuttings
While cross pollination is not necessary to set fruit, blossoms that are cross pollinated tend to produce larger fruit, so ideally, you should select two cultivars and plant them within 60 feet of each other.If you are cutting your own, select a soft,...
Elderberry Fertilizer Info: When And How To Fertilize Elderberry Plants
Fertilizing elderberries in this manner will help to ensure a bumper crop of berries later in the year.Keep the area surrounding the elderberries clear of weeds, but be gentle. This shrub, indigenous to North America, is fairly easy to grow, but an application...
Elderberry Leaf Problems: What To Do For Elderberry Leaves Turning Yellow
Let's learn more.Elderberries are from the family Caprifoliaceae, or honeysuckle family. So sometimes, but not always, an elderberry with yellow leaves is just a natural adaptation.What if it isn't fall and you don't have a variety of elderberry with...
Elderberry Harvest Season: Tips For Picking Elderberries
The clusters of berries ripen over a period of between five to 15 days. Because of this, and also because elderberries do not transport well, elderberries have little to no commercial production.
Trimming Elderberry Plants: Learn About Pruning An Elderberry
As the canes age, they lose their fruitfulness.Pruning an elderberry is a fairly simple task and should take place in winter when the plant is dormant. If you have an elderberry in the home garden, elderberry pruning is a necessity.
Elderberry Bush Varieties: Different Types Of Elderberry Plants
So now you not only get the lovely 8- to 10-inch blossoms and prolific dark purple fruit but, in some varieties of elderberry, colorful foliage as well.The two most common types of elderberry plants are the European elderberry (The American elderberry...
Can You Grow An Elderberry In A Pot: Tips For Growing Elderberries In Containers
Some varieties grow up to 12 feet tall, but the shorter types that grow no more than 4 feet high are best for containers.Choose a large pot with several drainage holes in the bottom.
Enter Our Second Annual Invasive Species Photo Contest!
Non-native or invasive species tend to upset the balance of a local ecosystem, so we hope this friendly competition serves to educate and enlighten. Most gardeners are aware of invasive species and the impact they have on the ecosystem.
El Segundo
The Asparagus Fern
Properly cared for, an asparagus fern can live for a long time, becoming an heirloom to pass on to the next generation. Keep them looking full by trimming away old or tattered growth each spring; this will encourage the growth of healthy new stems.
El Segundo
How My Wild Turkey Hunt Turned Into A Hunt For Invasive Plants
In my mind's eye, I could see them pitching across to their resting place while the rain came down in sheets and the lightening silhouetted them. Occasionally, I took a look around to make sure there weren't any other hunters around to see the crazy guy...
Goats Enlisted to Fight Invasive Plants
Rural areas are questioning what to do about invasive species; for Minnesota, the answer is goats. We're getting some work done and it's a great concept to keep moving.” Visitors are welcome to watch the goats “work” at the nature center.
Invasive Beetle Threatens U.S. Avocados
The trials were conducted at a Florida conservation area where the beetle has infested trees since 2007. USDA scientists are concerned that the redbay ambrosia beetle and the disease will soon reach Mexico and California, which are major avocado production...
Announcing the Winners of the 2014 Invasive Species Photo Contest
It is only when they are introduced into areas where they may not have natural predators or a climate conducive to keeping them in check is when things go wrong.Sometimes an introduced species is beneficial, like thethat is now an important pollinator...
El Segundo
Battle Invasive Plants During Planting Day
In South Dakota's Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge, for example, Canada thistle is crowding out native grasses that cattle in the area eat, leaving pastures that can't be grazed. The first National Planting Day, initiated by Keep America Beautiful, kicks...
Gazania Seeds Colorado Gold
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / Packet

Golden, daisy-like blooms illuminate the early summer garden and unlike other Gazania, Colorado Gold is cold hardy. This perennial prefers well-draining soil and is drought tolerant once established.
  • Flower Color: Yellow
  • Ideal Regions: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West, Pacific Northwest
  • Mature Plant Size: 3-6" tall
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Is It Storable?: Yes - You can store your seed in any cool (not freezing) dry place that is not subject to extreme temperature variations.
  • Full Sun: Yes
Canada Anemone Seeds
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Packet

Anemone canadensis is a large-flowered wildling that spreads in moist spots.
  •  Non-GMO
  •  Multiplies / Naturalizes
  • Light Requirements: Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Advantages: Multiplies / Naturalizes
  • Native To: Most of the United States
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Moist/Wet
How To Control Spider Mites
Spider mites are found all across North America, and they produce several generations per year. Removing affected leaves helps, but it isn't enough to control infestations. Encourage beneficial predatory insects, like minute pirate bugs, big eyed bugs,...