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Easter Egg Radish

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Organically Raised Farm Fresh Eggs
Prices start at : 29.50 USD / 5 dozen eggs

Please gives us a try as we are comfortable you will not be disappointed. We pay close attention to our chickens health and well being and have more than 100+ layers at anytime. "Hopper's Pearls" are of beautiful colors like blue, olive, brown etc..
Santa Cruz
Pasture-Raised Eggs - Flat of 30
Prices start at : 15.99 USD / eggs flat of 30

Nutritious and Delicious golden yolks you can't find much better quality than these. Free Classes at the Farm every Saturday at 10:30am on various self-sustainabilty topics, from Aquaponics, to DIY homemade soaps, deodorants, detergents, and more.
Santa Cruz
Free Range Duck Eggs
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / half dozen

We personally love duck eggs for the added loft and richness they impart in baked goods. For as little as $10 a week we will provide you with a basket of fresh, local chemical free produce and the proceeds will allow us to invest in expanding the farm...
Santa Cruz
Non-GMO Eggs - One Dozen
Prices start at : 5.00 USD / 1 doz GMO free eggs

Sometimes customers chafe at the "high cost of eggs". Certified Organic since 2001 when the new Federal NOP began. But to do the math -- at 42 cents per egg, you can't buy a candy bar, a latte', a cheeseburger, or fountain drink for under a dollar.
Santa Cruz
Pasture Raised Eggs - 1 Dozen
Prices start at : 7.49 USD / 1 dozen eggs

Nutritious and Delicious golden yolks you can't find much better quality than these. Free Classes at the Farm every Saturday at 10:30am on various self-sustainabilty topics, from Aquaponics, to DIY homemade soaps, deodorants, detergents, and more.
Santa Cruz
Fresh Rainbow Eggs
Prices start at : 5.00 USD / 18 fresh eggs

Call today to pick some up for $3.50/dozen. There's nothing quite like the flavor of fresh, free-range eggs... Our chickens enjoy organic grains and greens, plenty of sunshine, and are allowed to forage.
Santa Cruz
Pasture Raised Eggs
Prices start at : 3.50 USD / 1 Dozen

The hogs find shade beneath the trees and have plenty of space to move about their habitat exhibiting normal, healthy pig behaviors. Chickens are fed a non-GMO supplement. They also are able to run around and get plenty of exercise during the day.
Santa Cruz
Pasture Hen Eggs
Prices start at : 3.50 USD / 1 Doz. PastureHenEggs

Our hens have free access to our pastures where they can find all the goodies nature offers while getting their exercise. All our animals are cage free and have access to outside pastures, even in the snow.
Santa Cruz
Quail Hatching eggs
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Quail Eggs 12

These are available for farm pick up but do require 1 week advance notice so we can reserve and collect them for you and handle properly. We have a beautiful selection of Courtinix Quail colors available - Standard, Rosettas, Italian Golds and Tuxedos...
Santa Cruz
Thirteen week egg share
Prices start at : 60.00 USD / 13 week egg

Don't run out of eggs! Sometimes customers chafe at the "high cost of eggs". Non-GMO, heritage breed hens, fed all the scraps from this organic farm. Growing Organically here for 30 years.
Santa Cruz
Large Fresh Duck Eggs
Prices start at : 20.98 USD / 12 Eggs

They lead a happy life feasting on seasonal bugs, they also enjoy fruit, and vegetable scraps. Normally they have bright white, large shells, but occasionally they hand out an 'Easter Egg', which is tinted green, but just the same as its white counterpart.
Santa Cruz
Beautiful Large to Ex Large Freerange Eggs
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / one dozen large eggs

In the spring the egg population goes down due to our girls become Moms. The Boys, sorry for them, become dinner for us and the girls - well - they are our next generation egg layers.
Santa Cruz
Duck Eggs
Prices start at : 8.00 USD / one dozen

We rarely keep frozen inventory and prefer to process the meat on customer's order. I carry duck eggs all year around. Supply will vary depending on how many ducks decide to lay at any time.I have several breeds of ducks: runner ducks, layer ducks and...
Santa Cruz
Farm Fresh Free-Range Local Eggs
Prices start at : 6.00 USD / Farm Fresh Eggs

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our body's day to day functions and help to prevent several chronic diseases. Cholesterol is actually a very important part of our diet and helps us maintain calcium and phosphorous levels in our bloodstreams.
Santa Cruz
Farm Fresh Eggs
Prices start at : 227.00 USD / 1_egg_share_52_weeks

Our hens are kept in large pens which offer internal barn space and outside runs to protect them from predators. Naturally grown for wholesome goodness. 6 month shares, 1 dozen per week for 26 weeks, are available for $127.00.
Santa Cruz
Spring Yogurt Pretzels
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / 1lb bag

Delicious flavors include blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, key lime and plain yogurt. If you experience a problem with any of our products, customer service, shipping, or even if you just plain don't like what you bought, please let us know.
  • Calories: 190
  • Calcium: 2%
  • Sugars: 16g
  • Cholesterol: 1mg
  • Sodium: 172mg
  • Protein: 2g
New Jersey
Quail Eggs - Fresh Range Free - 100 eggs
Prices start at : 60.00 USD / Quail Eggs - 100

Quail eggs are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. Please contact us to arrange a pickup time and date. In Japanese cuisine, they are sometimes used raw or cooked as tamago in sushi and often found...
Santa Cruz
Blue + Blue Splash Maran Hatching Eggs
Prices start at : 40.00 USD / marans one dozen

An order of a dozen eggs will be shipped within 3-5 days of the order, over a dozen will add an extra 2-4 days to ship. Our flock has a Blue Copper Maran rooster over Blue Splash Maran hens, these hatching eggs will produce close to a 50/50 split of blue...
Santa Cruz
Fresh Duck Eggs
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / Jumbo Duck Eggs - 24

They live on a multi grain diet of wheat corn, soybeans, millet and various whole grain seeds to produce the great tasting eggs from Happy hens Our chickens and ducks live on Lake Meadow right here in Central Florida and eat grass and exercise in the...
Santa Cruz
Bob White Quail Eggs
Prices start at : 12.00 USD / 2dz bw eggs

I will ship them 2 day priority mail with an ice pack. They get lots of bugs, grass, sunshine and fresh water daily. I also feed them quail food. I have 2 dozen bob white quail eggs available.
Santa Cruz
Brown Eggs
Prices start at : 1.50 USD / 0.5dozen

I will ship healthy, rooted cuttings unless unrooted healthy cuttings are asked for. Eggs available every other week. These are fresh brown eggs (medium brown in color & size). Bring your own container as I will wrap the half dozen in numerous plastic...
Santa Cruz
Organic, Free Range Multicolored Eggs
Prices start at : 7.00 USD / one dozen

Please buy 2 dozen at a time. & if you dont mind, we take the cartons back at some point if possible. For pickup with appointment only, can arrange a set time for self serve after first meet.
Santa Cruz
Quail Eggs
Prices start at : 7.00 USD / quail egg box of 20

-Helps heal from trauma like heart attacks and stroke. Here are some benefits: High Vitamin A abd B2 -High in HDL ( the good cholesterol) -Higher in protein than chicken egg -Contain ovomucoid protein, a hypoallergenic protein found in anti-allergy medicine.
Santa Cruz
Pasture Raised Chicken Eggs
Prices start at : 4.00 USD / 1 dozen

We have a variety of different breeds to produce a rainbow of eggs in your cartons. Oue single little white egg layer is a White Leghorn that was being picked on in the brooder by her "cellmates" in the feed store, so the store employee handed her to...
Santa Cruz
Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / 18 Large

We invite you to try a dozen to see the difference for yourself. We want nothing less than the best for our family. Naturally grown for wholesome goodness. Our products are grown and picked on our property, by hand using all natural and sustainable principals.
Santa Cruz
Fresh Eggs
Prices start at : 2.00 USD / Dozen Chicken Eggs

I would much rather they make it to others who can use them than go bad. I have a few hens that are producing more eggs than we can use.
Santa Cruz
Farm Fresh Turkey Eggs
Prices start at : 3.00 USD / half dozen

Our turkeys roam freely and diet on insects, produce from our garden, kitchen scraps, and non-medicated feed that includes Black oil sunflower seeds and flax seeds. Eggs are gathered 2-3 times daily.
Santa Cruz