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Dye Plant Medicinal Plant For Sale In New York

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Chinese Sumac, Potanin Sumac Rhus potaninii
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

Paitan is antiseptic, astringent and haemostatic. It is used in the treatment of persistent cough with blood, chronic diarrhoea, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, bloody stool, urorrhoea and bloody sputum.
  • Seeds Type: db
  • Germination: 83%
  • Botanical Name: Rhus potaninii dried berries
  • Lot#: 9401
  • Germination Test Type: Cut
  • Height: 40 feet
United States
New York
Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* A green dye can be obtained from the leaves. * Oregon cherry or Bitter cherry ( Prunus emarginata ) is a species of Prunus native to western North America , from British Columbia south to California , and east to western Wyoming and Arizona .
  • Family: Rosaceae
  • Quantity: 0.44 lb
  • Purity: 98%
  • Germination: 99%
  • Botanical Name: Prunus emarginata
  • Lot#: 9801
United States
New York
Mountain Alder Alnus crispa     - Alnus viridis crispa
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Alnus viridis subsp. * It is sometimes used for afforestation on infertile soils which it enriches by means of its nitrogen-fixing nodules, while not growing large enough to compete with the intended timber crop.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 2,688,000
  • Genus: Alnus
  • Common Name: Mountain Alder
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 2
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 232
  • Purity: 98%
United States
New York
French Marigold Tagetes patula
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

* Secretions from the roots of growing plants have an insecticidal effect on the soil, effective against nematodes and to some extent against keeled slugs. The growing plant repels whitefly and can be grown near tomatoes to keep that crop free of the...


    • Germination: 99%
    • Quantity: 1.48 lb
    • Botanical Name: Tagetes patula
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 307
    • Purity: 99%
    • Seeds Per Pound: 141,875
    United States
    New York
    Hops, Beer Hops, Common Hops Humulus lupulus
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    The fragrant flower cones impart bitterness and flavor, and also have preservative qualities. Lupulus is the main ingredient of many beers, and as such is widely cultivated for use by the brewing industry.
    • Germination: 98%
    • Collection Locale: Russia
    • Quantity: 0.37 lb
    • Family: Cannabaceae
    • Genus: Humulus
    • Height: 18-20 feet
    United States
    New York
    Longstalk Holly Ilex pedunculosa
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    * A dark red dye is obtained from the leaves. * Nice shiny dark green leaves to 3"; large shrub, small tree; quarter-inch bright red fruit in fall; best of the hardy evergreen hollies, Dirr says; may not do well in hot regions; native to Japan and China.
    • Lot#: 010804
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 89
    • Species: pedunculosa
    • Botanical Name: Ilex pedunculosa
    • Family: Aquifoliaceae
    United States
    New York
    Mountain Alder Alnus crispa     - Alnus viridis crispa
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Alnus viridis subsp. * It is sometimes used for afforestation on infertile soils which it enriches by means of its nitrogen-fixing nodules, while not growing large enough to compete with the intended timber crop.
    • Germination Test Type: estimate
    • Genus: Alnus
    • Species: crispa
    • Common Name: Mountain Alder
    • Height: 10-15 feet
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 232
    United States
    New York
    Cape Jasmine, Common Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    The white flowers bloom in spring and summer and are highly fragrant. * Gardenia jasminoides is a shrub with greyish bark and dark green shiny evergreen leaves with prominent veins.
    • Germination: 91%
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Seeds Per Pound: 94,500
    • Collection Locale: China
    • Quantity: 6.78 lb
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
    United States
    New York
    Chinese Sumac, Nutgall Tree Rhus chinensis
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    The gall of Rhus chinensis inhibits alpha-glucosidase activity. Gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid),isolated from Rhus chinensis, induces apoptosis in human monocytic lymphoma cell line U937 and may be a potential chemotherapeutic agent against...
    • Purity: 99%
    • Height: 18-20 feet
    • Germination: 98%
    • Botanical Name: Rhus chinensis
    • Common Name: Chinese Sumac, Nutgall Tree
    • Collection Locale: China
    United States
    New York
    Dragon Tree, Dragontree Dracaena draco
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Dracaena draco is cultivated and widely available as an ornamental tree for parks, gardens, and drought tolerant water conserving sustainable landscape projects. At about 10–15 years of age the stem stops growing and produces a first flower spike...
    • Species: draco
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 10
    • Purity: 99%
    • Height: 50-60 feet
    • Botanical Name: Dracaena draco
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 9
    United States
    New York
    Hops, Beer Hops, Common Hops Humulus lupulus
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    The fragrant flower cones impart bitterness and flavor, and also have preservative qualities. Lupulus is the main ingredient of many beers, and as such is widely cultivated for use by the brewing industry.
    • Purity: 99%
    • Germination: 98%
    • Height: 18-20 feet
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Species: lupulus
    • Family: Cannabaceae
    United States
    New York
    Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle Urtica dioica
    Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

    The leaves are then removed and a source of citric acid (usually lemon juice) is added to help preserve the cordial and add a tart flavour. * Nettles are the exclusive larval food plant for several species of butterflies, such as the peacock butterfly...
    • Collection Locale: Holland
    • Purity: 99%
    • Germination Test Type: estimate
    • Common Name: Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle
    • Botanical Name: Urtica dioica
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 595
    United States
    New York
    Orange King Pot Marigold Calendula officinalis   Orange King
    Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

    * When eaten they first of all impart a viscid sweetness, followed by a strong penetrating taste of a saline nature. The dried petals have a more concentrated flavour and are used as a seasoning in soups, cakes etc.
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 115
    • Species: officinalis
    • Family: Asteraceae
    • Collection Locale: Holland
    • Genus: Calendula
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: annual
    United States
    New York
    Chinese Sumac, Nutgall Tree Rhus chinensis
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    The gall of Rhus chinensis inhibits alpha-glucosidase activity. Gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid),isolated from Rhus chinensis, induces apoptosis in human monocytic lymphoma cell line U937 and may be a potential chemotherapeutic agent against...
    • Collection Locale: China
    • Botanical Name: Rhus chinensis
    • Quantity: 0.00616 lb
    • Seeds Per Pound: 48,124
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Crop Year: 2014
    United States
    New York
    Cat Greenbrier Smilax glauca
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    It can be boiled and made into a jelly or dried and ground into a powder then used with cereals when making bread etc. It is native to central and eastern portions of the United States, where it is a common and conspicuous part of the forest vegetation.
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 14
    • Purity: 99%
    • Seeds Per Pound: 6,645
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Height: 10-20 feet
    • Family: Smilacaceae
    United States
    New York
    Blue Ash Fraxinus quadrangulata
    Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

    * The "blue" refers to a substance secreted by the inner bark when exposed to air, not to the leaves, which are dark green, pale yellow in fall, or to the bark, which is gray, platelike, and sometimes shaggy; tolerant of drought and lime, perhaps a good...
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 25
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Quantity: 0.88 lb
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Collection Locale: Louisisna
    • Family: Oleaceae
    United States
    New York
    Sawwort, Centaury, Dyer\'s Plumeless Saw-wort Serratula tinctoria
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    * A perennial with tubular reddish-purple flowers in small terminal clusters; native to Europe, North Africa, and Siberia. * A fine yellow dye is obtained from the juice of the plant, it is very durable.
    • Collection Locale: Germany
    • Family: Asteraceae
    • Botanical Name: Serratula tinctoria
    • Crop Year: 1997
    • Quantity: 0.2 lb
    • Germination Test Type: Cut
    United States
    New York
    Black False Hellebore, False Hellebore Veratrum nigrum
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Veratrum nigrum ( Black Hellebore ) is a medicinal plant and poisonous plant native to Asia and Europe . In China, it, and other false hellebore species are collectively called "li lu".
    • Genus: Veratrum
    • Collection Locale: Germany
    • Common Name: Black False Hellebore, False Hellebore
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Species: nigrum
    • Family: Liliaceae
    United States
    New York
    Shell Leaf Penstemon, Large Beard-tongue, Large Beardtongue, Large Beard Tongue Penstemon grandiflorus
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    * A decoction of the roots has been used in the treatment of chest pains and stomach aches. * A decoction of the leaves has been used in the treatment of chills and fevers. * Penstemon grandiflorus is a perennial plant of the genus Penstemon.
    • Quantity: 3.83 lb
    • Germination: 91%
    • Botanical Name: Penstemon grandiflorus
    • Seeds Per Pound: 172,520
    • Genus: Penstemon
    • Common Name: Shell Leaf Penstemon, Large Beard-tongue, Large Beardtongue, Large Beard Tongue
    United States
    New York
    Windmill Palm, Chinese Windmill Palm, Chusan Palm Trachycarpus fortunei     - Chamaerops fortunei    , Chamaerops excelsa
    Prices start at : 11.95 USD / 1 packet

    * The greatest reported cold tolerance is ?27.5 °C (?17.5 °F), survived by four specimens planted in Plovdiv, Bulgaria during a severe cold spell on 6 January 1993 and placing it hardy to USDA Zone 7; more commonly lower tolerance limits of ?15 °C...
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 12
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
    • Seeds Per Pound: 1,816
    • Germination: 98%
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Genus: Trachycarpus
    United States
    New York
    Chinese Honeylocust, Soap Bean, Soap Pod Gleditsia sinensis
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    The thorns of Gleditsia sinensis are used as a medicinal herb in China and Korea and may have antitumor properties. * It is one of the alleged "50 fundamental herbs" used in traditional Chinese medicine.
    • Germination: 98%
    • Purity: 99%
    • Collection Locale: China
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 9
    • Height: 30-40 feet
    United States
    New York
    Blue Wild Indigo, Rattleweed, Blue False Indigo, Indigo Weed, Rattlebush, Horse Fly Weed Baptisia australis
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * The plant is under investigation as a potential stimulant of the immune system. * The roots themselves are branched and deep, which helps the plant withstand periods of drought. Australis is the most commonly cultivated species in its genus, and is...
    • Purity: 99%
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Species: australis
    • Common Name: Blue Wild Indigo, Rattleweed, Blue False Indigo, Indigo Weed, Rattlebush, Horse Fly Weed
    • Germination: 98%
    • Family: Fabaceae
    United States
    New York
    Common Wormwood, Absinthium Artemisia absinthium
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    A warm compress has been used to ease sprains and strained muscles. * Artemisia absinthium ( absinthium , absinthe wormwood , wormwood , common wormwood , or grand wormwood ) is a species of wormwood , native to temperate regions of Eurasia and northern...
    • Species: absinthium
    • Genus: Artemisia
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Quantity: 0.26 lb
    • Height: 2-4 feet
    • Common Name: Common Wormwood, Absinthium
    United States
    New York
    Mugwort, Common Wormwood, Felon Herb, Chrysanthemum Weed, Wild Wormwood, St. John\'s Plant Artemisia vulgaris
    Price : CALL

    * Artemisia vulgaris ( mugwort or common wormwood ) is one of several species in the genus Artemisia which have common names that include the word mugwort. They are also used to give colour and flavour to glutinous-rice dumplings (Mochi).
    • Common Name: Mugwort, Common Wormwood, Felon Herb, Chrysanthemum Weed, Wild Wormwood, St. John's Plant
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Botanical Name: Artemisia vulgaris
    • Family: Asteraceae
    United States
    New York
    Glossy Buckthorn Frangula alnus     - Rhamnus frangula    , Frangula dodonei
    Price : CALL

    Seeds are dispersed by birds and mice, but many seeds simply fall to the ground underneath the parent, creating a dense local population. * Rhamnus frangula is a tall deciduous shrub, sometimes referred to as a small tree, that grows up to 6 m (20 ft)...
    • Common Name: Glossy Buckthorn
    • Botanical Name: Frangula alnus
    • Family: Rhamnaceae
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
    United States
    New York
    Black Snake Root, Bugbane, Foetid Bugbane Actaea cimicifuga     - Cimicifuga foetida
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    The eastern border of the species range is not quite clear, as the correlation between morphological characters and chromosome numbers are still doubtful from Emura's Papers. * The root is harvested in the autumn and used fresh or dried.
    • Height: 2-3 feet
    • Common Name: Black Snake Root, Bugbane, Foetid Bugbane
    • Crop Year: 2008
    • Collection Locale: Russia
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 58
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
    United States
    New York
    African Dream Herb, Snuff Box Sea Bean, Cacoon Vine Entada rheedii     - Entada rheedei
    Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 packet

    These include Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Zaire, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, KwaZulu-Natal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal,...
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
    • Common Name: African Dream Herb, Snuff Box Sea Bean, Cacoon Vine
    • Purity: 99%
    • Height: trailing and climbing to 350 feet long
    • Botanical Name: Entada rheedii
    • Germination: 98%
    United States
    New York