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Dwarf Astilbe Varieties

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Visions in Pink Astilbe
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

Astilbe is admired for its attractive foliage and elegant flower plumes. The ‘Visions in Pink' plumes offer a striking contrast against the coarsely textured, blue-green foliage.
  • Botanical Name: Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Pink'
  • Foliage: Green
  • Flower Color: Pink
  • Soil Type: Widely Adaptable
  • Growth Rate: Medium
Visions Astilbe
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

Fragrant Lavender-Raspberry Plumes in Mid Summer The Astilbe ‘Visions', Astilbe chinensis, is a colorful feathery flower with fragrant lavender-raspberry blooms and lacy blue-green foliage.
  • Soil Type: Normal, Sandy, Clay
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Foliage: Bronze, Deep Green
  • Mature Spread: 12 - 18 inches
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Botanical Name: Astilbe chinensis 'Visions'
Fanal Astilbe
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

'Fanal' is most successfully grown in a shady area but can tolerate some morning sun. Astilbe ‘Fanal' blooms in midsummer and is 24” tall and a plant width of 18-24”. Astilbe is considered to be deer resistant and will attract hummingbirds.
  • Botanical Name: Astilbe arendsii 'Fanal'
  • Soil Type: Normal, Sandy, Clay
  • Flower Color: Red
  • Mature Height: 2 feet
  • Mature Spread: 18 - 23 inches
Visions in Red Astilbe
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

For maximum color and impact, mass ‘Red Visions' astilbe in groups in partly to fullly shaded gardens. Astilbe is admired for its attractive foliage and elegant flower plumes. Drifts of this ‘Visions in Red' Astilbe are stunning as the deep red buds...
  • Foliage: Green
  • Botanical Name: Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red'
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Mature Height: 20 - 30 inches
Peach Blossom Astilbe
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 5" Container

You can plant astilbe in groups in partly shaded gardens for maximum color and impact. It produces masses of full pink feathery flower plumes and has fern like lacy dark green foliage.
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Mature Height: 20 inches
  • Flower Color: Pink
  • Botanical Name: Astilbe 'Peach Blossom'
Delft Lace Astilbe
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 5" Container

Pink Flowers Above Blue Green Foliage Astilbe Delft Lace, Astilbe 'Delft Lace' PPAF, will brighten up your landscape with its beautiful lacy foliage. They will grow in full shade, but will not bloom as prolifically there.
  • Mature Spread: 20 - 24 inches
  • Mature Height: 24 - 36 inches
  • Foliage: Blue green
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Full Shade, Partial Sun
  • Flower Color: Light Pink
Bella Mix, Astilbe Seeds
Prices start at : 22.00 USD / 1,000 Seeds

Sow February through April to have flowers in 6 months, or over winter for flowers from June through August. For shaded and partly shaded areas. Fluffy 2 to 3′ foot panicles of white, cream, pink, and carmine blooms.
  • Sow Method: Transplant
  • Growing Conditions: Shade Garden
  • Packet: 50 seeds
  • Zones: 3
  • Botanical Name: Astilbe
  • Size: 1,000 Seeds
Zahara Starlight Rose Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 50-seeds

(12-18”) With Zahara Starlight Rose Zinnia, you'll fall in love. 2,000-6,000 seeds/oz.; 3-7 days, 70-72°F. They thrive in hot, sunny spots where all other zinnias fail. Can also be sown directly.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Thumbelina Mix Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 1.79 USD / retail-seed-packet

A colorful mixture of 1-1/4” flower blooms. (6-8”) Thumbelina Mix Zinnia features a unique, bushy, compact and extra dwarf habit with fully matured plants. Elegans) Annual. Sow on sterilized soil and cover lightly.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Astilbe, Fanal
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / 1 Plant

Fanal is the perfect choice for the deepest red astilbe blooms. Easy to grow in moist, humusy, well-drained soil. This dwarf variety is a great edging plant and can add luster along ponds and to shady rock gardens.
  • Spread: 12-18 inches
  • Resistant To: Cold, Deer
  • Sun: Full Shade, Part Sun
  • Zone: 3-8
  • Planting Time: Fall, Spring
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Container, Decorative
Best Astilbe Varieties – Types Of Astilbe Good For Planting In Gardens
Remember that the plants need some horizontal space for the delicate foliage. More unusual still are the purple to lavender cultivars. A truly compelling garden of feathery foliage and tall plumes results from the use of the larger specimens.
Troubleshooting Astilbe Diseases: Overcoming Problems Growing Astilbe Plants
If you want a perennial with colorful, showy flowers for a shady garden area,may be the perfect plant for you. If you don't treat the powdery mildew, the plant's leaves may yellow and die back.
Astilbe Won\'t Bloom: Reasons For Astilbe Not Blooming
The soil shouldn't be allowed to become bone dry and may require more frequent irrigation during hot, dry weather. Astilbe is generally a reliable bloomer, but if your astilbe won't bloom, there are several possible causes.
Adult registered Nigerian Dwarf goats
Price : CALL

Our farm is in West Michigan, conveniently located near Grand Rapids. To make room for spring kids, we are selling a few of our adult Nigerian Dwarf goats. We raise our herd naturally! At their arrival to our farm, they are fed a diet free of many common...
Nigerian Dwarf & Pygmy Goats - Central Texas
Price : CALL

Pygmy kids and Great Pyrenees pups. Bottle babies and weaned kids available. We have the largest herd of Nigerian Dwarf and Pygmy goats in the United States. Raising Registered and unregistered Nigerian Dwarf and Pygmy goats.
ADGA/AGS Reg Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Price : CALL

We usually have both adults and kids available for sale. Our goats are raised for milk production and show prospects. We test yearly for CAE and have not had any positive results. Our focus is on healthy correct registered Nigerian Dwarfs that will excel...
Weaned doeling Nigerian dwarf goats
Price : CALL

Her sire is pigmy (also for sale) and the mother is Nigerian dwarf. He is a real friendly tame little guy that unlike larger breeds does not smell as bad, in fact I never notice, The nanny has had the only kid we call cop cake.
Magellan Cherry Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 25-seeds

Elegans) Annual. The 4-5” flowers of this beautiful zinnias series are fully double. Plants start blooming profusely 6 weeks from seeding. Excellent in flower beds and containers.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Magellan Scarlet Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 25-seeds

Elegans) Annual. The 4-5” flowers of this beautiful zinnias series are fully double. Plants start blooming profusely 6 weeks from seeding. Excellent in flower beds and containers.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Magellan Pink Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 25-seeds

Elegans) Annual. The 4-5” flowers of this beautiful zinnias series are fully double. Plants start blooming profusely 6 weeks from seeding. Excellent in flower beds and containers.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Magellan Yellow Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 25-seeds

Elegans) Annual. The 4-5” flowers of this beautiful zinnias series are fully double. Plants start blooming profusely 6 weeks from seeding. Excellent in flower beds and containers.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Zahara Raspberry Lemonade Mix Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 50-seeds

(12-18”) With Zahara Raspberry Lemonade Mix Zinnia, you'll fall in love. 2,000-6,000 seeds/oz.; 3-7 days, 70-72°F. They thrive in hot, sunny spots where all other zinnias fail. Can also be sown directly.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Zahara Double Strawberry Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 50-seeds

Marylandica) Annual. These beautiful zinnias are disease resistant and thrive in difficult areas. They bloom all season, even in hot, dry areas. The flowers are fully double. (16-20”) With Zahara Double Strawberry Zinnia, you'll fall in love.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Magellan Orange Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 25-seeds

Elegans) Annual. The 4-5” flowers of this beautiful zinnias series are fully double. Plants start blooming profusely 6 weeks from seeding. Excellent in flower beds and containers.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Dreamland Mix Hybrid Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 50-seeds

Compact plants. (10-12”) Dreamland Mix Hybrid Zinnia features large, fully-double, 4” dahlia flowered blooms. Elegans) Annual. Sow on sterilized soil and cover lightly. 2,000-6,000 seeds/oz.; 3-7 days, 70-72°F.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Magellan Ivory Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 25-seeds

Elegans) Annual. The 4-5” flowers of this beautiful zinnias series are fully double. Plants start blooming profusely 6 weeks from seeding. Excellent in flower beds and containers.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Magellan Salmon Zinnia Seeds
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 50-seeds

Elegans) Annual. The 4-5” flowers of this beautiful zinnias series are fully double. Plants start blooming profusely 6 weeks from seeding. Excellent in flower beds and containers.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford